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Resources for Patients and Families

Maryland Maternal Health Resource Map

An interactive map displaying resources and services available to pregnant and postpartum people and their families in Maryland.

Pregnancy Planning for Women Being Treating for OUD

Alcoholics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous

Getting Access to Mental Health Care in Maryland

Postpartum Support International Online Support Meetings

PSI Hotline: 1-800-944-4773 (#1 for Español, #2 for English) OR Text en Español: 971-203-7773; Text in English: 800-944-4773 

Safe Sleep Toolkit

HHS Maternal Health Hotline: 1-833-9-HELP4MOMS (1-833-943-5746); Call or Text in English and Spanish to connect with a counselor at no charge


Screening Tools

Screening and Treatment Recommendations for Maternal Opioid Use

Improving Perinatal Depression Care (screening)

Opioid Use in Pregnancy Screening Guidelines

Animated PPD explainer, PPD factsheet, and perinatal mental health and social support webpage
Two new communication tools pediatric health care professionals can use during health supervision visits encourage parents who are feeling sad or anxious to talk with their health care professional. An animated video in both English and Spanish explains that feeling more than the “baby blues” is common and that talking with the health care professional can help connect parents to support. You can share the video on social media or play in clinic waiting areas. Pediatric health care professionals can also download and print a one-page flyer in English and Spanish for new parents to take home. Visit the Perinatal Mental Health and Social Support webpage for more patient care tools and resources. 

Integrating PPD Screening in your practice in 4 steps
This new guide provides practical tips on how to integrate postpartum depression (PPD) screening into pediatric practices. The article breaks down the AAP policy statement on PPD using four steps for identification, screening, treatment referral, and payment with links to resources that can help with each step. Learn more

Postpartum Depression and Anxiety: How to Start the Conversation
Health supervision visits provide pediatric health care professionals with an opportunity to check on a new parent’s mental health. A well-placed question can open a crucial conversation that can make a big difference to the health of a parent, infant, and the whole family. But how do you start the conversation? In a new patient care resource, four pediatricians share meaningful ice breakers they have found successful with new parents that go beyond just, “How are you doing?”  

Ask the Pediatrician: Is it normal to feel completely overwhelmed after having a baby? – Available in English and SpanishIf you are always feeling sad, anxious, or hopeless after having your baby, those may be signs of postpartum depression, Gerri Mattson, MD, MPH, FAAP, explains how – and why it is so important – to get help. 

Treatment Guidelines

Substance Use Disorders in Pregnancy: Clinical, Ethical, & Research Imperatives

Addressing Opioid Use Disorder with Mothers-to-be

Clinical Guidance for Treating Pregnant and Parenting Women with OUD + infants

HHS Maternal-Child Health Emergency Planning Toolkit

Medications to Treat OUD During Pregnancy
Addressing OUD Among Rural Pregnant & Postpartum Women: A study protocol
Substance Use in Pregnancy

Interventions for Tobacco Smoking Cessation in Adults

State Options for Promoting Recovery among Pregnant and Parenting Women with Opioid or Substance Use Disorder

The National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) interviewed state Medicaid, behavioral health, and public health officials from Colorado, Pennsylvania, and Texas to learn about their unique interagency approaches to treating and supporting pregnant and parenting women with substance use disorder (SUD).

In-Depth Technical Assistance: Infants with Prenatal Substance Exposure

This brief summarizes the accomplishments, key findings, and conclusions that emerged from three In-Depth Technical Assistance (IDTA) Infants with Prenatal Substance Exposure (IPSE) sites.

CDC Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System Resources


CDC developed an Addiction Medicine Toolkit, endorsed by the American Society of Addiction Medicine, to promote collaboration with addiction medicine specialists to support effective patient treatment. 

The Toolkit features: 


Supporting Parents with Substance Use

Steps you can take to decrease the impact of parental or household substance use 
Information sheet from MACS Consultant, Marc Fishman, MD

Maryland Substance Exposed Newborn Tool Kit
The purpose of the toolkit is to educate the public, including, community service providers, local agencies, and health professionals, as to best practices for supporting substance exposed newborns and families impacted by substance use.

The Role of Primary Care Providers in Decreasing Impact of Parental Addiction (National Association for Children of Addiction)
Family practitioners and others can act as important advocates for appropriate community and school-based prevention approaches and in educating patients and parent, ensuring that local programs are culturally relevant and appropriate for the various communities and populations they serve.

Parental Addiction Resources for Providers (Sesame Street)
Resources to help children and families grow and heal from the impact of parental addiction
Call us at 1-855-337-MACS to request a copy of the Parental Addiction book for your office. Supplies are limited, so call soon!

SUD and Parental Addiction Webinars for Providers 
Sesame Street in Communities has developed a webinar series focused on substance use disorder and parental addiction to help providers support children and families.

Promoting the Health of Parents and Children

Reducing stigma

Harm Reduction

Maryland Medicaid Maternal and Child Health Programs

Doula Provider Information

MDH is pleased to announce that starting July 1, 2023, Maryland Medicaid will increase the payment rate for attending a delivery by a doula provider who participates in Medicaid. The rate will go up from $350 to $800. You can find more details in the provider transmittal, as well as the updated program manual and guidance on the doula provider website.

Healthy Babies - Pregnancy and Postpartum Coverage

Effective July 1, 2023, if you are pregnant or have recently given birth and meet the income requirements, you can get Medicaid coverage regardless of your immigration status. This coverage will include medical services during your pregnancy and for four months after giving birth. The benefits you receive will be the same as those given to other pregnant individuals. For more details, please refer to the provider information and website.

Additional Resources

The Maryland Addiction Consultation Service is administered by the University of Maryland School of Medicine and funded by the Maryland Department of Health, Behavioral Health Administration.