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Internal Grant Routing Policy

UMSOM Policies and Procedures for Grant Routing & Submissions

Grant Routing Deadlines

  • Seven (7) business days before the grant due date investigators must submit to the Dean’s Office, via Kuali-Coeus, all grant front pages and administrative materials (including budgets, budget justifications, personnel and effort, performance site locations, and animal or human subject use forms, etc) in final form.
  • Five (5) business days prior to the grant agency deadline, all other grant materials must be submitted to the Dean’s office for submission to ORD. All grant materials must be in final form and marked final. The only changes that can be made after the submission of all final documents are those requested by SPA.
  • During this process, Departmental Administrators and Sponsored Program Administration (SPA) and will identify and correct errors. The submitting unit’s administrator and submitting investigator will assist in confirming that the application materials are accurate before submission.
  • The policy will be uniformly and consistently applied without exception for all National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant proposals (R01, R21, U awards, P01, supplements, etc) where UMSOM is the submitting institution.


Determining Internal Deadline