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Research working in lab

Can a part time faculty member apply for grants?

Per the UMB PI eligibility policy, only faculty members with an appointment greater than 50% may serve as PI of a proposal.

How do I get a waiver (for indirect costs, PI salary, PI eligibility, etc)?

We require a letter with the details of the proposal and why the waiver is being requested signed by department/institute/center chair or director. For an indirect cost waiver please include in the letter why the different indirect rate is being requested and the total amount of money being waived. Similarly, for a waiver for PI salary please include in the letter why salary will not be charged. Questions or letters of request can be emailed to or any member of our staff.

My sponsor only allows XX% F&A, what do I do?

If a sponsor or FOA specifies  a different indirect cost rate than the university accepted rate, please upload documentation of that rate into the attachments section of Kuali Research. Acceptable formats include RFAs/FOAs, screenshots from agency websites, and email from the sponsor agency specifying the correct rate. Proposals without documentation cannot be approved due to auditing requirements. Questions can be emailed to or any member of our staff.

Can I have a research proposal that has 0% effort for a PI?

We require that all research activities (not including clinical trials, services, and other sponsored activities) must have a minimum of 1% effort charged for the PI (this does not apply to mentors, co-investigators, or significant contributors). If a sponsor does not allow salary to be charged, we require documentation to be uploaded in Kuali Research. In this case, the KR budget should reflect the same effort as the key personnel tab, but 0% effort can be charged. If you have any questions regarding effort please email or any member of our staff.

Who signs the VA IPA pre-award applications for the Dean’s office?

VA IPA temporary pre-award account requests are signed by Louisa Peartree, Associate Dean for Administration & Finance. For assistance, please email Jeannie Adkins.

What does the Dean’s Office review in a proposal?

Please refer to the Kuali Research Checklist which includes items reviewed by the ORA.

How do I get a letter of institutional support?

Letters of support can be obtained by emailing or any member of our staff. In your request please include details of the proposal and a detailed budget.

How do I get assistance with composing a large grant?

The ORA can assist with the composition and review of large grant application. Please contact the office by sending an email to Joni Prasad. All requests for assistance must be made at least 2 months prior to the grant deadline.

Is there an internal deadline for routing a proposal?

Please see the SOM Internal Grant Routing Policy.

What is the procedure for a limited submission opportunity at the University?

Please see the Policies and Procedures for Limited Submissions

What are the new NIH requirements for rigor and reproducibility?

Please refer to this document that highlights the NIH's requirements for addressing rigor and reproducibilty that highlights the NIH's requirements for addressing rigor and reproducibilty in a research proposal.

I am confused about the new NIH concern about foreign influences and how to report my outside relations. Where can I get more information?

Please see our webpage on foreign influences for more information. Still have questions? Contact Grace Zhang with general questions about foreign influences.