Radiation Oncology

Hyperthermia School Group 2024At the University of Maryland Department of Radiation Oncology, we are very proud of our tradition of educational events. We host several physics-related events throughout the year, including the Dr. Karl Prado Physics & Radiobiology Review Course, and the Hyperthermia Therapy Practice School. The target audiences include medical physicists, radiation oncologists, radiation oncology medical and physics residents, and other practitioners in the field of oncology.

We are excited for the opportunity to share these signature events with you.

Annual Dr. Karl Prado Physics & Radiobiology Review Course

May 5, 16 and 21, 2025

The purpose of the Annual Dr. Karl Prado Physics & Radiobiology Review Course is to provide a comprehensive review of physics and radiobiology for senior radiation oncology residents and medical physics residents who are taking the board exam for the first time as well as radiation oncologists already in practice who are preparing for re-certification examinations. The instructors for this course include a combination of invited nationally recognized faculty and our own top-ranked faculty in the departments of radiobiology and physics.

Hyperthermia Therapy Practice School

Dates TBA for Fall 2025

Mariana Hyperthermia School 2024The Hyperthermia Therapy Practice School is a CME accredited course that will provide the attendees with the theoretical aspects of hyperthermia in a lecture format with a question and answer session. Several cases will be reviewed to explain the different approaches to treat different treatment sites. Small groups will facilitate in-depth training of practical guidelines for thermal therapy treatment delivery, and will practice the treatment delivery in terms of software and hardware in experimental phantoms.