Radiation Oncology

DTRS Faculty 2023Our team within the Division of Translational Radiation Sciences (DTRS) operates not in silos, but as a single, unified entity to drive cutting-edge breakthroughs in radiation cancer treatment toward clinical trial and develop solutions to save lives in a radiation accident and/or attack.

DTRS offers a multidisciplinary approach to generate breakthrough discoveries using state-of-the-art molecular biology, robust radiation physics and dosimetry, and data analytics, with a focus on population modeling, simulation, and model-based drug development to drive the newest advances in radiation sciences rapidly from preclinical testing to improved clinical outcomes.

Research is sustained and enhanced by broad multidisciplinary collaborations within the University of Maryland School of Medicine and with outside partners. Radiation Oncology faculty members are supported by a well-organized team of administrators, quality assurance and regulatory personnel, and data and document management groups who plan, monitor, and track project objectives and deliverables, ensuring that milestone deliveries meet budget, time, and scope targets.

The division receives full-time radiation physics support from four board-certified medical physicists in the Department of Radiation Oncology, as well as additional support from project-dedicated dosimetrists. Statistical support is managed by an experienced radiation scientist/statistician who directs the School of Medicine’s Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics and through collaboration with the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy Center for Translational Medicine.


Phuoc Tran

Phuoc T. Tran, MD, PhD
Senior Vice Chair for Research
Professor of Radiation Oncology
Learn more: UM Tran Lab website

France Carrier

France Carrier, PhD
Professor of Radiation Oncology
Director of DTRS
Director of Tumor Biology, DTRS
Co-Leader, Program of Molecular and Structural Biology, UMGCCC
Bressler Research Building, 10-037

Erika Davies

Erika W. Davies, PhD, MS (she/her)
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
Director of Medical Counter Measures for DTRS

Elizabeth Balcer-Kubiczek, PhD
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
Bressler Research Building, 8th floor

Kim Hankey, PhD
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
Medical Sciences Teaching Facility

Audrey Lafargue

Audrey Lafargue, PhD
Research Associate

Yannick Poirier

Yannick Poirier, PhD
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology


Feyruz V. Rassool, PhD
Professor of Radiation Oncology
Bressler Research Building, 8-037

Hem Shukla, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology

Emeriti and Volunteer Faculty


Ann M. Farese, MA, MS
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Radiation Oncology

Thomas J. MacVittie, PhD

Thomas J. MacVittie, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Department of Radiation Oncology