Interim Director, Women's Mental Health Program
Psychiatrist, specializes in integrated care, serious and persistent mental illness, substance use disorders, women's mental health
Email: jrachbei@som.umaryland.edu
Sarah Edwards, DO
Psychiatrist, specializes in mother and baby bonding, and mother-child relationships
Email: sedwards@som.umaryland.edu
Nicole Leistikow, MD
Psychiatrist, specializes in reproductive psychiatry and reproductive mental health
Email: nleistikow@som.umaryland.edu
Christopher Welsh, MD
Psychiatrist, specializes in addictions and substance use disorders in pregnancy
Email: cwelsh@som.umaryland.edu
Psychiatrist, specializes in women's mental health, reproductive psychiatry, collaborative care, and HIV research.
Email: slatorre@som.umaryland.edu
Da'Neal Knight-McCoy, MD
LMSW counselor, early childhood mental health consultant, and specialist in perinatal mental health care.