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Byong Y. Yi, PhD

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:

Radiation Oncology

Administrative Title:

Director of Proton Physics

Additional Title:

Director, Medical Physics Residency Program


UMMC, Gudelski, GGJ-03

Phone (Primary):

(410) 328-7165

Education and Training


  • B.A.: Major in Physics, Yonsei University, Seoul, 1982
  • M.S.: Major in Physics, Yonsei University, Seoul, 1984
  • Ph.D.: Major in Physics, Yonsei University, Seoul, 1992

Post Graduate Education and Training

  • 1987-1989: Junior Medical Physicist, Hanyang Unversity, Seoul


  • 2008: American Board of Radiology (Physics)
  • 1993: Korean Board of Medical Physics


Dr. Byong Yong Yi joined the Department of Raidaiton Oncology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine as an associate Professor and clinical director of the Physics Division in 2005, after 16-years of service as a Chief Medical Physicist and Professor of the Department of Radiation Oncology at the Asan Medical Center and University of Ulsan School of Medicine in Seoul Korea. Dr. Yi earned his doctoral degree in physics at Yonsei University in Seoul Korea. He obtained clinical training as a medical physicist at Hanyang University, 1987-1989. He has been certified by the medical physics boards, the Korean Board of Medical Physics in 1993 and the American Board of Radiology in 2008. He found the Medical Physics Residency Program at University of Maryland Medical System, which has been accreditted by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Program (CAMPEP) and had served as a director, 2012-2016. 

Research/Clinical Keywords

Radiation Oncology Physics, Tumor Tracking

Highlighted Publications

  1. Yi B, Han-Oh S, Lerma F, Berman B, Yu C. Real-Time Tumor Tracking with       Preprogrammed Dynamic Multileaf-Collimator Motion and Adaptive Dose-Rate       Regulation, Med Phys, 2008; 35(9): 3955-3962
  2. Zhang J, Yi B, Lerma F, Suntharalingam M, C Yu. Tomographic image via       background subtraction using an x-ray projection image and a priori computed       tomography,  Med Phys 2009; 36(10):4433-4439
  3. Gui M , Feng Y, Yi B, Dhople A and Yu C, Four-dimensional intensity-modulated       radiation therapy planning for dynamic tracking using a direct aperture deformation          (DAD) method, Med Phys 2010; 37(5):1966-1975
  4. Betzel GT, Yi B, Niu Y, Yu CX, Is rotational IMRT more susceptible to delivery uncertainties than dynamic IMRT?, Med Phys. 2012 39(10): 5882-5890
  5. Mutaf DY, Zhang J, Yu CX, Yi B, Prad K, D’Souza WD, Regine WF, Dosimetric and geometric evaluation of a novel stereotactic radiotherapy device for breast cancer: The GammaPod™ Med Phys. 2013 40(10): 041722-1-11
  6. Chung H, Prado KP, Yi B, An analytical formalism to calculate phantom scatter factors for Flattening Filter Free (FFF) mode photon beams, Phys Med Biol. 2014, 59 :951-960.

Additional Publication Citations

Research Interests

Grants and Contracts
