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Fuhua Xu, PhD

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:

Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences


655 West Baltimore Street

Phone (Primary):


Education and Training

PhD, Pathophysiology, Peking Union Medical College & Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Tianjin, China

Postdoctoral Fellowship, Reproductive Biology, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Postdoctoral Fellowship, Ovarian Biology, Oregon National Primate Research Center, Oregon Health & Science University, Beaverton, OR



Dr. Fuhua Xu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, University of Maryland School of Medicine. Dr. Xu earned his Ph.D. degree at Peking Union Medical College. He completed the post-doctoral training at the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Oregon National Primate Research Center, Oregon Health & Science University.

Dr. Xu is a member of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. His research interests include ovarian follicular development, luteal angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis, as well as ovarian cancer biology. He built a strong foundation in cell biology and pathophysiology during graduate study, with specific training in female reproductive biology. During his postdoctoral training, he gained experience in the identification of specific molecular signaling pathways and related factors in the angiogenic pathways, as well as characterized the lymphatic system in the corpus luteum. Collaborating with scientists and clinicians at the Oregon Health & Science University, they performed translational research using a nonhuman primate model to develop fertility preservation approaches for female patients experiencing ovarian-toxic cancer treatment. His research projects also include early detection and prevention of ovarian carcinoma.

Research/Clinical Keywords

ovarian follicular development, ovulation, luteal angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis, ovarian cancer biology, ovarian cancer early detection

Highlighted Publications

Xu, F., Hazzard, TM., Evans, A., Charnock-Jones, S., Smith, S., Stouffer, RL. Intraovarian actions of anti-angiogenic agents disrupt periovulatory events during the menstrual cycle in monkeys. Contraception, 71:239–248, 2005

Stouffer, RL., Xu, F., and Duffy, DM. The molecular and controlling of ovulation and luteinization. In: Gene Control of Gonad Function and Signal Transduction. Front Biosci, 2:297-307, 2007

Xu, F., Stouffer, RL. Existence of the Lymphatic System in the Primate Corpus Luteum. Lymphatic Research and Biology, 3:159-168, 2009

Xu, J., Bishop, CV., Lawson, MS., Park, BS., Xu, F. Anti-Müllerian hormone promotes pre-antral follicle growth, but inhibits antral follicle maturation and dominant follicle selection in primates. Human Reproduction, 31:1522-1530, 2016.

Xu, F., Wolf, S., Green, O., Xu, J. Vitamin D in follicular development and oocyte maturation. Reproduction, 161:R129-R137, 2021.

Pejovic, T., McCluggage, WG., Krieg, AJ., Xu, F., Lee, DM., Witkowski, L., Foulkes, WD. The dilemma of early preventive oophorectomy in familial small cell carcinoma of the ovary of hypercalcemic type. Gynecol Oncol Rep. 2019 Feb 17;28:47-49.

Pejovic, T., Joshi, S., Campbell, S., Thisted, S., Xu, F., Xu, J. Association between vitamin D and ovarian cancer development in BRCA1 mutation carriers. Oncotarget, 11:4104-4114, 2020.

Additional Publication Citations
