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Jenny J. Woo, MD

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:



UMMC, S11C00

Phone (Primary):

(410) 328-3921


(410) 328-5531

Education and Training


2004-2008: B.S., Business Administration, Washington University in St. Louis (Magna Cum Laude)
2009-2013: M.D., Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Post Graduate Education and Training

2013-2014: Internship, Albany Medical Center
2014-2017: Residency, Anesthesiology, Albany Medical Center
2017-2018: Fellowship, Pediatric Anesthesiology, Tufts Medical Center

Highlighted Publications

Peer reviewed journal articles

Regunathan, R., J. Woo, M. Pierce, A. Polydorides, M. Raoufi, R, S. Roayaie, M. Schwartz, D.
Labow, D. Shin, R. Suzuki, M. Bhutani, L. Coghlan, R. Richards-Kortum, S. Anandasabapathy,
and M.K. Kim. Feasibility and Preliminary Accuracy of High-Resolution Imaging of the Liver
and Pancreas using FNA Compatible Microendoscopy (with video). Gastrointestinal
Endoscopy,76:293-300, 2012.

Proffered Communications

Woo, J., R. Regunathan, S. Hiotis, D. Labow, M. Pierce, A. Polydorides, R. Richards-Kortum, S.
Roayaie, M. Schwartz, M.K. Kim. Ex Vivo Imaging of Gastrointestinal Pathology using
Endoscopic Ultrasound - High Resolution Microendoscope (EUS-HRME). Mount Sinai School
of Medicine Student Research Day. New York, NY. Nov 2010.

Regunathan, R., J. Woo, M. Pierce, A. Polydorides, M. Raoufi, S. Roayaie, D. Labow, M.
Schwartz, M. Facciuto, R. Richards-Kortum, S. Anandasabapathy, M.K. Kim. Accuracy of ex
vivo Imaging of the Liver and Pancreas Using a High Resolution Microendoscope (HRME).
Digestive Disease Week 2011. Chicago, IL. May 2011.

Patel, K., B. Shah, S. Amin, J. Woo, J. Buscaglia, C. Dimaio, S. Ho, R. Akhtar, D. Sejpal, S.
Anandasabapathy, S. Nagula, and M.K. Kim. Measuring EUS Skill Development Among GI
Fellows With a Novel Assessment Tool. Digestive Disease Week 2011. Chicago, IL. May 2011.

Woo, J., M. Prasad, C. DeSimone. Peripartum Management of a Parturient with History of Severe
Uncontrolled Hypertension and Factor VIII Deficiency. Anesthesiology (ASA). San Diego, CA.
Mar 2015.

Woo, J., I. Galay. Acute Respiratory Failure Following Tracheocutaneous Fistula Repair in a
Pediatric Patient with Bilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis. PostGraduate Assembly in Anesthesiology
(PGA). New York, NY. Dec 2015.

Woo, J., F. Afroze, H. Oechsner, P. Mishra. Anesthetic Challenges in a Case of Neonatal
Congenital Lobar Emphysema. IARS Annual Meeting and International Science Symposium. San
Francisco, CA. May 2016.

Woo, J., J. Gallup, M. Ehlers. A Rare Case of Vasoplegic Syndrome in a Four year old
undergoing Truncus Arteriosus Repair. Anesthesiology (ASA). Chicago, IL. Oct 2016.
