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Shenq Huey Wong, PhD

Academic Title:

Research Associate

Primary Appointment:

Pharmacology & Physiology


655 West Baltimore Street, BRB 5-032 (lab) / 5-034 (office), Baltimore, MD 21201

Phone (Primary):

(410) 706-4343

Education and Training

  • University of Malaya, Malaysia, BSc (Hons), Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2005
  • University of Malaya, Malaysia, MSc, Medical Biotechnology, 2007
  • National Defense Medical Center, Taiwan, PhD, Molecular and Cell Biology, 2015
  • Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2016
  • Department of Physiology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, United States, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2022


Dr. Wong is a research scientist who has conducted studies related to glucokinase biosensor in the mouse islet. Her research focuses on the regulation of pancreatic beta-cell glucokinase by the cAMP pathway.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Glucokinase, biosensor, mouse model, islet, metabolism, imaging.

Highlighted Publications

Ross B, Wong SH, Snell NE, Zhang J, Rizzo MA. (2019) Triple fluorescence anisotropy reporter imaging in living cells. Bio-protocol 9(9):e3226. PMCID: PMC6697128
