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Steffen B.E. Wolff, PhD

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:

Pharmacology & Physiology


670 W Baltimore Street

Education and Training

  • 2002-2005 University of Heidelberg, BSc, Molecular Biotechnology
  • 2005-2007 University of Heidelberg, MSc, Molecular Biotechnology
  • 2008-2013 Friedrich Miescher Institute and University of Basel, PhD, Neurobiology
  • 2014-2021 Harvard University, Postdoctroal Fellow, Neuroscience



The Wolff Lab studies how distributed neuronal networks underlie complex learning processes, using motor skill learning in rats as our model.

For details on the lab and our research please visit


Research/Clinical Keywords

Motor skill learning, Learning and Memory, Basal Ganglia, Motor Cortex, Thalamus

Highlighted Publications

  1. Wolff SBE, Ko R, Ölveczky BP (2022) Distinct roles for motor cortical and thalamic inputs to striatum during motor learning and execution. Science Advances

  2. Dhawale AK*, Wolff SBE*, Ko R, Ölveczky BP (2021) The basal ganglia can control learned motor sequences independently of motor cortex. Nat Neurosci.

  3. Dhawale AK, Poddar R, Wolff SBE, Normand VA, Kopelowitz E, Ölveczky BP (2017) Automated long-term recording and analysis of neural activity in behaving animals. Elife, 6:e27702

  4. Otchy TM, Wolff SBE, Rhee JY, Pehlevan C, Kawai R, Kempf A, Gobes SM, Ölveczky BP (2015) Acute off-target effects of neural circuit manipulations. Nature, 528(7582):358-63

  5. Wolff SBE*, Gründemann J*, Tovote P, Krabbe S, Jacobson GA, Müller C, Herry C, Ehrlich I, Friedrich RW, Letzkus JJ, Lüthi A (2014) Amygdala interneuron subtypes control fear learning through disinhibition. Nature, 509(7501):453-8
