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Michael E. Winters, MD

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:

Emergency Medicine

Secondary Appointment(s):


Administrative Title:

Vice Chair of Clinical and Administrative Affairs

Additional Title:

Professor of Emergency Medicine and Medicine


110 South Paca Street 6th Floor, Suite 200

Phone (Primary):



(410) 328-8028

Education and Training


1991 – 1995    The Johns Hopkins University; Bachelor of Science, Biomedical Engineering; Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering; Minor, Mathematical Sciences

1995 – 1999    M. D., The Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University

2016 – 2018    Masters of Business Administration, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland


Post Graduate Education and Training

1999 – 2004    Residency, The University of Maryland Medical Center, Combined Emergency Medicine/Internal Medicine                           

2003 – 2004    Chief Resident, Combined Emergency Medicine/Internal Medicine

2005 – 2006    The American College of Emergency Physicians, Teaching Fellowship, Irving, Texas

2007 – 2009    The American College of Physician Executives, University of Maryland Medical System, Physician Leadership Education Institute


I am Professor of Emergency Medicine and Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. I am currently the Vice Chair for Clinical and Administrative Affairs for the Department of Emergency Medicine. Prior to this role, I was the Medical Director of the Adult Emergency Department at the University of Maryland Medical Center, founder and Co-Director of the Combined Emergency Medicine/Internal Medicine/Critical Care Program, and Director of Critical Care Education. I have received numerous local, regional, and national teaching awards, including the National Emergency Medicine Faculty Teaching Award from the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), the Young Educators Award from the American Academy of Emergency Medicine, and the 2014-2015 Honorable Mention Outstanding Speaker of the Year from ACEP. I have lectured nationally and internationally, authored numerous articles and textbook chapters, and host a monthly podcast on the management of critically ill emergency department patients (Critical Care Perspectives in Emergency Medicine, In addition, I am Editor-in-Chief of Emergency Department Resuscitation of the Critically Ill, a popular emergency medicine-critical care textbook published by ACEP.

Research/Clinical Keywords

emergency medicine, critical care, intensive care, resuscitation, shock, sepsis, post-arrest, cardiac arrest

Highlighted Publications

Winters ME, Sherwin R, Vilke G, Wardi G. What is the preferred resuscitation fluid for patients with severe sepsis and septic shock? Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2017.

In ‘t Veld MA, Allison MG, Bostick DS, Fisher K, Witting M, Winters ME. Ultrasound use during ACLS causes delays in chest compressions. Resuscitation. 2017; 119:95-98.

Winters ME, Sherwin R, Vilke G, Wardi G. Does early goal-directed therapy decrease mortality compared with standard care in patients with septic shock? Journal of Emergency Medicine 2017; 52:379-384.

Winters ME, Martinez J, Mallemat H, Brady W. The critical care literature 2016. American Journal of Emergency Medicine 2017;35(10):1547-1554.

Allison MG, Scott MC, Hu K, Witting MD, Winters ME. High Initial Tidal Volumes in ED Patients at Risk for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Journal of Critical Care 2015; 30:341-3.

Winters ME, Hu K, Martinez J, Mallemat H, Brady W. The critical care literature 2018. Am J Emerg Med. 2020;38:670-80.

Wallis M, Chow JH, Winters ME, McCurdy MT. Angiotensin II for the emergency physician. Emergency Medicine Journal. 2020;.

Sutherland ME, Yarmis SJ, Lemkin DL, Winters ME, Dezman ZDW. National early warning score is modestly predictive of care escalation after ED-to-floor admission. J Emerg Med. 2020; 58:882-891.

Wilcox SR, Winters ME. Resuscitation in emergency medicine: Now more important than ever. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2020; 38(4).

Winters ME, Hu K, Martinez J, Mallemat H, Brady W. The critical care literature 2019. Am J Emerg Med. 2021; 39:197-206.

Research Interests

Awards and Affiliations

In the News

Professional Activity

Links of Interest
