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Elizabeth Cox Williams, MD

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:


Administrative Title:

Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Program Director


UMMC, S11C00

Phone (Primary):

(410) 328-9828


(410) 328-5531

Education and Training


2000-2004:     B.S., Biology, College of William and Mary (Summa Cum Laude)            

2004-2008:     M.D., Duke University School of Medicine                              

Post Graduate Education and Training     

2008-2009:     Internship, Georgetown University/Inova Fairfax Hospital

2009-2012:     Residency, Anesthesiology, Massachusetts General Hospital

2012-2013:    Fellowship, Critical Care Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital

2015-2016:     Fellowship, Health Services Research, Massachusetts General Hospital

Highlighted Publications

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Saha MS, Cox EA, Sipe CW. Mechanisms regulating the origins of the vertebrate vascular systemJournal of Cellular Biochemistry.  Volume 93, Issue 1, 46-56, 2004. (researched background for review, significant drafting and revision)

Akazawa, T, Kwatra S, Goldsmith, L, Richardson M, Cox EA, Kwatra MM. A constitutively active form of neurokinin 1 receptor and neurokinin 1 receptor mediated apoptosis in glioblastomas.  Journal of Neurochemistry.  Volume 109, 1079-1086, 2009. (contributed laboratory data and analysis)

Cox EA, Kwatra SG, Shetty S, Kwatra MM. Flaws in the serum anticholinergic activity assay: Implications for the study of delirium.  Letter to the Editor.    Volume 57:1707-1736, 2009.

Flink BJ, Rivelli SK, Cox EA, White WD, Falcone G, Vail TP, Young CC, Bolognesi MP, Krystal AD, Trzepacz PT, Moon RE, Kwatra MM. Obstructive sleep apnea and incidence of postoperative delirium after elective knee replacement in the nondemented elderly.    Volume 116 (4), 788-96, 2012.(project design, data collection and analysis)

Williams EC, Buchbinder BR, Ahmed S, Alston TA, Rathmell JP, Wang J. Spontaneous intracranial hypotension: presentation, diagnosis, and treatment.    Volume 121 (6), 1327-1333, 2014.

Piriyapatsom A, Williams EC, Waak K, Ladha KS, Eikermann M, Schmidt UH. Prospective Observational Study of Predictors of Re-Intubation Following Extubation in the Surgical ICU. Respir Care.  Volume 61(3), 306-15, 2016. (project design, data collection, analysis and manuscript revision)

Williams EC through Anesthesia Incident Reporting System (AIRS). Case: Down to the wire.  ASA Monitor. Volume 80(9), 44-45, 2016.
