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Depriest W. Whye, MD

Academic Title:

Clinical Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:

Emergency Medicine

Secondary Appointment(s):


Additional Title:


Education and Training

Undergraduate, University of Pennsylvania

Residency: Emergency Medicine, Georgetown/George Washington/MIEMMS

Medical School, Temple University

Research/Clinical Keywords

Resident and faculty development

Highlighted Publications

  • Groleau G, Barish RA, Tso EL, Whye D, Browne BJ. Lithium intoxication: manifestations and management. American Journal of Emergency Medicine 5(6):527-532, November 1987.
  • Whye D, Barish RA, Almquist T, Groleau G, Tso E, Browne B. Echocardiographic diagnosis of acute pericardial effusion in penetrating chest trauma. American Journal of Emergency Medicine 6(1):21-23, January 1988.
  • Panos R, Barish RA, Whye DW, Groleau G. The electrocardiographic manifestations of pulmonary embolism. Journal of Emergency Medicine 6:301-307, July/August 1988.
  • Barish RA, Walls R, Browne B, Tso E, Groleau G, Whye D. The importance of an annual report. Journal of Emergency Medicine 9:167-173, May/June 1991.
  • Olshaker JS, Whye DW Jr. Head trauma. Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America 11(1):165-186, February 1993.