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Qihong Wang, BM, MSc

Academic Title:

Research Associate

Primary Appointment:


Additional Title:

Director of Small Animal Surgery and Physiology Core


670 West Baltimore Street, HSF III, 8th Floor Baltimore, MD 21201

Phone (Primary):

Office Phone: 410-706-6079

Education and Training

  • Medical Center of Fudan University, Shanghai, China (B.M. Medicine), 1987-1993
  • Children's Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai, China (M.Sc. Pediatric Science), 1996-1999
  • Prince of Wales Hospital, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR (Research Fellow, Pediatric Surgery), 2000-2001
  • Johns Hopkins Medical Institution, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD, USA (Postdoctoral, Pediatric Surgery), 2006-2011


Qihong Wang is the Director of Small Animal Surgery and Physiology (SASP) Core at the Center for Blood Oxygen Transport and Hemostasis (CBOTH). He has a very strong background in animal survival surgery and related procedures together with strictly training in basic medical science research especially in cardiac and pediatric science. Over 10 year’s medical laboratory research experience. Expertise at developing in vivo animal models in mice, rats, rabbits, and sheep such as cardiac arrest, hemorrhagic shock, and resuscitation, organ transplantation in rats, rabbit.   After joining the CBOTH, Department of Pediatrics at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, he has been working as a director of small animal surgery and physiology core and successfully set up a highly battlefield relevant polytrauma, hemorrhagic shock, and resuscitation rabbit model. Additionally, he has solid basic medical science education background and training at Hopkins. Up-to-date knowledge of physiology, immunology, genetic and molecular biology. His background and experience allow him to be well at a new project, protocol design, and optimization of the procedures to arrive at the best quality of results.

Highlighted Publications

  • Marcella Ferlito, Qihong Wang, William B Fulton, Paul Colombani, Luigi Marchionni, Karen Fox-Talbot, Nazareno Paolocci, Charles Steenbergen. Hydrogen sulfide increases survival during sepsis: Protective effect of CHOP inhibition. J Immunol. 2014 February 15; 192(4): 1806-1814. Doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1300835
  • Hiren Modi, Qihong Wang, Sahithi GD, David Sherman, Elliot Greenwald, Alena Savonenko, Romergryko Geocadin, Nitish Thakor. Intranasal post-cardiac arrest treatment with Orexin-A facilitates arousal from coma and ameliorates neuroinflammation. PLoS One.2017 Sep 28;12(9)
  • Janaka Senarathna, Hang Yu, Callie Deng, Alice Zou, John Issa, Darian Hadjiabadi, Stacy Gil, Qihong Wang, Betty Tyler, Nitish Thakor, Arvind Pathak. A Miniature Multi-contrast Microscope for Functional Imaging in Freely Behaving Animals. Nature Communications. Nature Communicationsvolume 10, Article number: 99 (2019)
  • Qihong Wang, Peng Miao, Hiren Modi, Sahithi Garikapati, Raymond C. Koehler, Nitish Thakor. The effect of therapeutic hypothermia on brain homeostasis in a cardiac arrest rat model. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 2019 Oct;39(10):1961-1973.

Additional Publication Citations

Lab Techniques and Equipment

The Small Animal Surgery and Physiology (SASP) core resource primarily supports experimental models that focus on (but not be limited to) cardio-pulmonary and vascular physiology and oxygen transport at the whole organism, isolated organ, and tissue level. Significant experience and technical mastery in small animal surgical preparations (rodent, hamster, rabbit). The SASP core supports 8-10 CBOTH PIs and serves as a consultant in protocol design and IACUC submission as well as supports each stage of experimental preparation and data analysis. The core is fully equipped with a full array of state-of-the-art anesthetic and surgical instrumentation.  

Non-Surgical Consultation

  • Animal protocol/amendments preparing for IACUC submission and revision
  • Animal model, surgery procedures, and microsurgery procedures consultation
  • Post-Surg animal care
  • Survival animal surgery facility/suit (inside the lab)
  • Satellite facility 

Surgical Services

  • Oral Intubation for mechanical ventilation (rat, rabbit)
  • Anesthesia induction and maintenance (isoflurane, ketamine)
  • Multiple Vessels cannulation (femoral A/V line, jugular V line, carotid A line) (mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit)
  • Vital signs monitoring (HR, RR, SaO2, Temp) during surgery with the small animal physiological monitoring system or PowerLab 16 channel recorder (rodent, rabbit)
  • Cardiac output measurement with thermocouple system (rabbit)
  • Invasive arterial/central venous pressure monitoring
  • Medicine administration (i.p.; sc; i.m.; i.v.)
  • Tissue/organ oxygenation measurement with OxyLED fiberoptic phosphometer
  • Telemetry implantation (BP, Temp, RR, activity) consult detail on monitoring and recording (rabbit)
  • Survival surgery including laparotomy with nephrectomy, ovariectomy, splenectomy, partial liver resection et al
  • Rabbit hemorrhagic shock with resuscitation model
  • Rabbit exchange transfusion model
  • Rat asphyxia cardiac arrest with resuscitation model
  • Blood collection/sampling; tissue/organ harvesting with whole-body perfusion and fixation
  • Animal euthanization
  • Special design animal model


  • A syringe pump (infusion and withdrawal)
  • Tabletop Single Animal Anesthesia System
  • Small Animal Physiological Monitoring System (vital signs monitoring)
  • MiniVent Ventilator for mice, single animal
  • Small animal ventilator (rabbit)
  • Olympus Stereomicroscope
  • Glass Bead Dry Sterilizer
  • Hypoxia Chambers
  • OxyLED L1 Fiberoptic Phosphometer for tissue/organ oxygen pressure measurement
  • PowerLab 16 channel recorder with accessory (cardiac output kit, ECG kit, pressure transducer kit)
  • OxyLite Pro and OxyFlo Pro (Oxford Optronix)
  • Metabolic monitoring system (Gemini Respiratory Gas Analyzer, SAR-1000 Advanced animal ventilator)