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Melissa Ana Liriano Vyfhuis, MD, PhD

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:

Radiation Oncology

Administrative Title:

Medical Director, Outpatient Radiation Oncology Practice, UM-CRMC

Additional Title:

Medical Director of Radiation Oncology at UM Capital Region Medical Center Chair of the Radiation Oncology Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee

Education and Training


2001-2005            BS, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, cum laude, University of Maryland, Baltimore                                        County

2005-2014            MD, University of Maryland, School of Medicine

2007-2012            PhD, Biochemistry, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Thesis Advisor: Dr. David J.                                   Weber

                             “Structure, Dynamics, and Function of S100B and S100A5 complexes.”

Post Graduate Education and Training

2014-2015            Internship, Internal Medicine, University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC)

2015-2019            Residency, Radiation Oncology, UMMC

2018-2019            Chief Resident, Radiation Oncology, UMMC



“To whom much is given, much is expected.” Those are the words by which I have lived since college, given to me by my mentor, who was then Assistant Director of the Meyerhoff Scholars Program – a program intended to increase diversity among future leaders in science, technology, engineering, and related fields. As a Meyerhoff Scholar and then as a resident physician in Baltimore, MD, I have witnessed the transformative academic successes that a diverse environment cultivates. However, serving a historically marginalized population has also made me aware of the social injustices and inequities present in cancer care. I have dedicated my career to better understand the needs of our cancer patients and designing pragmatic clinical interventions, particularly as it pertains to nutritional requirements.

I am an Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. I am a radiation oncologist that specializes in the treatment of multiple cancers, including thoracic, head and neck, gastrointestinal, gynecological, and breast malignancies. I have been at the University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center for nearly 20 years and during that time I have collaborated with other researchers, physicians, and colleagues on work that has resulted in more than 30 peer-reviewed publications. We have preliminary data from our cancer center, describing the psychosocial and nutritional inequities our cancer patients experience, particularly those who reside in zip-code designated food deserts or food priority areas (FPAs). As a continuation of that work, we are designing a clinical workflow to readily identify high-risk patients for food insecurity early in their cancer care and develop personalized, nutritional intercessions for our patients that reside in FPAs and struggle with nutrition uncertainty in Baltimore, MD.




Highlighted Publications

Contributions to Science (select publications)


  1.  Residency (2014-2019): My early publications centered around institutional data evaluating the treatment and outcomes of stage III non-small cell lung cancer patients in an underserved, inner-city setting. These publications highlighted differences in care offered and received based on race, insurance status, and other socioeconomic demographics that formed the foundation of prospective work continuing today.
    • Vyfhuis M, Bhooshan N, Molitoris J, Bentzen S, Feliciano J, Edelman M, Burrows W, Nichols E, Suntharalingam M, Donahue J, Nagib M, Carr S, Friedberg J, Badiyan S, Simone II C, Feigenberg S, Mohindra P. Clinical outcomes of black vs. non-black patients with locally advanced non–small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer. 2017; 114:44-49.
    • Vyfhuis M, Bhooshan N, Burrows W, Turner M, Suntharalingam M, Donahue J, Nichols E, Feliciano J, Bentzen S, Badiyan S, Carr S, Friedberg J, Simone II C, Edelman M, Feigenberg S, Mohindra P. Implications of pathological complete response (pCR) at the primary tumor after chemoradiotherapy (CRT) followed by surgical resection in patients with locally advanced, non-small cell lung cancer (LA-NSCLC). Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2018;101(2):445-452.
    • Vyfhuis M, Bentzen S, Bhooshan N, Edelman M, Burrows W, Nichols E, Suntharalingam M, Donahue J, Carr S, Friedberg J, Badiyan S, Simone II C, Feigenberg S, Mohindra P, Feliciano J. Marital status is an independent predictor of survival for stage III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients undergoing definitive chemoradiation with or without surgery. J Community Support Oncol. September 2018:16(5); e194-e201.
    • Vyfhuis M, Bentzen S, Molitoris J, Grover S, Badiyan S, Simone II C, Mohindra P. Patterns of care and survival in Black and Latino patients as compared to white patients with stage III non-small cell lung cancer. Clin Lung Cancer. February 2019;20(4):248-257.
  1. Psychosocial needs of cancer patients (2019-2023): Soon after residency, I led several prospective research efforts that focused on quantifying the spiritual, financial, functional, emotional, and nutritional needs of cancer patients at multiple time points before and after curative radiation therapy. Special attention was given to the effects of food source availability and nutritional insecurities on cancer care, providing, to the best of our knowledge, one of the first prospective data on how cancer patients fare in food deserts. Our work is currently under consideration at the Int J Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics
    • Haskins CP, Champ CE, Miller Rm Vyfhuis M. Nutrition in cancer: Evidence and equality. Review. Adv Radiat Oncol. 2020;5,817-823.
    • Savla B, Hamza M, Yacubovich D, Cobbs S, Petrovska L., Scilla K, Burrows W, Mehra R, Miller RC, Rolfo C, Bentzen SM, Mohindra P, Vyfhuis M. The impact of body mass index (BMI) and residence in food priority areas (FPAs) on patterns-of-care and cancer outcomes in patients with stage III non-small cell lung cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2023;116(1):50-59.
    • Dahlia K, Savla B, Lievers A, Baker K, Vyfhuis M. Identifying psychosocial needs of cancer patients undergoing curative radiation therapy in an inner-city academic center to address racial disparities. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2022;114(2):185-194.
  1. Improving clinical trial enrollment (2020-present): Efforts are ongoing to identify the psychosocial factors that are important for women to consider when enrolling in breast cancer clinical trials, with the ultimate goal of improving enrollment of historically excluded groups, particularly black women. This cross-sectional study was conducted using a questionnaire adapted from two pre-validated surveys, given to approximately 200 women. Several focus groups were held to discuss important themes. The study is now complete and we are expanding this study to include men as well as other malignancies (thoracic, head and neck, gastrointestinal and other cancers).
    • Markan U, Baker K, Eggleston C, Cheston S, Mohindra, P, Nichols E, McAvoy S, Bentzen S, Vyfhuis M. Psychosocial factors that influence a woman’s decision to enroll in a clinical trial – implications on how to improve clinical trial enrollment among black women. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2024 (In press). 

Additional Publication Citations

Clinical Specialty Details

Awards and Affiliations

Grants and Contracts
