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Avelino C. Verceles, MD, MS

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:


Administrative Title:

Medical Director of the Immediate Medical Care (IMC) Unit for the UMMC Midtown Campus


110 S. Paca St., 2nd Floor

Education and Training

1995        Biology & Psychology – University of Notre Dame                    BS

2000        American University of the Caribbean, St. Maarten, N.A.       M.D.

2001        MCP Hahnermann University                                                             Internship

2003        Internal Medicine, Drexel University College of Medicine       Residency

2006        Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine- Drexel

                University College of Medicine                                                            Fellowship

2014        Department of Epidemiology and Preventative Medicine

                University of Maryland School of Medicine                                  Masters of Science in Clinical Research



Dr. Verceles is an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care, at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, a former Claude D. Pepper Junior Faculty Scholar with the Older Americans Independence Center at the University of Maryland.  He is Section Chief of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the UM - Midtown Campus, and serves and the Director of Intensive Care and Critical Care Services at Midtown.  As a Pepper Junior Faculty Scholar he developed a multimodal rehabilitation program to address the musculoskeletal disabilities and metabolic abnormalities in mechanically ventilated survivors of critical illness suffering from post-intensive care syndrome.  For this work, he was awarded a Grant for Early Medical and Surgical Subspecialists in Transition to Aging Research (GEMSSTAR, R03) Award, and a foundation award sponsored by the American Thoracic Society and the Alliance for Academic for Internal Medicine and the Association of Specialty Professions.  His GEMSSTAR R03 funded work demonstrated that older mechanically ventilated survivors of critical illness are physically debilitated and functionally disabled, but aggressive mobility-targeted rehabilitation significantly improved their chance of weaning from prolonged mechanical ventilation and discharge to home.  His current National Institute of Aging funded work examines the effects of adding neuromuscular electric stimulation and high protein supplementation to mobility-based physical rehabilitation on functional and clinical outcomes in older, critically ill patients while in the ICU.


Research/Clinical Keywords

Dr. Verceles' primary research interests include investigating the role of physical rehabilitation and nutritional optimization in improving outcomes of older survivors of critical illness.

Highlighted Publications

Buchner JA, Verceles AC, Zubrow MT, Mallemat HA, Papali A, McCurdy MT. Ultrasound images transmitted via FaceTime are non-inferior to images on the ultrasound machine. J Crit Care. 2016 Jun;33:51-5. PMID: 27006267

Holden VK, Shah NG, Verceles AC.  Implications of an Incidental Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformation.  J Investig Med High Impact Case Rep. 2016 Mar 8;4(1): 2016 Jan-Mar. PMID: 2702709

Tupe C, Weiler B, Verceles AC, McCurdy MT. A Fatal Case of Eczema Herpeticum Complicated by MRSA Septic Shock. American Journal of Critical Care 2016. (In Press)

Hyun SW, Liu A, Liu Z, Cross AS, Verceles AC, Magesh S, Kommagalla Y, Kona C, Ando H, Luzina IG, Atamas SP, Piepenbrink KH, Sundberg EJ, Guang W, Ishida H, Lillehoj EP, Goldblum SE. The NEU1-selective sialidase inhibitor, C9-butyl-amide-DANA, blocks sialidase activity and NEU1-mediated bioactivities in human lung in vitro and murine lung in vivo.  Glycobiology. 2016 May 25. (In press)

Levine AR, Robertson TE, Papali A, Verceles AC, McCurdy MT. Tele-Medicine and Point-of-Care Ultrasound: A New Paradigm for Resource-Constrained Settings.  Chest. 2016 Jun;149(6):1580-1. PMID: 27287579


Grants and Contracts
