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George R. Uhl, MD, PhD

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:


Secondary Appointment(s):


Additional Title:

Professor of Neurology Professor of Pharmacology

Phone (Primary):

401 605 7000 x 56612

Education and Training

BA Johns Hopkns University

PhD Johne Hopkins School of Medicine

MD Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Internal Medicine Stanfore University Hospitals

Neurology Johns Hopkins Hospital 


Assistant Professor (Johns Hopkins, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Neuorlogy and Neuroscience)

Associate Investigator HHMI

Associate Professor (part time) Johns Hopkins (Neurology and Neuroscience)

Branch Chief and Acting Scientific Director NIH (NIDA)

Professor (part time then adjunct) Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Putlic Health (Neurology, Neuroscience, Mental Health), University of New Mexico (Neurology, Neuroscience, Molecular Biology and Genetics)

Neurologist, Chief of Neurology, Associate Chief of Staff for Research (New Mexico VA Healthcare System, VA Maryland Healthcare System) 

Professor, University of Maryland School of Medicine (Neurology, Pharmacology)


Research/Clinical Keywords

Neurology, Neuropharmacology, Complex genetics, Molecular neurobiology, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Pain, Restless Leg Syndrome, Addiction, Drug development

Highlighted Publications

Henderson I, Uhl GR and others Substrate selective positive allosteric modulation of PTPRD's phosphatase by flavonols Biochemical Pharmacology PMID 35636503

Uhl GR Dopamine compartmentalization, selective dopaminergic vulnerabilities in Parkinson's disease and therapeutic opportunities Annals of Clinical and Translational Neuology PMID 30847375

Uhl GR and others Cocaine reward is reduced by decreased expression of PTPRD and by a novel PTPRD antagonist Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences PMID 30348770

Uhl GR and others Polysubstance abuse-vulnerbility genes: genome scan for association using 1009 subjects and 1495 single nucleotide polymorphisms American Journal of Human Genetics PMID 11704927

Wang Jb Uhl GR and others Mu opiate receptor: cDNA cloning and expression Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences PMID 8234282 

Shimada S Uhl G and others Cloning and expression of a cocaine-sensitive dopamine transporter cDNA Science PMID 1948034

Additional Publication Citations

Research Interests

Clinical Specialty Details

Awards and Affiliations

Grants and Contracts
