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Mohan E. Tulapurkar, Dr. rer. nat.

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

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Education and Training

B.Pharm       Madras Medical College; Chennai, India


M.S.             Department of Chemical Engineering (specialization in Biotechnology) from IIT Madras, Chennai, India


Dr. rer. nat.  Neurobiochemistry, from Otto-Von- Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany


The Lung epithelium is exposed to a large range of temperatures that vary siginificantly from the core body temperature. It is also exposed to a whole host of microbial agents and pollunants from the environment. This results in the activation of the heat shock response, a highly conserved cellular response to stress. This results in the activation of heat shock factor -1 (HSF1) that leads to the generation of heat shock proteins and modulation of the immune reponse of the organism.

We have been able to show that at febrile range hyperthermia (FRH) auguments the production of inflammatory cytokines in the presence of infections and results in the release of heat shock protes that function as potential agonist for Toll like receptors (TLRs).Under the above circumcustances there is an activation of the p38MAPK pathway too. This pathaway is involved in regulation of a number of cellular responses from cell motility in neutrophils, cytoskeletal changes in epithilal cells to maintainance of endothelial tight junctions.

Currrently we are involved in undestanding how hypo and hyperthermia modulate the activation of p38 and the downstream subtrates that are activated. This will help us better understand possible drugable targets in the treatment of conditions like sepsis and ARDS.


Research/Clinical Keywords

G protein coupled receptors, Acute Lung Injury, HSF1, Heat shock proteins, Epithelial Mesenchymal transitions, Mitochondria, Lung vascular permeability

Highlighted Publications

 Tulapurkar M.E, Laubinger W, Nahum V, Fischer B, Reiser G. Subtype specific internalization of P2Y1 and P2Y2 receptors induced by novel adenosine 5'-O-(1-boranotriphosphate) derivatives. Br J Pharmacol. 2004; 142(5): 869-78.

Tulapurkar M.E, Schafer R, Hanck T, Flores RV, Weisman GA, Gonzalez FA, Reiser G. Endocytosis mechanism of P2Y2 nucleotide receptor tagged with green fluorescent protein: clathrin and actin cytoskeleton-dependence. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2005; 62(12): 1388-99

Tulapurkar, M.E., Almutairy, E.A., Shah, N.G., He, J., Shapiro, P., Singh, I.S., Hasday, J.D. Febrile-Range Hyperthermia Augments Neutrophil Recruitment to Lung via Modulation of Endothelial and Neutrophil Function. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2012, 46(6): 807-14

Shah NG, Tulapurkar ME, Ramarathnam A, Brophy A, Martinez R 3rd, Hom K, Hodges T, Samadani R, Singh IS, MacKerell AD Jr, Shapiro P, Hasday JD. Novel Noncatalytic Substrate-Selective p38α-Specific MAPK Inhibitors with Endothelial-Stabilizing and Anti-Inflammatory Activity. J Immunol. 2017 Apr 15;198(8):3296-3306 
Ke Y, Oskolkova OV, Sarich N, Tian Y, Sitikov A, Tulapurkar ME, Son S, Birukova AA, Birukov KG Effects of prostaglandin lipid mediators on agonist-induced lung endothelial permeability and inflammation. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2017 Oct 1;313(4):L710-L721    



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