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Kathryn N. Silva, MD

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:


Administrative Title:

Director, Quality Improvement and Patient Safety


UMMC, Room N13W46

Phone (Primary):

(410) 328-7604


(410) 328-7607

Education and Training

  • University of Pennsylvania, B.A., Biology, 1997                                           
  • Georgetown University School of Medicine, M.D., 2001                     

  • Residency, Hospital of the University of  Pennsylvania, Internal Medicine, 2004                                                                                            


As an academic hospitalist and clinician educator, I predominantly care for hospitalized patients and teach residents, interns, and students. My focus is on teaching evidence-based medicine and bringing it to the bedside. In addition, I teach first and second year students in the Introduction to Clinical Medicine course. 

As associate program director for the internal medicine residency, I oversee the hospitalist pathway and the patient safety/quality improvement curriculum.

As a consultant, I assist the surgical and psychiatric services with perioperative management and care for general medical issues.


Research/Clinical Keywords

medical education, residency, hospitalist, patient safety, quality improvement

Highlighted Publications

1. Block L, Habicht R, Wu AW, Desai SV, Wang K, Silva KN, Niessen T, Oliver N, Feldman L. In the wake of the 2003 and 2011 duty hours regulations, how do internal medicine interns spend their time? J Gen Intern Med. 2013 Aug;28(8):1042-7.

2. Block L, Habicht R, Oluyadi F, Wu AW, Desai SV, Niessen T, Silva KN, Oliver N, Feldman L. Variabilityin hand hygiene practices among internal medicine interns. Am J Infect Control. 2013 Nov;41(11):1107-8.

3.Habicht R, Block L, Silva KN, Oliver N, Wu A, Feldman L. Assessing intern hand-over processes. Clin Teach. Clin Teach. 2016 Jun;13(3):187-91.

