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Marey R. Shriver, PhD

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Administrative Title:

Executive Director for Faculty Development of CARTI


685 W Baltimore Street, MSTF 3-19

Phone (Primary):


Education and Training

University of North Texas, BS, Biochemistry

University of Maryland Baltimore, PhD, Molecular Medicine 


Dr. Shriver is the Executive Director for Faculty Development of the Center for Advanced Research Training & Innovation (CARTI). She teaches courses on scientific and grant writing. She specializes in early project development including developing a research question and testable hypothesis. She meets individually with faculty to discuss choosing an appropriate grant mechanism, planning anupcoming grant proposals, and addressing summary statements for resumbmission of a revised application. 

Research/Clinical Keywords

Professional Development, Career Development, Grant Writing, Grant Proposals, Summary Statements, Research Question Development, Early Project Development, Scientific Writing, Individual Consultations
