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Stephen M. Schenkel, MD, MPP

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:

Emergency Medicine

Administrative Title:

Associate Editor to the Journal of The American Medical Association (JAMA)


Paca-Pratt Building, 6th floor, Suite 200

Phone (Primary):

(410) 332-9809

Education and Training

BA, Humanities, magna cum laude, Yale College (1991)

MD, Harvard Medical School (1999)

MPP, Concentration in Health Policy, John F. Kennedy School of Government (1999)

Resident (1999-2002), Emergency Medicine & Chief Resident (2002-2003), Emergency Medicine, University of Michigan Health System & St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Ann Arbor, MI


I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Humanities from Yale College, an MD from Harvard Medical School, and a Master’s in Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government.  I completed a residency in Emergency Medicine at the University of Michigan, serving as chief resident during his final year.  In 2003 I joined the faculty of Emergency Medicine at the University of Maryland with primary clinical duties at Mercy Medical Center, becoming medical director for the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mercy Medical Center in 2007.  With the Maryland Patient Safety Center, Ichaired a statewide Emergency Medicine Patient Safety Collaborative and served on the Board of Directors.  From 2014-15, I was President of the Maryland Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians where he worked to improve access to care, clarify insurance coverage, respond to Maryland’s scourge of opioid overdose, and encourage alternative approaches to medical malpractice.  In my clinical role at Mercy Medical Center he instructs residents and medical students at the bedside.  I direct two lecture tracks for the University of Maryland Emergency Medicine resident conference series: behavioral health and morbidity and mortality.  I have lectured regionally and internationally on patient safety and Emergency Department administration and am one of four editors of the 2009 text Patient Safety in Emergency Medicine.  I am currently an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Patient safety, vascular access in the Emergency Department, Emergency Department administration, education, morbidity and mortality conference

Highlighted Publications

  1. Schenkel SM.  Learning from the Stories of Homeless Alcoholics (editorial).  Annals of Emergency Medicine 2015;65:187-188.  Published on-line 18 Sept. 2014:
  2. Schenkel SM. Doing and Documenting (editorial).  Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 2012; 38:513-514.
  3. Schenkel S. Talking the Talk: Effective Communication in Urgent Care.  In Urgent Care Emergencies: Avoiding the Pitfalls and Improving the Outcomes, Goyal DG and Mattu A, (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
  4. DiPietro BY, Kindermann D, Schenkel SM.  Ill, Itinerant, and Insured: The Top 20 Users of Emergency Departments in Baltimore City.  The Scientific World Journal 2012, article 726568, doi:10.1100/2012/726568.
  5. Hall KK, Schenkel S, Hirshon JM, Xiao Y, Noskin GA.  Incidence and Type of Non-ideal Care Events in an Emergency Department.  Quality and Safety in Health Care 2010,19: i20-i25, originally published online August 19, 2010, doi:10.1136/qshc.2010.040246.
  6. Croskerry P, Cosby KS, Schenkel S, Wears RL, eds.  Patient Safety in Emergency Medicine.  Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009.
  7. Schenkel S.  Promoting Patient Safety and Preventing Medical Error in Emergency Departments.  Academic Emergency Medicine 2000, 7(11)1204-1222.

Awards and Affiliations

Selected Presentations
