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Dana M. Roque, MD

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:

Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences


Division of Gynecologic Oncology, Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center

Phone (Primary):




Education and Training


  • Yale University, Gynecologic Oncology (2011-2014)


  • University of Pittsburgh Medical Center-Magee Womens Hospital, OB/GYN (2007-2011) 


  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine (2002-2007)


  • Duke University, Chemistry, Cum Laude with Distinction (1998-2002)

Board Certification

  • Gynecologic Oncology (2017)
  • Obstetrics & Gynecology (2016)

Other Certification

  • Centers for Excellence in Minimally Invasive Gynecology (2016)
  • Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (2010)


Dr. Dana Marie Roque joined the faculty at University of Maryland in August 2014. She specializes in the chemotherapeutic and surgical treatment of gynecologic malignancies including cervical, uterine, ovarian, vulvar, and vaginal cancers, as well as gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Her practice also includes management of benign conditions requiring complex surgery. She offers open, traditional laparoscopic, and robotic surgical approaches. Surgeries are performed at the downtown and midtown campuses of the University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore Washington Medical Center, and the outpatient surgery center at Waterloo. 

Outpatient appointments are available in several locations:

  • 22 S. Greene Street, Baltimore, MD 21201 (Thursday, AM)
  • 419 W. Redwood Street Suite 500, Baltimore, MD 21201 (Thursday, PM)
  • 7556 Teague Road Suite 430, Hanover, MD 21076 (first Monday of the month, AM)
  • 5900 Waterloo Rd, Columbia, MD 21045 (other Mondays, AM)

She is also active in clinical/translational trials and teaching with the School of Medicine. She previously served on the Rare Tumor Sub-Committee of NRG and the Clinical Practice Committee of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology. She currently belongs to the Foundation for Womens Cancer Patient Education Committee. 

She was voted a Baltimore Top Doctor in 2019 and 2020. She is the Director of the Center of Excellence in Minimally Invasive Gynecology at University of Maryland.



  • HP-00084982 (1924GCCC): GOG 3018/OVAL, A Study of VB-111 with Paclitaxel versus Paclitaxel for Treatment of Recurrent Platinum-Resistant Ovarian Cancer [recruiting]
  • HP-00088476, NRG-GY0019: Testing the Hormonal Drug Letrozole Alone or in Addition to the Usual Chemotherapy Treatment (Paclitaxel and Carboplatin) in Low-grade Serous Ovarian or Peritoneal Cancer [recruiting]
  • HP-00093504, NRG-CC008: A Study to Compare Two Surgical Procedures in Women with BRCA1 Mutations to Assess Reduced Risk of Ovarian Cancer [recruiting]
  • HP-00082352 (18111GCCC): TESARO FIRST A Phase 3 Trial with TSR-042 and Niraparib vs Standard of Care in Non-Mucinous Epithelial Ovarian Cancer [active, not recruiting]
  • HP-00074863 (1730GCCC):A Randomized Phase II Evaluation of Weekly Ixabepilone with or without Biweekly Bevacizumab [completed]


  • HP-2135GCCC: A Phase 2 Open-Label, Multicenter Study to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of ZN-c3 in Adult Women with Recurrent or Persistent Uterine Serous Carcinoma[recruiting]
  • HP-00088558, NRG-GY018: Testing the Addition of the Immunotherapy Pembrolizumab to the Usual Chemotherapy Treatment (Paclitaxel and Carboplatin) in Stage III-IV or Recurrent Endometrial Cancer [recruiting]
  • HP-00061901 (1467GCC): Randomized Phase II Evaluation of Carboplatin / Paclitaxel +/- Trastuzumab in HER2/Neu+ Advanced or Recurrent Uterine Papillary Serous Carcinoma [completed]


  • HP-00061641. Collection of Tissue Samples from Women with Gynecologic Malignancies and Healthy Controls for Laboratory Research.
  • HP-00061673. Treatment and Survival Outcomes for Patients with Gynecologic Malignancies.
  • HP-00063498. Molecular Profiling of Gynecologic Cancers.
  • HP-00066154. TERPS (Training, Education, and Robotic Performance with Simulation) at University of Maryland Medical Center)

Research/Clinical Keywords

class III beta tubulin, clear cell carcinoma, paclitaxel resistance, novel therapeutic targets, microtubule-stabilizing agents, HuR, microtentacles

Highlighted Publications

  1. Roque DM, Ratner E, Silasi DA, Azodi M, Rutherford TJ, Schwartz PE, Nelson W, Santin AD. Weekly ixabepilone with or without biweekly bevacizumab in the treatment of recurrent or persistent uterine and ovarian/primary peritoneal/fallopian tube cancers: A retrospective review. Gynecologic Oncology 2015; 137(3):392-400.
  2. Roque DM, Buza N, Glasgow M, Bellone S, Bortolomai I, Gasparrini S, Cocco E, Ratner E, Silasi D, Azodi M, Rutherford TJ, Schwartz PE, Santin AD. Class III β-tubulin overexpression within the tumor microenvironment is a prognostic biomarker for poor overall survival in ovarian cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant carboplatin/paclitaxel. Clinical & Experimental Metastases 2014; 31(1): 101-10. 
  3. Roque DM, Bellone S, Buza N, Romani C, Cocco E, Bignotti E, Ravaggi A, Rutherford TJ, Schwartz PE, Pecorelli S, Santin AD. Tubulin-β-III overexpression in ovarian clear cell and serous carcinoma as a marker for poor overall survival after platinum/taxane chemotherapy and sensitivity to patupilone. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 2013; 209(1): 62.e1-9.
  4. Roque DM, Bellone S, English DP, Buza N, Cocco E, Gasparrini S, Bortolomai I, Ratner E, Silasi D, Azodi M, Rutherford TJ, Schwartz PE, Santin AD. Tubulin-β-III overexpression by uterine serous carcinomas is a marker for poor overall survival after platinum/taxane chemotherapy and sensitivity to epothilones. Cancer 2013; 119(14): 2582-92.
  5. Zhao S, Choi M, Overton JD, Bellone S, Roque DM, Cocco E, Guzzo F, English DP, Varughese J, Gasparrini S, Bortolomai I, Buza N, Hui P, Abu-Khalaf M, Ravaggi A, Bignotti E, Bandiera E, Romani C, Todeschini P, Tassi R, Zanotti L, Carrara L, Pecorelli S, Silasi DA, Ratner E, Azodi M, Schwartz PE, Rutherford TJ, Stiegler AL, Mane S, Boggon TJ, Schlessinger J, Lifton RP, Santin AD. Landscape of somatic single-nucleotide and copy-number mutations in uterine serous carcinoma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 2013; 110(8): 2916-21.


  1. Helou C, Seal P, Sanses TVD, Morozov V, Roque DM. Training, Education for Robotic Performance with Simulation (TERPS): a valuable tool for gynecologic surgeons in training. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology (submitted).
  2. Klein KL, Goron AR, Taylor GH, Roque DM. Pap Smear outcomes in older HJV-positive women and HIV-negative matched controls. Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology (submitted).
  3. Dorismond VG, Bui B, Roque DM, Sanses TVD. Robotic performance with simulation among robotic surgeons with low and high surgical volumes at an academic medical center. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology (submitted).
  4. Bellone S, Roque DM, Siegel ER, Buza N, Hui P, Bonazzoli E, Guglielmi A, Zammataro L, Nagarkatti N, Zaidi S, Lee J, Silasi D-A, Huang GS, Andikyan V, Damast S, Clark M, Azodi M, Schwartz PE, Tymon-Rosario J, Harold J, Mauricio D, Zeybek B, Menderes G, Altwerger G, Ratner E, Alexandrov LB, Iwasaki A, Kong Y, Song
    E, Dong W, Elvin J, Choi J, Santin AD. A phase II evaluation of pembrolizumab in recurrent microsatellite instability-high endometrial cancer patients with Lynch-like vs MLH-1 methylated characteristics (NCT02899793). Cancer (in revision).
  5. Roque DM, Siegel ER, Buza N, Bellone S, Silasi DA, Huang GS, Andikyan V, Clark M, Azodi M, Schwart PE, Rao GG, Reader J, Hui P, Tymon-Rosario JR, Harold J, Mauricio D, Zeybek B, Menderes G, Altwerger G, Ratner E, Santin AD. Randomized phase II trial of weekly ixabepilone with or without biweekly bevacizumab for platinum-resistant or refractory ovarian/fallopian tube/primary peritoneal cancer. British Journal of Cancer (submitted).
  6. Zhang R, Fu S, Chen X, Roque DM, Reader J, Spencer W, Aubé J, Wu X, Xu L, Lin J. A novel small molecule HuR inhibitor KH-3 exhibits potent growth-suppressive activity and enhances the effect of chemotherapy in human ovarian cancer cells. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (submitted).
  7. Baglo Y, Sorrin AJ, Xiaocong Pu, Liu C, Reader J, Robey R, Roque DM, Gottesman MM, Huang H-C. Evolutionary dynamics of cancer multidrug resistance in response to olaparib and photodynamic therapy. Cancer Letters (submitted).
  8. Duru N, Pawar NR, Martin EW, Buzza MS, Conway GD, Lapidus RG, Liu S, Reader J, Rao G, Roque DM, Leppla SH, Antalis TM. Targeting metastatic ovarian cancer using a novel engineered anthrax prodrug activated by membrane serine proteases. Cancer Discovery (submitted).
  9. Sorrin A, Liu C, Cicalo J, Reader J, Najafali D, Zhang Yuji, Roque DM, Huang HC. Photodynamic priming coupled with co-inhibition of EGFR and EP4 signaling attenuates metastatic behavior in ovarian cancer cells (in preparation).
  10. Pollock AE, Risher H, Sun K, Oza I, Marter K, Alicia D, Rao G, Roque DM, Nichols EM, Mohindra P. Clinical outcomes and dosimetric data for patients with gynecologic malignancies: a comparison between a proton and photon matched cohort. American Radium Society Annual Meeting 2021 (submitted).
  11. Pollock AE, Risher H, Bentzen SM, Roque DM, Rao G, Nichols EM, Mohindra P. Clinical outcomes of patients treated with intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT) re-irradiation for gynecologic malignancies. American Society for Radiation Oncology Annual Meeting 2021 (submitted).


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