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Charles S. Resnik, MD

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:

Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine

Secondary Appointment(s):


Administrative Title:

Associate Vice Chair, Education

Additional Title:

Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program Director



Education and Training

1971-1975--BS, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

1973-1977--MD, Honors Program in Medical Education, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL

1977-1981--Resident, Diagnostic Radiology (Chief Resident, 1980-1981), Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia

1981-1982--Fellow, Skeletal Radiology, University of California and Veterans Administration Medical Center, San Diego, California


Charles S. Resnik, M.D. is a Professor of Radiology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and Section Chief of Musculoskeletal Radiology at the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC). He has been the Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program Director at UMMC for 35 years.   

Dr. Resnik is a long time member of the International Skeletal Society, and he is a past president of the Society of Skeletal Radiology (SSR) and of the Association of Program Directors in Radiology (APDR). He has served on and chaired many committees in these and other national organizations. Dr. Resnik has received the APDR Achievement Award and a Lifetime Service Award from the American Board of Radiology. He was selected by the Association of University Radiologists (now the Association of Academic Radiology) as a member of the inaugural class of Fellows of the AUR (now FAAR) in 2020. He has been a long time faculty advisor for the American Alliance of Academic Chief Residents in Radiology, and he is a recognized mentor for the AAR, APDR, and SSR. He has served on the editorial board of two major radiology journals and is a manuscript reviewer for many other journals.

Dr. Resnik has more than 120 publications in peer reviewed journals and has made more than 275 presentations as an invited speaker all over the world. His areas of expertise include imaging of musculoskeletal trauma, imaging of arthritis, and residency program administration. He has received an Excellence in Teaching Award from the UMMC Department of Diagnostic Radiology.

Dr. Resnik is also a Founding Director and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Challenger Center for Space Science Education (, an internationally acclaimed organization designed by the families of the last crew of the space shuttle Challenger to carry on the mission of the crew to educate children in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Imaging of musculoskeletal trauma, Imaging of arthritis, Residency program administration

Highlighted Publications

Resnik CS, Resnick D. Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition disease. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol 1982; 11(6): 1-40.

Resnik CS, Resnick D. Radiology of disorders of the sacroiliac joints. JAMA 1985; 253: 2863-2866.

Resnik CS, Kerr R, Sartoris DJ, Resnick D. The architecture of the proximal femur: An imaging analysis. Crit Rev Diagn Imag 1987; 27(1): 49-89.

Young JWR, Resnik CS. Fracture of the pelvis: Current concepts of classification. Am J Roentgenol 1990; 155:1169-1175.

Lewis PJ, Probyn L, McGuinness G, Nguyen J, Mullins ME, Resnik C, Oldham S. Developing a job description for a vice chair of education in radiology. Acad Radiol 2015; 22(7):933-938.

Zhang RV, Awan OA, Resnik CS, Hossain R. Potential impact of a pass or fail United States Medical Licensing Exam Step 1 scoring system on radiology residency applications. Acad Radiol 2022; 29(1): 158-165.


Clinical Specialty Details

Awards and Affiliations

Community Service

Links of Interest
