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Stephen G. Reich, MD

Frederick Henry Prince Distinguished Professor of Neurology

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:



Paca/Pratt, 3-S-125

Phone (Primary):

(410) 328-7809


(410) 328-0167

Education and Training

  • University of Kansas, 1975-1976
  • Tulane University, B.S. Mathematics, B.A. Latin American Studies (with honors), 1976-1979
  • Tulane University School of Medicine, M.D., 1979-1983
  • Mt. Sinai Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, Internship in Internal Medicine, 1983-1984
  • Case Western Reserve/University Hospitals of Cleveland, Ohio, Resident in Neurology (Dr. Robert Daroff), 1984-1987
  • The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Fellow - Movement Disorders (Dr. Mahlon DeLong), 1987-1988

Research/Clinical Keywords

Parkinson's disease; Progressive supranuclear palsy; multi system atrophy; corticobasal syndrome; parkinsonian syndromes; Movement Disorders; Dystonia; Tremor; Gait Disorders; Dizziness; General Neurology; Bell's Palsy; History of Neurology

Highlighted Publications

Gold DR, Reich SG. A 55-year-old woman with vertigo: A dizzying conundrum. Neurology 2012;79:e146-52 (Winner of the 2012 Resident and Fellow Writing Award from Neurology)

Low PA, Reich SG, Jankovic J, Shilts, CW, Stern MB, Novak P, Tanner CM, Gilman S, Marshall FJ, Wooten F, Racette R, Chelmisky T, Singer S, May S, Sletten DM, Sandroni P, Mandrekar J, and the North American Multiple System Atrophy Study Group. Natural History of Multiple System Atrophy in North America: A Prospective Cohort Study. The Lancet Neurology 2015;14:710-719

Litvan I, Lees PSJ, Cunningham CR, Rai SN, Cambon AC, Standaert DG, Marras C, Juncos J, Riley D, Reich SG, Hall D, Kluger B, Bordelon Y, Shprecher DR, ENGENE-PSP*Environmental and Occupational Risk Factors for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Case-Control Study. Movement Disorders 2016;31(5):644-52

LeDoux M, Vemula S, Xiao J, Thompson M, Permutter J, Wright L, Jinnah H, Rosen A, Hedera P, Comella C, Weissbach A, Junker J, Jankovic J, Barbano R, Reich SG, Rodriquez R, Berman B, Chouinard S, Severt W, Agarwal P, Stover N. Clinical and Genetic Features of Cervical Dystonia in a Large Multi-Center Cohort. Neurol Genet2016:2:e69.

Comella CL, Perlmutter JS, Jinnah HA, Waliczek TA, Rosen AR, Galpern WR, Adler CA, Barbano RL, Factor SA, Goetz CG, Jankovic J, Reich SG, Rodriguez RL, Severt WL, Zurowski M, Fox SH, Stebbins GT. Clinimetric testing of the comprehensive cervical dystonia rating scale. Mov Disord 2016;31:563-569

Perry CG, Holmes KG, Gruber-Baldine AL, Anderson KE, Shulman LM, Weiner WJ, Reich SG. Are Patients with Psychogenic Movement Disorders More Likely to be Healthcare Workers? Movement Disorders Clinical Practice

Kvarta M, Sharma D, Castellani R, Morales R, Reich S, Kimball A, Shin R. Demyelination as a harbinger of lymphoma: a case report and review of primary central nervous system lymphoma preceded by multifocal sentinel demyelination. BMC Neurology 2016 May 21;16:72

Lamichhane D, Gruber-Baldini AL, Reich SG, Shulman LM. Asymmetric responsiveness of disability and health-related quality of life to improvement versus decline in Parkinson's disease. Qual Life Res 2016;25(12):3139-3145.

Bluett B, Litvan I, Cheng S, Juncos J, Riley DE, Standaert DGf , Reich SG, Hall DA, Kluger B, Shprecher D, Marras C, Jankovic J, ENGENE PSP study. Understanding falls in progressive supranuclear palsy. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2017;35:75-812017

Kelley KD, Peavy G, Edland S, Rogers W, Riley DE, Bordelon Y, Standaert D, Reich SG, Litvan I. The role of stress as a risk factor for progressive supranuclear palsy. J Parkinsons Dis 2017;7(2):377-383

Lachner, C, Armstrong, M, Gruber-BaldiniA, Rezvani Z, Reich SG, Fishman P, Salazar R, Shulman LM. Discordance between physician assessment and patient-reported depressive symptoms in Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol. 2017 Jul;30(4):191-195.

Reich SG. Bell’s Palsy. Continuum 2017;23(2): 447-466.

Additional Publication Citations

Research Interests
