Academic Title:
Clinical Assistant Professor
Primary Appointment:
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Secondary Appointment(s):
Additional Title:
Clinical Assistant Professor
Phone (Primary):
(410) 455-3705
Education and Training
- Colgate University, BA, Psychology and Spanish (minor), 2007
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County, MA, Human Services Psychology, 2019
- Veterans Affairs Maryland Health Care System/University of Maryland School of Medicine Consortium, Predoctoral Psychology Internship, 2021
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County, PhD, Human Services Psychology, 2021
Dr. Rakhshan Rouhakhtar is an Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, as well as a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland, School of Medicine.
Her work focuses on the validation and development of psychosis spectrum assessments, application of advanced quantitative methods in the study of early psychosis assessment, and studying the role of cultural and contextual factors -- particularly race -- in our understanding of the psychosis construct, as well as illness presentation, course, and treatment.
She is also a co-director of the Strive for Wellness clinic within the Maryland Early Intervention Program, where she and the clinic team provide assessment, consultation, and treatment for youth and their families in the Maryland community experiencing early or attenuated symptoms of psychosis.
Research/Clinical Keywords
psychosis, early identification and intervention, disparities in care
Highlighted Publications
Smith, M.,Rakhshan Rouhakhtar, P. & Schiffman, J. (in press). Ensuring Healthy Development for All Youth: Prevention of Psychosis. In M. Teasley, M. Spencer & M. Bartholomew (Eds.), Racism and the Grand Challenges for the Social Work Profession. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Rakhshan Rouhakhtar,P., Roemer, C., Reeves, G., & Schiffman, J. (2021). The associations between attenuated psychosis symptoms and functioning in Black and White youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2021.11.032
Petti, E., Klaunig, M.J., Smith, M.E., Bridgwater, M.A., Roemer, C., Andorko, N.D., Chibani, D., DeLuca, J. S., Pitts, S.C., Schiffman, J., & Rakhshan Rouhakhtar, P. (2021). Mental health care utilization in individuals with high levels of psychosis-like experiences: Associations with race and potentially traumatic events. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.
Phalen, P., Millman, Z.,Rakhshan Rouhakhtar, P., Andorko, N., Reeves, G., & Schiffman, J. (2021). Categorical versus dimensional models of early psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, doi: 10.1111/eip.13128.
Rakhshan Rouhakhtar, P., & Schiffman, J. (2020). Community Rehabilitation for Youth with Psychosis Spectrum Disorders. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am, 29(1), 225-239.
Rakhshan Rouhakhtar, P., Pitts, C. S., & Schiffman, J. (2019). Associations between Race, Discrimination, Community Violence, Traumatic Life Events, and Psychosis-
Like Experiences in a Sample of College Students. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8(10).
Millman, Z.B.,Rakhshan Rouhakhtar, P., DeVylder, J.E., Smith, M.E., Phalen, P.L., Woods, S.W., Walsh, B.C., Parham, B., Reeves, G.M., & Schiffman, J. (2019). Evidence
for Differential Predictive Performance of the Prime Screen Between Black and White Help Seeking Youths. Psychiatric Services, 70(10), 907-914.
Rakhshan Rouhakhtar, P., Pitts, S.C., Millman, Z.B., Andorko, N.D., Redman, S., Wilson, C., Demro, C., Phalen, P.L., Walsh, B., Woods, S., Reeves, G.M., & Schiffman, J.
(2019). The impact of age on the validity of psychosis-risk screening in a sample of help-seeking youth. Psychiatry Research, 274, 30-35.