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Ronald P. Rabinowitz, MD

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:


Administrative Title:

Chief of Division of Infectious Diseases at the R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center

Additional Title:

Chief, Infectious Diseases, R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma enter Chief Infectious Diseases, UMROI


R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, Room T3N14

Phone (Primary):

(410) 328-3656


(410) 328-6826

Education and Training

Graduate from the Univserity of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA 1988

Internal Medicine Residency at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia 1988-1991

Infectious Diseases Fellowship University of Maryland School of Medicine 1991-1994, basic research fellowship. Research with Dr. Michael Donnenberg on EPEC pathogenesis

Board certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases


After finishing training, I spend a year and a half practicing general Infectious Diseases at the University of Maryland seeing a broad range of individuals  including transplant, cancer and HIV patients as well as general Infectious disease consults of hospitalized patients. I then moved to the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center to specialize in the care of hospitalized victims of trauma particularly ICU care but generalized  to all patient venues. I have been practicing here since 1996. In 2015 I assumed the role as section chief for Infectious diseases. I also practice at the University of Maryland Rehabilitation and Orthopedics Institute (UMROI) where I serve as Chief and where I assist in the care of patients in the rehab setting who have ongoing infectious disease issues.

I serve on many hospital based committees to improve the care of our patients. I am an active interviewer for the Medical SChool Admissions Committee I have taught  ICM I and ICM II since I was a Fellow.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Hospital associated infections, nosocomial infections Infectious related to Trauma Infection Control

Highlighted Publications

Rabinowitz, RP, Cookson ST, Wasserman SS and Mackowiak P.A.: Effects of Anatomic site, oral stimulation and body position on estimates of body temperature.  Archives of Internal Medicine, Vol 156: 777-780, 1996.

Rabinowitz, RR, Lai LC, Jarvis K., McDaniel TK, Kaper JB, Stone KD and Donnenberg MS.:Attaching and effacing of host cells by enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in the absence of detectable  tyrosine kinase mediated signal transduction.  Microbial Pathogenesis Vol 21: 157-171, 1996

Rabinowitz, RR, Doherty, P, The role of antibiotics in the management of civilian gunshot wounds to the head.  Infections in Medicine Vol 21 (6): 297-300, 2004.

Rabinowitz, RR, Kufera JA, Makley M, A Hidden Reservoir of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Newly Admitted Patients to an Acute Rehabilitation Hospital.   PMR Journal (American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation), 4: 18-22, 2012.

Rabinowitz, RR, Tabatabi A, Stein DM, Scalea, TM,  Infectious Complications in the GSW’s through the gastrointestinal tract into the spine.  Injury, 43 (7), 1058-60, 2012.
