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Stephanie Pollitt, PhD

Academic Title:

Post Doc Fellow

Primary Appointment:

Pharmacology & Physiology

Additional Title:

Ruth Kirschstein NRSA Fellow, Blanpied Lab

Education and Training

  • University of California Davis, BS, Neurobiology Physiology and Behavior, 2014
  • Emory University, PhD, Neuroscience, 2020
  • University of Maryland Baltimore, Postdoctoral Study, present

Highlighted Publications

Pollitt SL, Myers KR, Yoo J, Zheng JQ. LIM and SH3 Domain Protein 1 Regulates Actin-Based Axon Development. Molecular Biology of the Cell 2020 Nov 15;31(24):2718-2732. PMID: 32997597

Rui Y, Pollitt SL, Myers KR, Feng Y, Zheng JQ. Spontaneous Local Calcium Transients in Developing Oligodendroglia Regulate Process Outgrowth, Branching, and Myelin Membrane Formation. ENeuro. 2020 Aug 17;7(4):ENEURO.0347-19.2020. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0347-19.2020. PMID: 32409508

Omotade OF*, Pollitt SL*, Zheng JQ. Actin-Based Growth Cone Motility and Guidance. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences. 2017 April. PMID: 28268126

*co-first authors

Awards and Affiliations
