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Michael S. Phipps, MD, MHS

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:


Secondary Appointment(s):

Epidemiology & Public Health

Administrative Title:

Director Of The University Of Maryland Brain Attack Center

Additional Title:

Vice Chairman for IT, Department of Neurology


Paca Pratt, 3rd floor, 3N 101

Phone (Primary):




Education and Training

BA, Double Major: Molecular and Cell Biology and Psychology, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.

MD, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, Richmond, VA.

MHS, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT.

Internship, Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT.

Residency in Neurology, Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT.

Fellowship in Health Services Research, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars Program, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT.

Fellowship in Medical Informatics, VA Connecticut Healthcare System/Yale University School of Medicine, West Haven, CT.

Fellowship in Vascular Neurology (Stroke), University of Connecticut/Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT.


Dr. Phipps is an Assistant Professor of Neurology and Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and is a board-certified Neurologist with a specialty in Vascular Neurology (Stroke). He completed his neurology residency at the Yale University School of Medicine, and was then a fellow in the Yale Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars program, where he received a Master's degree in Health Sciences. He received additional training as a fellow in the VA/Yale Medical Informatics Fellowship, and as a clinical fellow in the Vascular Neurology fellowship at the University of Connecticut/Hartford Hospital.

Dr. Phipps' clinical focus is in treating patients with stroke and intracranial hemorrhage, as well as other types of cerebravascular disease, in the inpatient and outpatient settings. His overall research focuses on the quality and outcomes of patients with cerebrovascular disease, particularly using informatics and other emerging technologies, but also has a strong interest in access to care and health literacy for all patients.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Cerebrovascular Disease,Ischemic Stroke, Intracerebral Hemorrhage, Health Services Research, Medical Informatics, Outcomes, Quality of Care

Highlighted Publications


Phipps MS, Fahner F, Sager D, Coffing J, Maryfield B, Williams LS. Validation of Stroke Meaningful Use Measures In A National EHR system. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2016 April; 31 Suppl 1:46-52. PMID: 26951273

Latorre, JG, Flanagan S, Phipps MS, Shenoy AM, Bennet A, Seidenwurm D. Quality improvement in neurology: Stroke and Stroke Rehabilitation Quality Measurement Set update. Neurology. 2017 Oct 10;89(15):1619-1626. PMID: 28904088

Damush TM, Miech EJ, Sico JJ, Phipps MS, Arling G, Ferguson J, Austin C, Myers L, Baye F, Luckhurst C, Keating AB, Moran E, Bravata DM. Barriers and Facilitators to Providing Quality TIA Care in the Veterans Healthcare Administration. Neurology. 2017 Dec 12;89(24):2422-2430. PMID: 29117959

Bravata DM, Myers LJ, Cheng E, Reeves M, Baye F, Yu Z, Damush T, Miech EJ, Sico J, Phipps M, Zillich A, Johanning J, Chaturvedi S, Austin C, Ferguson J, Maryfield B, Snow K, Ofner S, Graham G, Rhude R, Williams LS, Arling G. Development and Validation of Electronic Quality Measures to Assess Care for Patients With Transient Ischemic Attack and Minor Ischemic Stroke. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2017 Sep;10(9). PMID: 28912200

Bravata DM, Myers LJ, Arling G, Miech EJ, Damush T, Sico JJ, Phipps MS, Zillich AJ, Yu Z, Reeves M, Williams LS, Johanning J, Chaturvedi S, Baye F, Ofner S, Austin C, Ferguson J, Graham GD, Rhude R, Kessler CS, Higgins DS, Cheng E. The Quality of Care for Veterans with Transient Ischemic Attack and Minor Stroke.JAMA Neurology. 2018 Apr 1;75(4):419-427. PMID: 29404578

Markidan J, Cole JW, Merino-Juarez J, Cronin CA, Phipps M, Wozniak M, Kittner SJ. Smoking and Risk of Ischemic Stroke in Young Men. Stroke. 2018 May;49(5):1276-1278. PMID: 29674522

Bravata DM, Myers LJ, Reeves M, Cheng EM, Baye F, Ofner S, Miech EJ, Damush T, Sico JJ, Zillich A, Phipps M, Williams LS, Chaturvedi S, Johanning J, Yu Z, Perkins AJ, Zhang Y, Arling G. Processes of Care Associated with Risk for Mortality and Recurrent Stroke Among Patients with Transient Ischemic Attack and Non-Severe Ischemic Stroke.JAMA Network Open 2019 July 3: 2(7):e196716. PMID: 31268543

Phipps MS, Cronin CA. State of the Art Review: Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke. 2020 Feb 13;368:l6983. doi: 10.1136/bmj.l6983. Review. PMID: 32054610

Sico JJ, Sarwal A, Benish SM, Busis NA, Cohen BH, Das RR, Finsilver S, Halperin JJ, Kelly AG, Meunier L, Phipps MS, Thirumala PD, Villaneuva R, von Daudecker J, Bennett A, Shenoy AM. Quality improvement in neurology: Neurology Outcomes Quality Measurement Set. 2020 Jun 2;94(22):982-990. Epup 2020 May 12. Neurology. 2020;10. PMID: 32398356

Shahjouei S, Sadighi A, Chaudhary D, Li J, Abedi V, Holland N, Phipps M, Zand R. A 5-Decade Analysis of Incidence Trends of Ischemic Stroke After Transient Ischemic Attack: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Neurol. Published online October 12, 2020. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2020.3627. PMID: 33044505

Morris NA, Chang W, Tabatabai A, Gutierrez CA, Phipps MS, Lerner DP, Bates OJ, Tisherman SA. Development of Neurological Emergency Simulations for Assessment: Content Evidence and Response Process. Neurocrit Care. 2021 Jan 21. Online ahead of print. PMID: 33479919

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