Research/Clinical Keywords
Community mental health, psychosis, suicidality
Highlighted Publications
Phalen, P., Kimhy, D., Jobes, D., & Bennett., M. (2024). Emotional distress and dysregulation as treatment targets to reduce suicide in psychosis: a scoping review. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. pdf
Phalen, P., Grossmann, J., Bruder, T., Jeong, J., Calmes, C., Mcgrath, K., Malouf, E., James, A., Romero, E., and Bennett, M. (2022). Description of a Dialectical Behavior Therapy Program in a Veterans Affairs Health Care System. Evaluation and Program Planning, 92, 102098. pdf
Phalen, P., Millman, Z., Rakhshan Rouhakhtar, P., Andorko, N., Reeves, G., & Schiffman, J. (2021). Categorical Versus Dimensional Models of Early Psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 16(1):42-50. pdf
Jones, N., Atterbury, K., Byrne, L., Carras, M., Hansen, M., & Phalen, P. (2021). Lived Experience, Research Leadership, and the Transformation of Mental Health Services: Building a Researcher Pipeline. Psychiatric Services, 72(5), 591-593.
Phalen, P., Bridgeford, E., Gant, L., Kivisto, A., Ray, B., & Fitzgerald, S. (2020). Baltimore Ceasefire 365: Estimated impact of a recurring community-led ceasefire on gun violence. American Journal of Public Health, 110(4), 554-559.
Phalen, P. L., Warman, D., Martin, J., & Lysaker, P. (2018). The stigma of voice-hearing experiences: Religiousness and voice-hearing contents matter. Stigma and Health, 3(1), 77-84. pdf
Phalen, P. L. (2017). Psychological Distress and Rates of Health Insurance Coverage and Use and Affordability of Mental Health Services, 2013–2014. Psychiatric Services, 68(5), 512-515.
Phalen, P. L. (September, 2013), Psychiatrists and African Traditional Healers Ally on Mental Health. Humanosphere.
Grants and Contracts
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Targeting Emotion Dysregulation to Reduce Suicide in People with Psychosis. PI: Peter L. Phalen, PsyD. $721,011.14 (total direct costs). 09/01/22-08/31/26.
VISN 5 VA Capitol Healthcare Network MIRECC. Suicidality among patients with psychosis. PI: Peter L. Phalen, PsyD. $24,089 (total direct costs). 09/01/19-11/30/20
National Institute of Justice. NIJ Recidivism Forecasting Challenge Winner: Team DEAP (award number: 2021-nij-rec-ch-0015). Monetary awards for 1st through 4th place finishes in the NIJ forecasting recidivism challenge, using machine learning techniques to predict blinded outcomes on a real-world dataset. See description of the contest and our final report.