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Eileen M. Patton, MS, MLS (ASCP), RM (AAM)

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:

Medical and Research Technology

Administrative Title:

Interim Program Director for the Undergraduate Medical Technology Program


Allied Health Building, 440A

Phone (Primary):

(410) 706-3772

Education and Training


  • University of Maryland, BS, Biological Sciences, 1976
  • University of Maryland, MS, Biochemistry, 1980
  • Washington Hospital Center, School of Medical Technology, 1984


  • Medical Technologist, MLS (ASCP), American Society of Clinical Pathologists, 1984
  • Clinical Laboratory Technologist, CLT, Government of the District of Columbia, 1986
  • Registered Microbiologist RM (AAM), Clinical and Public Health Microbiology, The National Registry of Microbiologists, American Academy of Microbiology, 2002


I currently serve as Associate Undergraduate Program Director, collaborating with the Program Director in Student Affairs, Education and Curriculum, and Admissions as well as teaching the courses MEDT 321 Introduction to Laboratory Techniques and MEDT 491 Clinical Immunology.

My experience of having worked in a small community hospital, a large reference laboratory, and a physician’s clinic prior to my arrival at UMB in 2001 shapes my approach to training students to work in a variety of settings.

I have specific interests in both clinical immunology and microbiology.
