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Gunjan Y. Parikh, MD

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:


Additional Title:

Medical Director, UMMC Neuro Critical Care Unit


UMMC Neuro Critical Care Unit

Phone (Primary):

(410) 328-4515

Education and Training

  • The University of Texas at Austin, BA, Biochemistry
  • Texas A&M College of Medicine, MD

  • St. Vincent's Hospital - Manhattan, Intern, Internal Medicine

  • Barrow Neurological Institute at Saint Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, Resident, Neurology

  • Barrow Neurological Institute at Saint Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, Chief Resident, Neurology

  • Columbia University Medical Center / Weill Cornell Medical Center, Clinical Fellow, Neurocritical Care/Vascular Neurology

  • National Institutes of Heatlh, NINDS Research Fellow, Neuroimaging


My career has been focused on merging principles of clinical neurology and critical care medicine. My research focus is to identify biomarkers during the resuscitation phase of patients with acute brain injuries that are determinants of lesion repair, restoration of function, and recovery of consciousness. This has led to both in vivo & ex vivo investigations characterizing the MRI signature of primary microvascular injury after head trauma and other acute brain injuries. 

Research/Clinical Keywords

High Reliability, Safety, Quality, Patient Experience, Intracerebral Hemorrhage, Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Traumatic Brain Injury, Translational Neuroscience, Multimodality Monitoring, Neuroimaging, Triage and Interhospital transfer of Neuroscience Patients

Highlighted Publications

1. Griffin AD, Turtzo LC, Parikh GY, Tolpygo A, Lodato Z, Moses AD, Nair G, Perl DP, Edwards NA, Dardzinski BJ, Armstrong RC, Ray-Chaudhury A, Mitra PP, Latour LL. Traumatic microbleeds suggest vascular injury and predict disability in traumatic brain injury. Brain. 2019 Nov 1;142(11):3550-3564. doi: 10.1093/brain/awz290. PMID: 31608359; PMCID: PMC6821371.

2. Turtzo L, Jikaria N, Cota M, Williford J, Uche V, Davis T, MacLaren J, Moses A, Parikh G, Castro M, Pham D, Butman J, Latour L. Meningeal Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption in Acute Traumatic Brain Injury. Brain Communications. 2020;2(2):fcaa143.

3. Khan IR, Gu Y, George BP, Malone L, Conway KS, Francois F, Donlon J, Quazi N, Reddi A, Ho CY, Herr DL, Johnson MD, Parikh GY. Brain Histopathology of Adult Decedents After Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. Neurology. 2021 Mar 2;96(9):e1278-e1289. PMID: 33472914; PMCID: PMC8055323.

4. Podell JE, Krause EM, Rector R, Hassan M, Reddi A, Jaffa MN, Morris NA, Herr DL, Parikh GY. Neurologic Outcomes After Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Recent Experience at a Single High-Volume Center. ASAIO J. 2021 Apr 21.PMID: 33927083.

5. Turtzo LC, Luby M, Jikaria N, Griffin A, Greenman D, Bokkers RPH, Parikh G, Peterkin N, Whiting M, Latour LL. Cytotoxic edema associated with hemorrhage predicts poor outcome after traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma. 2021 Nov 15; 38(22), pp. 3107-3118.

6. Salasky V, Jaffa MN, Motta M, Parikh GY. Neurocritical Care Recovery Clinics: An Idea Whose Time Has Come. Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports. 2023 Apr; 23(4), pp. 159-166.

7. Zimmerman WD, Pergakis M, Ahmad G, Morris NA, Podell J, Chang WT, Motta M, Chen H, Jindal G, Bodanapally U, Simard JM, Badjatia N, Parikh GY. Iodine-based dual-energy CT predicts early neurological decline from cerebral edema after large hemispheric infarction. Research Square. 2023 Nov 10.

8. Woodward MR, Wells CL, Arnold S, Dorman F, Ahmed Z, Morris NA, Ciryam P, Podell JE, Chang WT, Zimmerman WD, Motta M, Butt B, Pergakis MB, Labib M, Wang TI, Edlow BL, Badjatia N, Braun R, Parikh GY. Behavioral Assessment With the Coma Recovery Scale—Revised Is Safe and Feasible in Critically Ill Patients With Disorders of Consciousness. Critical Care Explorations. 2024 Jul 1;6(7):e1101.

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