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Anthea E. Nwandu, MBBS, MPH

Academic Title:

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:


Additional Title:



IHV, N560

Education and Training

2016                                       Fundamentals of Implementation Science (online)

                                              University of Washington  

2015 -2016                              Instructional Systems Design Certification (online)

                                               University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)


2011-2013                               Masters in Public Health

                                               Johns Hopkins School of Public Health (JHSPH), Baltimore MD


1991-1994                               Internship/Residency, Internal Medicine

                                               Harbor Hospital Center (Now MedStar)

                                               Baltimore MD


1990-1991                               Senior House Officer

                                                University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital

                                                Radiology Department


1986-1987                               Rotating Internship

                                               University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital

                                               Enugu, Nigeria



Dr Nwandu is a US Board certified Internist, HIV Specialist ,Medical educator and Global Health physician. She has over 20 years of experience in active clinical practice, medical education and Global Health both in the US and Nigeria. She obtained her medical degree from the University of Nigeria in 1986.For the last 10 years ( 2007 - 2017 ) as a faculty member and Assistant Professor with the University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute of Human Virology she has provided medical technical leadership in the implementation of large-scale PEPFAR funded HIV prevention, care and treatment program for UMB in Nigeria. She has led multidisciplinary medical teams to provide technical assistance and capacity building to comprehensive HIV/TB/PMTCT Care and treatment service delivery programs at over 200 PEPFAR supported primary, secondary and tertiary health care facilities across Nigeria. She has led the development of innovative service delivery models including maternal infant HIV clinics, adolescent specific clinics, nurse prescriber programs, integrated TB HIV care at PEPFAR funded ART clinics as well as the development and implementation of several Continuous Quality Improvement Initiatives at supported facilities to improve care and treatment service delivery. For the last four years she has also provided technical leadership for the implementation of PEPFAR funded PreService and Inservice HIV Training grants in Nigeria. The Pre service training grant initiatives included curriculum review and development for university MPH programs and nursing/health technology schools, development of a short course in HIV medicine for Nigerian doctors, faculty development and continuous medical education. The In service training grant initiatives included institutionalization of trainings within government owned academic health care training institutions, revision and development of a National Integrated ART training curriculum in collaboration with the FMOH and National ART Technical Working Group, development of a virtual learning resource platform, and optimizing trainings for health care workers. She has served as a mentor, supervisor and teacher to numerous health care professionals to build their professional capacity to work with HIV related public health programs as well as to practice and teach HIV medicine in Nigeria. She has provided technical support to several health care and training institutions to develop and enhance sustainable models of medical education and training for HIV care delivery in Sub-Saharan Africa. She has contributed to the improvement of medical education at local universities by introducing innovative approaches into clinical training programs, decentralizing clinical training experiences into the community, and optimizing training in HIV and primary care medicine to achieve demonstrable results. For the last six years she has been a speaker for an ABBOTT Peer to Peer exchange program which is designed to provide advanced educational symposia on key issues in HIV/AIDS management to build local capacity and update knowledge of Nigerian health care providers on emerging issues and evidence based HIV medical practice. As an attending physician with UMB department of medicine she teaches and leads medical teams in the hospital management of patients infected with HIV and other infectious diseases and co morbidities . Her research interests focus around improving outcomes for HIV infected mothers and their children and Instructional Design .

Research/Clinical Keywords

Maternal and Infant HIV Care Outcomes ,Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT ) ,HIV/TB, Medical Education , Implementation Science , Quality Improvement

Highlighted Publications

1. Nwandu, A., et al. "B115 Effects of a Maternal Infant HIV Care Clinic for HIV-infected mothers and exposed infants on follow up postnatal HIV testing and care in Southeastern Nigeria: A retrospective review." JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 62 (2013): 41.

2.Ezeanolue, E.E., Powell, B.J., Patel, D., Olutola, A., Obiefune, M., Dakum, P., Okonkwo, P., Gobir, B., Akinmurele, T., Nwandu, A. and Torpey, K., 2016. Identifying and Prioritizing Implementation Barriers, Gaps, and Strategies Through the Nigeria Implementation Science Alliance: Getting to Zero in the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 72, pp.S161-S166.I

3.Alexander, C.S., Pappas, G., Henley, Y., Kangalawe, A.K., Oyebola, F.O., Obiefune, M., Nwene, E., Stanis-Ezeobi, W., Enejoh, V., Nwizu, C. and Nwandu, A.N., 2015. Pain Management for Persons Living With HIV Disease Experience With Interprofessional Education in Nigeria. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 32(5), pp.555-562.
4.Delva, G., Edozien, A., Hachaambwa, L., Maro, P., Nwandu, A., Nwizu, C., Obiefune, M., Oni, B., Patel, D., Sheneberger, R. and Baribwira, C., 2015. Implementation of HIV Palliative Care: Interprofessional Education to Improve Patient Outcomes in Resource-Constrained Settings, 2004–2012. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 3(50), pp.350-361.

Research Interests

Awards and Affiliations

Grants and Contracts

Community Service
