Academic Title:
Primary Appointment:
Administrative Title:
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs & Professional Development
Additional Title:
Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs and Professional Development
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Education and Training
University of Alabama, BS Biology, 1999
University of Alabama School of Medicine, MD, 2003
University of Wisconsin - Madison, General Surgery Residency, 2010
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Transplant Research Fellowship, 2005-2007
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Transplant Surgery Fellowship, 2012
Dr. Niederhaus is a kidney and pancreas transplant surgeon and has worked at the University of Maryland School of Medicine since 2012. She is Professor of Surgery and in addition to working in transplantation, has an active dialysis access surgery practice. Dr. Niederhaus is passionate to help and teach others, whether students, residents, fellows, patients or her colleagues. At the SOM, she serves as Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development.
Research/Clinical Keywords
kidney transplant pancreas transplant dialysis access
Highlighted Publications
- MT Sellers, SV Haustein, BM McGuire, CL Jones, JS Bynon, AG Diethelm, and DE Eckhoff. “Use of Preserved Vascular Homografts in Liver Transplantation: Hepatic Artery Aneurysms and other Complications.” American Journal of Transplantation. 2(5):471-5, May 2002.
- SV Haustein, E Mack, JR Starling, Herbert Chen. “The Role of Intraoperative Parathyroid Hormone Testing in Patients with Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism after Renal Transplantation” Surgery 138:1066-71, December 2005.
- JH Fechner, SV Haustein, SJ Knechtle. “Immunosuppression in Nonhuman Primates.” Transplantation Reviews 20(3):131-138, 2006.
- P Rigoard, SV Haustein, C Doucet, M Scepi, JP Richer, and JP Faure. “Development of the right colon and the peritoneal surface during the human fetal period: human ontogeny of the right colon.” Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 31(8):585-89, 2009.
- SV Niederhaus, DD Bloom, Z Chang, H Hu, SM Bartosh, and SJ Knechtle. “Cytokine Kinetics Profiling in Pediatric Renal Transplant Recipients.” Pediatric Transplantation 14(5):636-45, 2010.
- S Haustein, J Kwun, J Fechner, A Kayaoglu, JP Faure, D Roenneburg, J Torrealba, and SJ Knechtle. “Interleukin-15 Receptor Blockade in Non-Human Primate Kidney Transplantation” Transplantation 27;89(8):937-44, 2010.
- JM Bellingham, C Santhanakrishnan, N Neidlinger, P Wai, J Kim, S Niederhaus, GE Leverson, LA Fernandez, DP Foley, JD Mezrich, JS Odorico, RB Love, N De Oliveira, HW Sollinger, AM D’Alessandro. “Donation after Cardiac Death (DCD): A Twenty-Nine Year Experience.” Surgery 150(4):692-702, 2011.
- SV Niederhaus, B Muth, DF Lorentzen, P Wai, JD Pirsch, M Samaniego-Picota, GE Leverson, AM D’Alessandro, HW Sollinger, A Djamali. “Luminex-based desensitization protocols: the University of Wisconsin initial experience.” Transplantation 92(1):12-7, 2011.
- SV Niederhaus, DB Kaufman, and JS Odorico. “Induction therapy in pancreas transplantation.” Transplant International Jul;26(7):704-14, 2013.
- SV Niederhaus, GE Leverson, D Lorentzen, D Robillard, HW Sollinger, JD Pirsch, JR Torrealba, JS Odorico. “Acute Cellular and Antibody Mediated Rejection of the Pancreas Allograft: Incidence, Risk Factors, and Outcomes.” American Journal of Transplantation. Nov 13(11):2945-55, 2013.
- Niederhaus SV. “Pancreas Transplant Alone.” Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation Feb 20(1):115-20, 2015.
- Ahmad S, Inouye B, Phelan MS, Kramer AC, Sulek J,Weir MR, Barth RN, Lamattina JC, Schweitzer ES, Leeser DB, Niederhaus SV, Bartlett ST, Bromberg JS. “Live Donor Renal Transplant with Simultaneous Bilateral Nephrectomy for Autosomal Polycystic Kidney Disease (APKD): a 10-Year Retrospective Comparison.” Transplantation Feb 100(2):407-15. 2016.
- Greenan G, Ahmad SB, Anders MG, Leeser A, Bromberg JS, and Niederhaus SV. “Recreational Marijuana Use is Not Associated with Worse Outcomes after Renal Transplantation.” Clin Transplant Oct;30(10):1340-46, 2016.
- LaMattina JC, Powell JM, Costa NA, Leeser DB, Niederhaus SV, Bromberg JS, Alvarez-Casas J, Phelan MS, and Barth RN. “Surgical complications of laparoendoscopic single-site donor nephrectomy: a retrospective study.” Transplant International Nov;30(11)1132-39, 2017.
- Rosenberry PM, Niederhaus SV, Schweitzer EJ, Leeser DB. “Decreasing dialysis catheter rates by creating a multidisciplinary access program.” J Vasc Access Nov;19(6);569-574, 2018.
- Ngaage LM, Elegbede A, Tadisina KK, Gebran S, Masters BM, Rada EM, Nam AJ, Scalea JR, Niederhaus SV, Singh D, Bromberg JS, Bartlett ST, and Rasko YM. “Panniculectomy at the time of living donor renal transplantation: An 8-year experience.” Am J Transplant. 2019 Feb 5. Epub ahead of print, PMID 30720924.
- Niederhaus SV. “Silke V. Niederhaus, MD: Transplant Surgeon, Kidney Transplant Recipient, Mother, and Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery, University of Maryland Medical Center.” Transplantation 103(1):6-9, 2019.
- Fridell JA, Niederhaus S, Curry M, Urban R, Fox A, and Odorico J. “The survival advantage of pancreas after kidney transplant.” Am J Transplant 19(4):1243-44, 2019.
- Niederhaus SV, Carrico RJ, Prentice MA, Fox AC, Mujtaba MA, Dunn TB, Olaitan OK, Fisher JS, Stratta RJ, Farney AC, Odorico JS, and Fridell JA. “C-peptide levels do not correlate with pancreas allograft failure: Multicenter retrospective analysis and discussion of the new OPTN definition of pancreas allograft failure.” Am J Transplant 19(4):1178-86, 2019.
- Fridell JA, Niederhaus S, Urban R, Fox A, and Odorico J. “Yes, we do need to demonstrate the survival advantage of pancreas after kidney transplantation.” Am J Transplant 19(3):823-830, 2019.
- Niederhaus SV. Cannabis Dependence or Abuse in Kidney Transplantation: One Perspective. Transplantation 2019. Nov;103(11):2223-2224. doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000002600. PMID: 30747855.
- Concepcion BP, Feurer ID, Rega SA, Niederhaus SV, Odorico JS, and Forbes RC. “Geographic Disparities in Access to Simultaneous Pancreas and Kidney Transplant in the Pre- and Post-Pancreas Allocation System Eras.” Transplantation 3(104):623-631, 2020.
- Ngaage LM, Messner F, McGlone KL, Masters BM, Highstein M, Chopra K, Phelan M, Singh D, Scalea J, Niederhaus SV, Bromberg JS, Bartlett ST, Rasko YM. A Multidisciplinary Technique for Concurrent Panniculectomy-Living Donor Renal Transplantation. Ann Plast Surg. 2020 Apr;84(4):455-462. doi: 10.1097/SAP.0000000000002297. PMID: 32118633.
- Baglien B, Ngaage LM, Elegbede A, Gebran SG, Nam AJ, Niederhaus S, Scalea JR, Bromberg JS, Bartlett ST, Rasko YM. “Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Maximizing Surgical Intervention at the Time of Living Donor Renal Transplantation.” Transplant Proc. 2020 Apr;52(3):731-736. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2020.01.027
- Talaie T, Niederhaus S, Villalongas E, Scalea J. Innovating organ delivery to improve access to care: surgeon perspectives on the current system and future use of unmanned aircrafts. BMJ Innovations. 2021 Jan 1;7(1).
- Kandaswamy R, Stock PG, Miller J, Skeans MA, White J, Wainright J, Kyaw NTT, Niederhaus S, Israni AK, Snyder JJ. OPTN/SRTR 2019 Annual Data Report: Pancreas. Am J Transplant. 2021 Feb;21 Suppl 2:138-207. doi: 10.1111/ajt.16496
- Knighton BJ, Ngaage LM, Calvert C, Niederhaus SV, Scalea JR, Rasko YM. “Post-Abdominal Transplant Hernia: Can We Predict Size and Onset?” Transplant Proc. 2021 Mar;53(2):730-736. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2020.10.028.
- Witkowski P, Philipson LH, Kaufman DB, Ratner LE, Abouljoud MS, Bellin MD, Buse JB, Kandeel F, Stock PG, Mulligan DC, Markmann JF, Kozlowski T, Andreoni KA, Alejandro R, Baidal DA, Hardy MA, Wickrema A, Mirmira RG, Fung J, Becker YT, Josephson MA, Bachul PJ, Pyda JS, Charlton M, Millis JM, Gaglia JL, Stratta RJ, Fridell JA, Niederhaus SV, Forbes RC, Jayant K, Robertson RP, Odorico JS, Levy MF, Harland RC, Abrams PL, Olaitan OK, Kandaswamy R, Wellen JR, Japour AJ, Desai CS, Naziruddin B, Balamurugan AN, Barth RN, Ricordi C; “Islets for US” Collaborative. “The demise of islet allotransplantation in the United States: A call for an urgent regulatory update.”Am J Transplant. 2021 Apr;21(4):1365-1375. doi: 10.1111/ajt.16397. Epub 2021 Feb 10.
- Israni A, Wey A, Thompson B, Miller J, Casingal V, Pavlakis M, Niederhaus S, Forbes R, Wilk A, McKinney W, Kandaswamy R, Stock P, Snyder J. New Kidney and Pancreas Allocation Policy: Moving to a Circle as the First Unit of Allocation. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2021 Jun 17:ASN.2020121679. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2020121679.
- Witkowski P, Odorico J, Pyda J, Anteby R, Stratta RJ, Schrope BA, Hardy MA, Buse J, Leventhal JR, Cui W, Hussein S, Niederhaus S, Gaglia J, Desai CS, Wijkstrom M, Kandeel F, Bachul PJ, Becker YT, Wang LJ, Robertson RP, Olaitan OK, Kozlowski T, Abrams PL, Josephson MA, Andreoni KA, Harland RC, Kandaswamy R, Posselt AM, Szot GL, Ricordi C, On Behalf Of The Islets For Us Collaborative. “Arguments against the Requirement of a Biological License Application for Human Pancreatic Islets: The Position Statement of the Islets for US Collaborative Presented during the FDA Advisory Committee Meeting.“J Clin Med. 2021 Jun 29;10(13):2878. doi: 10.3390/jcm10132878.
- Witkowski P, Anteby R, Olaitan OK, Forbes RC, Niederhaus S, Ricordi C, Fair JH, Harland RC; Islets for US Collaborative; Cell Transplantation Committee of the American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS). “Pancreatic Islets Quality and Potency Cannot be Verified as Required for Drugs: Reflection on the FDA Review of a Biological License Application for Human Islets.” 2021 Dec 1;105(12):e409-e410. PMID:34231527
- Rausch LA, Niederhaus SV, Forbes RC. “Removal of DSA from KP/Pancreas Allocation.” Current Transplantation Reports. 2022 Mar;9(1):19-25.
- Saharia KK, Husson JS,Niederhaus SV, Iraguha T, Avila SV, Yoo YJ, Hardy NM, Fan X, Omili D, Crane A, Carrier A, Xie WY, Vander Mause E, Hankey K, Bauman S, Lesho P, Mannuel HD, Ahuja A, Mathew M, Avruch J, Baddley J, Goloubeva O, Shetty K, Dahiya S, Rapoport AP, Luetkens T, Atanackovic D. “Humoral immunity against SARS-CoV-2 variants including omicron in solid organ transplant recipients after three doses of a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.” Clin Transl Immunology. 2022 Apr 29;11(5):e1391. PMID:35505864.
- DeRosa PA, Vostal AC, Nace H, Niederhaus SV, Putnam NE, Drachenberg C, Papadimitrou JC, Singh ZN. “Subcutaneous and Disseminated Infection in a Renal Transplant Patient.” Clin Infect Dis. 2022 Oct 20: ciac757. PMID: 36261291.
- Atanackovic D, Luetkens T, Omili D, Iraguha T, Lutfi F, Hardy NM, Fan X, Avila SV, Saharia KK, Husson JS,Niederhaus SV, Margiotta P, Lee ST, Law JY, Mannuel HD, Vander Mause E, Bauman S, Lesho P, Hankey K, Baddley J, Kocoglu M, Yared JA, Rapoport AP, Dahiya S. “Vaccine-induced T-cell responses against SARS-CoV-2 and its Omicron variant in patients with B cell-depleted lymphoma after CART therapy.” Blood. 2022 Jul 14;140(2):152-156.
- Sawinski D, Hendren E, Cunningham A,Niederhaus SV, Gill JS. “The Importance of Maintaining Reproductive Choices for Kidney Transplant Recipients.” J Am Soc Nephrol. 2023 Feb 1;34(2):198-200. Epub 2023 Jan 17. PMID:36735373.
- Line K, Chen W, Kallen ME, Koka R, Omili D, Fan X, Iraguha T, Gebru E, Dishanthan N, Baker JM, Dietze KA, Yared JA, Hankey K, Dahiya S, Niederhaus SV, Dunleavy K, Hardy NM, Luetkens T, Rapoport AP, Atanackovic D. “Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells for the treatment of a kidney transplant patient with post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD).” Human Vaccin Immunother. 2023 Aug 1;19(2):2216116 Epub 2023 Jun 6. PMID:
Book Chapters
- Niederhaus S and D’Alessandro AM. Chapter 54. “Organ Assessment and Acceptance for Donation after Circulatory Death Donors. Textbook of Organ Transplantation. 2014.
- Scalea JR, Seaton M, and Niederhaus SV. Chapter: Organ Transplantation. NMS Surgery, 6th edition
- Niederhaus SV and Kubicki N. NMS Surgery, 7th edition (pending publication)
- Niederhaus SV. Chapter # “Medical Complications after Pancreas Transplantation.” Transplantation of the Pancreas, 2nd Edition 2023.
Research Interests
Dr. Niederhaus engages mostly in research teaching students, residents, and fellows how to perform retrospective chart reviews and analyses. She also collaborates with national groups on research regarding kidney and pancreas transplantation.
Clinical Specialty Details
Dr. Niederhaus is an expert in kidney and pancreas transplantation, and hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis access surgery. Dr. Niederhaus has been in the field for over 10 years and has a unique experience as a two-time kidney transplant recipient herself.
Awards and Affiliations
2003 Association for Academic Surgery Medical Student Research Award
2005-2007 ASTS Roche Laboratories Scientist Award
2008 Best Third-Year Resident on Transplant Award
2011 ATC Young Investigator Award, ATC 2011 Philadelphia, PA
2011 IPITA Travel Grant, awarded based on excellence of abstract score
2012 ASTS Top Poster of Distinction Award (12th Annual State of the Art Winter Symposium)
2015 Living Legacy Professional Excellence Award
2022 Distinguished Lecturer in Practice of Medicine
2022 Mentor Recognition Award
2023 Preceptor Recognition Award
2023 Preceptor Recognition Award
In the News
Community Service
Dr. Niederhaus serves as a board member for the National Kidney Foundation of Maryland and Delaware (NKF MD/DE) and is involved with Transplant Recipients International Organization (TRIO Maryland) as a speaker.