Academic Title:
Clinical Professor
Primary Appointment:
110 S Paca St., 2nd Floor
Phone (Primary):
(410) 706-3344
(410) 706-8162
Education and Training
MD: Temple University School of Medicine (2000)
MSCE: University of Pennsylvania (2006)
Internship: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (2001)
Residency: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (2003)
Fellowship: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (2006)
Dr. Netzer received his B.A. in art history from Vassar College before attending Temple University School of Medicine. His training in medicine, pulmonary and critical care was completed at the University of Pennsylvania, where he also received a master’s degree in clinical epidemiology. His research seeks to improve the implementation of critical care at the bedside through improved organization and education, helping family members as they care for their loved ones in the intensive care unit, and improving the long-term outcomes of patients as they face new challenges after discharge. Dr. Netzer serves the division as Director of Clinical Research and attending in the medical intensive care unit. He is a four-time recipient of the medical school’s Certificate of Teaching Excellence and has been recognized by Super Doctors in the Washington Post as a “Rising Star” in critical care. A recipient of the Society of Critical Care Medicine’s Presidential Citation, he serves on that organization’s Thrive taskforce for improving outcomes after critical illness and also co-authored its guidelines on family-centered care. Dr. Netzer also serves on the American Thoracic Society’s Patient and Family Education Committee.
Research/Clinical Keywords
Family morbidity in the ICU setting, post-intensive care syndrome, organizational factors in critical care.
Highlighted Publications
Netzer G, Shah CV, Iwashyna TJ, Lanken PN, Finkel B, Fuchs B, Guo W, Christie JD. “Association of Red Cell Transfusion with Mortality in Patients with Acute Lung Injury.” Chest. 132:1116-1123, 2007. PMID: 17505028.
Netzer G, Liu X, Harris A, Edelman B, Hess J, Shanholtz C, Murphy DJ, Terrin ML. “Transfusion Practice in the Intensive Care Unit: A Ten-Year Analysis.” Transfusion. 50: 2125-2134, 2010. PMID: 20553436.
Netzer G, Liu X, Shanholtz C, Harris AD, Verceles A, Iwashyna TJ. “Decreased Mortality Resulting from a Multi-Component Intervention in a Tertiary Care Medical Intensive Care Unit,” Critical Care Medicine. 39(2): 284-293, 2011. PMID: 21076286.
Reed RM, Hashmi S, Eberlein M, Iacono A, Netzer G, DeFillipis A, Girgis RE, Toth PP, Scharf S, Jones, S. “Impact of Lung Transplantation on Serum Lipids in COPD,” Respiratory Medicine. 105(12): 1961-1968, 2011. PMID: 22019328.
Verceles A, Silhan L, Terrin M, Netzer G, Shanholtz C, Scharf SM. “Circadian Rhythm Disruption in Severe Sepsis: The Effect of Ambient Light on Urinary 6-Sulfatoxymelatonin Secretion,” Intensive Care Medicine. 38(5): 804-810, 2012. PMID: 22286671.
Additional Publication Citations
Iwashyna TJ, Netzer G, Langa KM, Cigolle C. “Spurious Inferences about Long-term Outcomes: The Case of Severe Sepsis and Geriatric Conditions,” American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 185(8):835-841, 2012. PMID: 22323301.
Hess AS, Shardell M, Johnson JK, Thom KA, Strassle P, Netzer G, Harris AD. “Methods and recommendations for evaluating and reporting a new diagnostic test.” European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases. 31(9): 2111-2116, 2012. PMID: 22476385.
Verceles A, Liu X, Terrin M, Scharf SM, Shanholtz C, Harris A, Ayanleye B, Parker A, Netzer G. “Ambient Light Levels and Critical Care Outcomes.” Journal of Critical Care. 28(1): 1-8, 2012. PMID 22762935.
Holena DN, Netzer G, Localio R, Gallop RJ, Bellamy SL, Meyer NJ, Shashaty MGS, Lanken PN, Kaplan S, Reilly PM, Christie JD. “The Association of Early Transfusion with Acute Lung Injury in Severely Injured Patients.” Journal of Trauma. 73(4): 825-831, 2012. PMID: 23034528.
Sullivan DR, Liu X, Corwin DS, Verceles AC, McCurdy MT, Pate DA, Davis JM, Netzer G. “Learned Helplessness Among Families and Decision-makers of Patients Admitted to Medical, Surgical, and Trauma Intensive Care Units.” Chest. 142(6): 1440-1446, 2012. PMID: 22661454.
Parker AM, Liu X, Harris AD, Shanholtz CB, Smith RL, Hess DR, Reynolds M, Netzer G. "Respiratory Therapy Organizational Changes are Associated with Increased Respiratory Care Utilization." Respiratory Care. 58(3): 439-439, 2013. PMID: 22782139.
Dallman MD, Liu X, Harris AD, Hess JR, Edelman BB, Murphy DJ, Netzer G. “Changes in Transfusion Practice Over Time in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.” Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 14(9): 843-850, 2013. PMID: 23962831.
Netzer G, Dowdy DW, Harrington T, Chandolu S, Dinglas VD, Shah NG, Colantuoni E, Mendez-Tellez PA, Shanholtz C, Hasday JD, Needham DM. “Fever is Associated with Delayed Ventilator Injury in Acute Lung Injury.” Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 10(6):608-615, 2013. PMID: 24025608.
Afshar M, Smith GS, Terrin ML, Barrett M, Lissauer MD, Mansoor S, Jeudy J, Netzer G. “Blood Alcohol Content, Injury Severity and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.” The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 76(6): 1447-1466, 2014. PMID: 24854314.
Representative Editorials and Reviews
Netzer G, Dutton RP, Hess JR. “Right Data, Wrong Conclusion! (Editorial).” Critical Care Medicine. 36(4):1383-1384, 2008.
Netzer G, Dutton RP, Hess JR. “Light from the EAST-SCCM (Editorial),” Critical Care Medicine. 37(12): 3184-3185, 2009. PMID: 19923948.
Netzer G, Hess JR. “TRALI, Transfusion, and Acute Lung Injury: Synergy in Action? (Editorial)” Critical Care Medicine. 38(3): 981-982, 2010. PMID: 20168153.
Netzer G, Hess JR. "Page the Critical Care Epidemiologist, STAT!" Critical Care Medicine. 39(5): 1219-1220, 2011. PMID: 21610586.
Iwashyna TJ, Netzer G. “The Burdens of Survivorship: An Approach to Thinking about Long-term Outcomes After Critical Illness.” Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 33(4): 327-338, 2012. PMID: 22875378.
Afshar M, Netzer G. “Update in Critical Care for the Nephrologist: Transfusion in Non-Hemorrhaging, Critically Ill Patients.” Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease. 20(1): 30-38, 2013. PMID: 23265594.
Netzer G, Siegel MD. “Guiding the Guiders: Recognizing Surrogates’ Needs and Advancing Communication in the Intensive Care Unit.” Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 12(2):237-238, 2015. PMID: 25706488.
Ludmir J, Netzer G. “Go Big: Measuring and Tackling Psychological Morbidity after Critical Illness.” Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 13(8):1217-1218, 2016. PMID: 27509151.
Representative Book Chapters
Netzer, G, Taichman D. “High Altitude Pulmonary Edema,” In Pulmonary Vascular Disease. Taichman, D and Mandell, J, Ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Press, 2006.
Netzer G, Sarani B, Gracias VH, Hess JR. “Rational Use of Blood Products,” In The Intensive Care Manual. 2nd Ed. Lanken PN, Hanson CW, Manaker S, Eds. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. 2014.
Mikkelsen M, Netzer G, Iwashyna TJ. “Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) and Post-Intensive Care Syndrome-Family.” In UpToDate. Barrow DS, Ed. Waltham, MA: UpToDate.
Davidson J, Warlan H, Netzer G. “Family Response to Critical Illness.” In Psychological and Cognitive Response to Critical Illness. Bienvenue OJ, Ed. Oxford press. In Press.
Netzer G, Davidson J. “Creating Patient- and Family-Centered Care in the Intensive Care Unit.” In Person-Focused Healthcare Management. Zimmerman D, Osborn-Harrison D, Eds. New York: Springer Publishing. In Press.
Family morbidity in the ICU setting, post-intensive care syndrome, organizational factors in critical care.
Grants and Contracts
09/01/13-5/31/15 (Co-investigator: 3%)
PI: Linda Simoni-Wastilla
"COPD Treatment in Older Adults with Depression"
National Institute on Aging, 5R21AG045573-02