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Michael A. Neri, MD

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:


Education and Training

2004-2008                    B.S., Biology, Davidson College, Davidson, NC

2012-2016                    M.D., University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD

2016-2019                   Internal Medicine Residency Training, University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, MD


Dr. Neri graduated with a degree in Biology from Davidson College in 2008, after which he spent four years working in hospitals and participating in retrospective and clinical research regarding liver and kidney transplantation, which furthered an interest in medicine and patient care. He graduated from the University of Maryland School of Medicine in 2016, and completed residency training at the University of Maryland Medical Center in 2019. Upon graduation, he transitioned into a position as a Hospitalist for the Med 5 and Med 6 teams, where he provides care to general observation hospital patients, as well as medical transplant patients, working with a team of subspecialitists to care for post-transplant kidney, liver, and lung patients. He has maintained ties with the University of Maryland School of Medicine through participating as an instructor for the Introduction to Clinical Medicine-2 course, helping to teach medical students the complete history and physical exam. He also serves as a Faculty Mentor for the Mario Garcia-Palmieri House at the School of Medicine.

During his time in residency at the University of Maryland Medical Center, Dr. Neri was awarded the 2017 Nurses' Choice Award by the Baltimore Veteran's Affairs Hospital and the ACP Chief Resident Association of Baltimore Profiles of Excellence Award at the Mulholland Mohler Residents Meeting. He is also a member of the Gold Humanism Honor Society.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Medical Student Education, Residency Wellness

Highlighted Publications

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

O’Leary JG, Kaneku H, Susskind BM, Jennings LW, Neri MA, Davis GL, Klintmalm GB, Terasaki PI. High mean fluorescence intensity donor-specific anti-HLA antibodies associated with chronic rejection postliver transplant. American Journal of Transplantation 2011 Sep;11(9):1868-76.

O’Leary JG, Trotter JF, Neri MA, Jennings LW, McKenna GJ, Davis GL, Klintmalm GB. Effect of tacrolimus on survival in hepatitis C-infected patients after liver transplantation. Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings 2011 Jul;24(3):187-91.

McKenna GJ, Trotter JF, Klintmalm E, Onaca N, Ruiz R, Jennings LW, Neri MA, O’Leary JG, Davis GL, Levy MF, Goldstein RM, Klintmalm GB. Limiting hepatitis C virus progression in liver transplant recipients using sirolimus-based immunosuppression. American Journal of Transplantation 2011 Nov;11(11):2379-87.

O’Leary JG, Neri MA, Trotter JF, Davis GL, Klintmalm GB. Utilization of hepatitis C antibody-positive livers: genotype dominance is virally determined. Transplant International: Official Journal of the European Society of Organ Transplantation. 2012 Aug;25(8):825-9.
