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Christopher W.T. Miller, MD

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:



701 W. Pratt St, 4th floor

Phone (Primary):

410 328 6325


410 328 1212

Education and Training

2000 – 2005 M.D., Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) – Florianópolis, Brazil

2007 – 2009 Residency, Internal Medicine, East Tennessee State University

2009 – 2012 Residency, Adult Psychiatry, University of Maryland/Sheppard Pratt



Dr. Miller received his medical degree in Brazil in 2005, completed two years of internal medicine residency in Tennessee, and graduated from the University of Maryland/Sheppard Pratt psychiatry residency program in 2012. He is currently an assistant professor in the department, and is one of the associate training directors for residency education, as well as the associate medical director for the Psychiatric Emergency Services. He is the current chairman of the resident education committee of the American Psychoanalytic Association. He is particularly interested in the intersection of neuroscience and psychotherapy, as well as in the interdisciplinary dialogue between psychoanalysis and the Humanities.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Psychotherapy, Psychiatric Emergency Services, Residency Education

Highlighted Publications

Miller CWT and Himelhoch S. Acceptability of Mobile Phone Technology for Medication Adherence Interventions among HIV-Positive Patients at an Urban Clinic. AIDS Research and Treatment – Edition “Using Mobile Health (mHealth) Technology to Improve HIV Care for Persons Living with HIV and Substance Abuse.” AIDS Research and Treatment. 2013. Volume 2013.

Miller CW and Gallagher KE. Self-limited kleptomania symptoms as a side effect of duloxetine. Case Reports in Psychiatry. 2016.

Miller CWT. Epigenetic and Neural Circuitry Landscape of Psychotherapeutic Interventions. Psychiatry Journal. 2017.

Miller CWT, Kebejian L, Ross DR. The Flaw in the Diamond: Paranoid-Schizoid Struggles in The Counselor. Free Associations: Psychoanalysis and Culture, Media, Groups, Politics. June 2017; 70.
