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Microbiology and Immunology - All Faculty

  • Ambulos, Nicholas P., PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-0665
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    Keywords: Core Facility, Shared Service, Genomics, Molecular Genetics, Sequencing, Gene Expression, Genotyping, Core Management, Pharmacogenomics, Assay Development
  • Ardanuy, Jeremy G., PhD, Research Associate
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  • Awad, Ola A., PhD, Assistant Professor
    (410) 706-1394
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    Keywords: Neurodegeneration, GBA1 mutations, Parkinson's disease, Induced-pluripotent stem cells, autophagy, lysosomal biogenesis, transcription factor EB (TFEB), mTOR kinase.
  • Azad, Abdu F., PharmD, PhD, MPH, Professor Emeritus
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  • Barry, Eileen M., PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-3702
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    Keywords: Enteric bacterial pathogens, Shigella, pathogenic E. coli, Francisella tularensis, biodefense, diarrheal disease, intracellular pathogens, bacterial-host interactions, macrophage models, enteroid, in vitro organ culture (IVOC).
  • Bavoil, Patrik M., PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-6789 (office)
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    Keywords: Microbial pathogenesis, Type III secretion, antigenic variation, biomathematical modelling, comparative genomics, Ecopathogenomics, Chlamydia
  • Bentley, William E., PhD, MEng, Professor
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  • Bianchet, Mario A., PhD, Adjunct Associate Professor
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  • Blanco, Jorge C., PhD, Adjunct Professor
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  • Brantner, Christine A., PhD, Associate Professor
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  • Bromberg, Jonathan S., MD, PhD, Professor
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    Keywords: Transplantation, Immunology, Tolerance, Migration, Microbiota
  • Bruno, Vincent , PhD, Associate Professor
    (410) 706-0812
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    Keywords: Fungal Pathogenesis, Host-Pathogen Interactions, Transcriptomics, Genomics
  • Cairo, Cristiana , PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Human immunology, γδ lymphocytes, Neonatal immunity, Malaria, HIV, Infectious diseases, Fetal-maternal interface.
  • Calia, Frank M., MD, Professor Emeritus
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  • Cao, Xuefang , PhD, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: Cancer immunology and immunotherapy, transplantation immunology, T cell biology, allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT), graft-versus-host disease (GVHD)
  • Carbonetti, Nicholas H., PhD, Professor
    410-706-7677 (Office)
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    Keywords: Bordetella, pertussis, respiratory infection, host response, lung inflammation, sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor signaling, pendrin, adult and neonatal mouse models, interferons, IL-12
  • Carey, Gregory B., PhD, Associate Professor
    (410) 706-8191
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    Keywords: Lymphoma, apoptosis, B cell receptor, reactive oxygen species, signal transduction, cancer cell biology, cytokine, resistance, autophagy, RedOx biology
  • Carneiro da Silva, Joana , PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-0817
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    Keywords: Parasites: Plasmodium, Cryptosporidium, Babesia, Theileria; -omics: comparative genomics, transcriptomics, single cell transcriptomics Vaccinology: genomics of vaccine design and vaccine efficacy
  • Cerny, Jan V., MD, PhD, Adjunct Professor
    (410) 706-7114
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  • Chapoval, Svetlana P., MD, PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: neuroimmune semaphorins 4A and 4D, Center for Vascular and Inflammatory Diseases
  • Chatterjee, Budhaditya , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Chatterjee, Som S., PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Staphylococcus aureus
  • Collins, Kim D., PhD, Adjunct Associate Professor
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  • Conway De Macario, Everly , PhD, Adjunct Professor
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  • Coughlan, Lynda , PhD, Assistant Professor
    +1-(410) 706-2536
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    Keywords: Adenoviral vectors, vaccines, influenza virus, RSV, coronavirus, universal vaccines, immunology
  • DasSarma, Shiladitya , PhD, Professor
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    Keywords: extremophiles, haloarchaea, microbial genomics, purple membrane, gas vesicle nanoparticles, vaccines and therapeutics, climate change
  • Del Veliz, Samanta , BS, Post Doc Fellow
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  • DeVico, Anthony L., PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-4680 (office)
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    Keywords: HIV-Suppressive Chemokines, Vaccines
  • Dooley, Helen M., PhD, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: Immunology, evolution, antibodies, sharks
  • Dumetz, Franck A., PhD, Research Associate
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    Keywords: Parasites, RNA biology (structure and base modifications), sequencing
  • Dunning Hotopp, Julie C., PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-5673
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    Keywords: lateral gene transfer, horizontal gene transfer, genomics, human somatic genome, Wolbachia, Drosophila ananassae, filarial nematodes, Neisseria meningitidis, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, Rickettisales, Anaplasmataceae
  • Dwivedi, Ankit , PhD, MS, Research Associate
    (410) 706-6782
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    Keywords: Malaria, Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium, Babesia, Evolution, Population genetics, Genomics
  • Edwards, Vonetta , PhD, Research Associate
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    Keywords: Host-pathogen interactions, Vaginal microbiome, Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), Cervical-vaginal models, Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Female reproductive tract, Reproductive hormones
  • Ernst, Robert K., PhD, Professor
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  • Ezelle, Heather J., PhD, Research Associate
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  • Fan, Xiaoxuan , PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Flow Cytometry, Cell Sorting
  • Feldman, Ricardo A., PhD, Professor
    410-706-4197 (office)
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    Keywords: Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) for disease modeling, drug discovery and regenerative medicine; lysosomal storage diseases; Gaucher disease; Parkinson's disease; neuronal development; dopaminergic development; neurodegeneration; Wnt pathway; GSK3β; β-catenin; glucocerebrosidase; sphingolipids; mTOR; TFEB; enzyme replacement therapy (ERT); substrate reduction therapy (SRT), mesenchymal stem cells (MSC); osteoblasts; bone disease; macrophages; hematopoietic development.
  • Feng, Hanping , PhD, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: Clostridium difficile, VHH, immunotherapy, toxins, antibody, vaccine development, animal models, toxemia, pathogenesis, inflammation
  • Ferraz, Camila , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Flajnik, Martin F., PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-5161
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  • France, Michael Timothy , PhD, Research Associate
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  • Fraser, Claire M., PhD, Professor
  • Fricke, W. Florian , PhD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
    Germany: +49 (711) 459 24841
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  • Frieman, Matthew B., PhD, Professor
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    Keywords: Coronavirus, MERS, SARS, Influenza, Pathogenesis, anti-viral, therapeutics, diabetes, DPP4, lung, COVID19
  • Gajer, Pawel , PhD, Research Associate
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    Keywords: bioinformatics, bacterial vaginosis, preterm delivery
  • Galkin, Andrey , PhD, Research Associate
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  • Gallo, Robert C., MD, Professor
  • Garzino-Demo, Alfredo , PhD, Adjunct Associate Professor
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  • Gillespie, Joseph J., PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Evolutionary Biology, Rickettsiology, Rickettsia, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Bioinformatics, Phylogenetics, Phylogenomics, Metabolomics, Structural Biology, Lateral Gene Transfer, Type IV Secretion Systems, Secretome, Pathogenesis, Genome Sequencing, Arthropods, Ticks, Fleas, Body Lice, Epidemic Typhus, Murine Typhus, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Transitional Group rickettsiae, Wolbachia
  • Hamza, Iqbal , PhD, Professor
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  • Hassel, Bret A., PhD, Professor
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    Keywords: Rnase-L, type-1 interferon, mRNA turnover, innate immunity, tumor suppressor
  • Hazen, Tracy H., PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: E. coli, Klebsiella, Acinetobacter, genomics, evolution, antibiotic resistance, microbial surveillance
  • Heltzel, Justin M. H. , PhD, Research Associate
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  • Hill, Russell T., PhD, Professor
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  • Holm, Johanna B., PhD, Assistant Professor
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  • Jabra-Rizk, Mary Ann , PhD, Associate Professor
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  • Jackson, William T., PhD, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: Picornavirus, Poliovirus, Rhinovirus, Coxsackievirus, Enterovirus D-68, PV, HRV, CVB3, EVD-68, Autophagy, Secretion, Trafficking
  • Jassey, Alagie , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Jewell, Christopher M., PhD, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: Vaccine design and immunotherapy, biomaterial interactions with the immune system, autoimmunity, polyelectrolyte multilayers, nanotechnology, polymer and lipid-based drug carriers
  • Johnson, J. Kristie , PhD, Professor
    (410) 328-6698
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    Keywords: Microbiology, Immunology, Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA, resistant mobile genetic elements in gram negatives including extended spectrum β-lactamases and plasmid mediated AMP-C β-lactamases
  • Kalvakolanu, Dhan V., PhD, Professor
    (410) 328-1396 (office)
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    Keywords: Tumor suppressors, cytokines, apoptosis, autophagy, transcriptional regulation, immune response
  • Kaper, James B., PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-7114
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    Keywords: Microbiology, Immunology, Bacterial Vaccines, Enteric Pathogenesis, Bacterial Genetics, Intestinal Colonization
  • Keegan, Achsah D., PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-8174
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    Keywords: cytokines, signal transduction, IL-4, IL-13, receptors, STAT6, macrophages, allergy, asthma
  • Kerr, Jennifer E., PhD, Visiting Associate Professor
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  • Krantz, Bryan A., PhD, Associate Professor
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  • Krupnick, Alexander S., MD, Professor
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  • Kumar, Amit , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Kumar, Manoj , PhD, Assistant Professor
    (410) 706-4198
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    Keywords: Neurodegeneration, Parkinson’s disease, dopamine neurons, microglia, pluripotent stem cells, mitochondria, lysosome, alpha synuclein, gene editing
  • Latinovic, Olga S., PhD, MSc, MBA, Adjunct Assistant Professor
    (410) 706-2769
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    Keywords: HIV-1 Entry Inhibition In Vivo
  • Laukaitis, Hanna , MS, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Levine, Myron M., MD, DTPH, Professor
    (410) 706-7588
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    Keywords: Salmonella Typhi, S. Paratyphi A, non-typhoidal Salmonella serovars, Shigella, Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae O1, Shigella, Haemophilus influenzae, live oral vaccines, vaccine development, conjugate vaccines, clinical trials, pathogenesis, human immune response.
  • Lewis, George K., PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-4668
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    Keywords: HIV Vaccine Development, Immunology, Structural Biology, Non-human Primates
  • Li, Yuxing , PhD, Professor
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    Keywords: HIV-1, neutralizing antibody, B cell, Ebola virus, vaccine, immunotherapeutics, structural biology
  • Livak, Ferenc , MD, Adjunct Associate Professor
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  • Luetkens, Tim C., MD, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: Cellular immunotherapies, protein engineering
  • Ma, Bing , PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Multi-‘Omics’, Big data, Genomics, Microbiome, Metagenomics, Metabolomics, Transcriptomics, Metatranscriptomics, single-cell RNA-seq, Microbe-Host Interaction, live biotherapeutics, Biomarker discovery, Data mining, GI Health, Systems Biology
  • Macario, Alberto J L., MD, Adjunct Professor
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  • Mann, Dean L., MD, Professor
    (410) 706-1820
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    Keywords: Immunogenetics
  • Mas, Valeria R., PhD, Professor
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  • McCann, Robert S., PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Malaria, Anopheles, mosquito, vector control, vector ecology and behavior, parasite transmission, landscape ecology, GIS, landscape genetics, weather, climate.
  • Mcintire, Katherine M., PhD, Research Associate
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  • Mitchell, Ashley , PhD, Research Fellow
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  • Moin, Imran , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Moudgil, Kamal D., MD, PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-7804 (office)
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    Keywords: Immunology, Autoimmunity, Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Immune Regulation, Heat-shock Proteins, Antigen Processing and Presentation, Natural products, Herbal Medicine
  • Nanjaiah, Hemalatha , MSc, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Nataro, James P., MD, PhD, Adjunct Professor
    (410) 706-5328
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  • Nene, Vishvanath M., PhD, Adjunct Professor
    (410) 706-3860
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  • Oglesby-Sherrouse, Amanda G., PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: iron, bacterial pathogenesis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, gene regulation
  • Ohta, Yuko , PhD, Assistant Professor
    (410) 706-4196
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    Keywords: Molecular Biology, Comparative Immunology, Immunogenetics, Bioinformatics, Gene Annotation, Comparative Genomics, Genome evolution, Cell Biology, pharmaceutical science, cancer chemotherapy
  • Pasetti, Marcela F., PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-5328
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    Keywords: Immunology, vaccines, immune responses, neonatal immunity, maternal-infant immunization, vaccine development, mucosal immunology, adjuvant, vaccine delivery systems.
  • Pedra, Joao H.F., PhD, Professor
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    Keywords: Tick-borne diseases; innate immunity
  • Perkins, Darren J., PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Macrophage, lipopolysaccharide, LPS, type I Interferon, Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs), Salmonella
  • Prantner, Daniel J., PhD, Research Associate
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  • Prasad, Joni M., PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: lrp1, protein biochemistry, lipoprotein receptor, hemostasis, S. aureus, infection, fibrinogen
  • Rahman, Mohammed Sayeedur , PhD, Assistant Professor
    410-706-5441 (Office)
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    Keywords: Microbiology, Bacteriology, Rickettsia, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Transcriptome, Protein Secretion pathways, Secretome, Interactome, Virulence, Pathogenesis, Arthropods, Ticks, Fleas, Body Lice, Epidemic Typhus, Murine Typhus, Spotted Fever and Transitional Group rickettsiae
  • Rasko, David A., PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-6774
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  • Ravel, Jacques , PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-5674
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  • Richard, Katharina , PhD, Research Associate
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    Keywords: Innate Immunity, Macrophages, TLR4, Metabolism, Catanionic Surfactant Nanoparticles, Vaccines, Francisella tularensis
  • Robb, Frank T., PhD, Professor
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    Keywords: Extremophiles; Model organisms; Protein folding; Chaperones, Chaperonopathy
  • Rorke, Ellen A., PhD, Adjunct Associate Professor
    (410) 706-4251
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    Keywords: AP-1, keratinocyte, epidermis, keratoderma, ichthyosis
  • Sacci, John B., PhD, Adjunct Associate Professor
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  • Sadik, Mohammad , MSc, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Samaddar, Sourabh , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
  • Scanlon, Karen M., PhD, Assistant Professor
    (410) 706-7940
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    Keywords: Immune ontogeny, respiratory infection, pediatric infection, pulmonary hypertension, Bordetella pertussis, pulmonary immunology
  • Schmaljohn, Alan L., PhD, Adjunct Professor
    (240) 626-3704
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  • Schulze, Dan H., PhD, Adjunct Professor
    (410) 706-5180
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    Keywords: Histocompatibility, sodium calcium exchange, Fc receptors, Natural Killer cells, biosensors
  • Scott, Alison J., PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: dentistry, microbial pathogenesis, dynamic lipid response during inflammation
  • Sen, Subhojit Sourendra , PhD, Visiting Assistant Professor
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  • Serre, David , Dr. rer. nat., Professor
    (410) 706-7983
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    Keywords: Genomics, Plasmodium vivax, malaria, Anopheles
  • Shang, Xiaoran , PhD, Research Associate
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  • Shirey, Kari Ann , PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Innate Immunity, Macrophage, Macrophage differentiation, Alternatively activated macrophage (AAM or M2), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), Influenza, Toll-like Receptors (TLRs), Acute Lung Injurey (ALI),secondary bacterial infection
  • Silverman, David J., PhD, Professor Emeritus
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  • Singh, Nevil J., PhD, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: T cell activation & differentiation, Immunological tolerance, Immunological Memory, Neuroimmunology, Adaptive immunity to infections, Dendritic cell activation, IL-12 family cytokines, Tumor Immunology, Cancer Immunology
  • Skerry, Ciaran , PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Microbiology, Immunology, Bordetella, bordetella pertussis, host-pathogen, host-directed, sphingosine-1-phosphate, peptidoglycan, peptidoglycan recognition protein,
  • Snyder, Greg A., PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Immunology, Structural biology, Microbiology, Cancer, Molecular Biophysics
  • Su, Lishan , PhD, Professor
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    Keywords: Immunology, virology, immunotherapy, humanized mice, CAR-T
  • Sundberg, Eric J., PhD, Adjunct Professor
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  • Sztein, Marcelo B., MD, Professor
    (410) 706-2345
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    Keywords: Salmonella Typhi, Salmonella Paratyphi, Shigella, Plasmodium falciparum, malaria, Francisella tularensis, tularemia, Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), Dengue, Ebola, H. pylori, microbiome, mucosal immunity, T cytotoxic cells, T helper cells, mucosal associated invariant T cells (MAIT), innate immunity, macrophages, controlled human infection models, non-human primates.
  • Tallon, Luke J., , Research Associate
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  • Taylor, Louis , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
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    Keywords: virology, coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, RNAseq, transcriptomics, genomics, metagenomics, high-throughput sequencing, bioinformatics
  • Tennant, Sharon M., PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-5336 (office)
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    Keywords: Molecular biology, microbiology, bacterial pathogens, bacterial pathogenesis, invasive non-typhoidal Salmonella, vaccine introduction, vaccine development, PCR, global health, and diagnostic assay development.
  • Tettelin, Herve , PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-6764
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    Keywords: Bacterial pathogens, comparative genomics, functional genomics, RNA-seq, Tn-seq, bioinformatics.
  • Toshchakov, Vladimir Y., PhD, Adjunct Associate Professor
    (410) 706-7076
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    Keywords: Cell signaling. Toll-like receptors. TIR domains.
  • Tracy, Allison Merrow , PhD, Assistant Professor
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  • Trotta, Rossana , PhD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
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  • Ullah, Saif , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
  • Vasta, Gerardo R., PhD, Professor
    (410) 234-8826
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    Keywords: Glycobiology, Glycoimmunology, Lectin, Galectin, F-Lectin, Glycan Receptor, Molecular Recognition, Protein Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Transcriptomics, Genomics, Recombinant Expression, Innate Immunity, Inflammatory Signaling Pathways, Epithelial Cells, Hemocyte, Macrophage, Leukocyte, Protozoan Parasite, Virus, PRR, PAMP, MAMP, Intracellular Signaling, Galectin Inhibitor
  • Vogel, Stefanie N., PhD, Professor
    410-706-4838 (office)
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    Keywords: macrophages, lipopolysaccharide, Toll-like receptors (TLRs), macrophage differentiation, signaling pathways, interferons, cytokines, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), Francisella tularensis, vaccines, dextran sodium sulfate
  • Voss, Oliver H., PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Monocytes, Macrophages, Inflammasome, Apoptosis, Autophagy, Caspases, TLR signaling, Rickettsia infection and other infectious diseases
  • Webb, Tonya J., PhD, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: cancer immunology, cancer immunotherapy, CD1d-mediated NKT cell activation ELISA, flow cytometry, Western blotting, qPCR, lipidomics, proteomics spheroids, artificial antigen presenting cells
  • Weston, Stuart M., PhD, Research Associate
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    Keywords: Coronavirus, COVID-19, SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV, influenza, antiviral drugs, host factors.
  • Ye, Ting Juan , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Zhao, Richard Y., PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-6301 (Office)
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    Keywords: HIV/AIDS, Zika Virus, host pathogen, fission yeast, model system, molecular pathology, transitional genomics, precision medicine