Academic Title:
Associate Professor
Primary Appointment:
29 S. Greene Street, Suite 200
Phone (Primary):
(410) 328-5408
(410) 328-6343
Education and Training
1999 : Scientific baccalaureate, Switzerland
2007 - 2013 : M.D.-Ph.D., Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, Switzerland
2007 - 2015 : Residency, General Surgery, Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland
2016 : Board certification, Surgery, Berne, Switzerland
2015 - 2017 : Fellowship, General Surgery, Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland
2018 - 2020 : Liver, Kidney, and Pancreas Transplant and Hepatobiliary Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), USA
Raphael P. H. Meier, M.D., Ph.D. is a liver, kidney, and pancreas transplant and hepatobiliary surgeon and researcher at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Dr. Meier's research focuses on developing mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) transplantation as a therapeutic modality to deliver anti-inflammatory cytokines to treat liver diseases. Another part of his research focuses on studying genetic determinants of islets of Langerhans’ function and their impact on diabetes and islet transplantation outcomes. Dr. Meier is also involved in islet, liver, and kidney xenotransplantation research.
Research/Clinical Keywords
Liver transplantation, Kidney transplantation, Pancreas and islet cell transplantation, Mesenchymal stem cells
Highlighted Publications
Zhou AL, Akbar AF, Ruck JM, Weeks SR, Wesson R, Ottmann SE, Philosophe B, Cameron AM, Meier RPH, King EA. Use of Ex Situ Machine Perfusion for Liver Transplantation: The National Experience. Transplantation. 2024 Dec 26. doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000005290. Online ahead of print.
Shirini K, Kamberi S, Drachenberg C, Haririan A, Saharia K, Meier RPH. Renal transplantation using kidneys from a donor with high grade cytomegalovirus viraemia: case report and literature review.
Lancet Infect Dis. 2024.
Brown AE, Kelly YM, Zarinsefat A, Meier RPH, Worner G, Tavakol M, Sarwal MM, Laszik ZG, Stock PG, Sigdel TK. Gene expression-based molecular scoring of pancreas transplant rejection for a quantitative assessment of rejection severity and resistance to treatment. Am J Transplant. 2024.
Bonaccorsi-Riani E, Guinolfi D, Dondossola D, Varghese R, Cziganyi Z, Emamaullee J, Ghinolfi D, Al-Adra D, Meier R, Pang L, Boteon Y L, Brueggenwirth I, Pavan-Guimaraes J, Zarrinpar A, Barbas A, Mas V R, Selzner M, Martins P N, Bhat M. What Is Hot and New in Basic and Translational Science in Liver Transplantation in 2023 - Report of the Basic and Translational Research Committee of the International Liver Transplantation Society. Transplantation. 2024; Accepted article.
Goerlich C, Kamberi S, Ladowski J, Citro A, Connolly M, Fischer K, Salvaris E, Singh A, Wang Y, Stern J, Meier RPH. The Young Investigator’s Committee of the International Xenotransplantation Association– Perspective of Advancements in the Field in 2023. Xenotransplantation. 2024.
Xenotransplantation literature update March 2023-November 2023. Xenotransplantation. 2024. Accepted article.
Meier RP, Kamberi S, Alvarez-Casas J, Lane BF, Bhati CS, Malik S, Twaddell W, Shetty K, Fang A, Kim HS, Maluf DG. Inferior Vena Cava Thrombectomy and Stenting as Bridge to Liver Transplantation After Radiotherapy-Induced Thrombosis. Prog Transplant. 2023.
Sescleifer AM, Crane A, Teeter W, Scalea T, Twaddell WS, Alvarez-Casas J, Bhati C, Lominadze Z, Malik S, Maluf D, Meier RPH. A Case Report of Rescue of Primary Nonfunction following Liver Transplant Using the Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System (MARS). Prog Transplant. 2023.
Drachenberg CB, Buettner-Herold M, Aguiar PV, Horsfield C, Mikhailov AV, Papadimitriou JC, Seshan SV, Perosa M, Boggi U, Uva P, Rickels M, Grzyb K, Arend L, Cuatrecasas M, Toniolo MF, Farris AB, Renaudin K, Zhang L, Roufousse C, Gruessner A, Gruessner R, Kandaswamy R, White S, Burke G, Cantarovich D, Parsons RF, Cooper M, Kudva YC, Kukla A, Haririan A, Parajuli S, Merino-Torres JF, Argente-Pla M, Meier R, Dunn T, Ugarte R, Rao JS, Vistoli F, Stratta R, Odorico J. BANFF 2022 PANCREAS TRANSPLANTATION MULTIDISCIPLINARY REPORT: Refinement of guidelines for TCMR, AMR, islet and non-rejection pathologies. Assessment of duodenal cuff biopsies and non-invasive diagnostic methods. Am J Transplant. 2023.
Agius T, Songeon J, Lyon A, Longchamp J, Ruttimann R, Allagnat F, Déglise S, Corpataux JM, Golshayan D, Buhler L, Meier R, Yeh H, Markmann J, Uygun K, Toso C, Klauser A, Lazeyras F, Longchamp A. Sodium Hydrosulfide (NaHS) Treatment During Porcine Kidney Ex-Vivo Perfusion and Transplantation. Transplantation direct. 2023.
Meier R, Miguel Nunez, Shareef M. Syed, Sandy Feng, Mehdi Tavakol, Chris E. Freise, John P. Roberts, Nancy L. Ascher, Ryutaro Hirose, Garrett R. Roll. DCD liver transplant in patients with a MELD over 35. Frontiers in Immunology. 2023.
Kamberi S, Meier RPH. Xenotransplantation literature update March 2021-March 2023
Xenotransplantation. 2023.
Wassmer CH, Revol R, Uhe I, Chevallay M, Toso C, Gervaz P, Morel P, Poletti PA, Ris, Schwenter F, Perneger T, Meier R. A new clinical severity score for the management of acute small bowel obstruction.
International Journal of Surgery, 2023.
Ballou C, Barton F, Payne EH, Berney T, Villard J, Meier RPH, Baidal D, Alejandro R, Robien M, Eggerman TL, Kamoun M, Muller YD. Matching for HLA-DR excluding diabetogenic HLA-DR3 and HLA- DR4 predicts insulin independence after pancreatic islet transplantation
Front. Immunol. 2023.
Lin MS , Carrier A, Toursavadkohi S, Meier RPH, Sarkar R, Bromberg J, Cox SR, Scalea JR. Can remote endarterectomy expand access to kidney transplantation in patients with severe iliac calcification?
American Journal of Transplantation, 2023.
Belhoste M, Allenbach G, Agius T, Meier R, Venetz JP, Corpataux JM, Schneider A, Golshayan D, Prior J, Déglise S, Nicod Lalonde M, Longchamp A. Role of Post-Transplant graft Scintigraphy in Kidney Donation after Circulatory Death
Frontiers in Transplantation, 2022.
Meier RPH, Kelly Y, Braun HJ, Niemann C, Freise C, Ascher N, Roberts J, Roll G. Comparison of biliary complications rates after brain death, donation after circulatory death, and living-donor liver transplantation: a single-center cohort study.
Transplant international. 2022.
Porret R, Meier RPH, Mikulic J, Pascual M, Aubert V, Harr T, Golshayan D, Muller D. Atopy as an independent predictor for long-term patient and graft survival after kidney transplantation. Frontiers in Immunol., Accepted manuscript 2022.
Agius T, Songeon J, Klauser A, Longchamp, G, Allagnat, F, Ruttiman, R, Meier, R, MD, Ivaniesevic, Markmann, J, Uygun K, Buhler L, Toso C, Corpataux JM, Lazeyras F, Longchamp A. Sub-Normothermic Ex-Vivo DCD Porcine Kidney Perfusion Improves Energy Metabolism: Analysis using 31P Magnetic Resonance Imaging Spectroscopy. Transplantation Direct: October 2022 - Volume 8 - Issue 10 - p e1354.
Carrier AN, Verma A, Mohiuddin M, Pascual M, Muller Y, Longchamp A, Bhati C, Buhler L, Maluf D, Meier RPH. Xenotransplantation: A New Era. Immunol., 09 June 2022.
Ward C, Kelly Y, Syed S, Meier R, Ando T, Wisel S, Gardner J, Stock P, Duh QY. Procurement of Deceased Donor Parathyroid Glands with the Aid of Near Infra-Red Fluorescence Imaging. Transplantation direct. 2022. April 2022 - Volume 8 - Issue 4 - p e1306.
Xenotransplantation. 2022 Feb 15:e12736. doi: 10.1111/xen.12736.
Meier R, Kelly Y, Yamagushi S, Braun HJ, Lunow-Luke T, Adelmann D, Niemann C, Maluf D, Dietch Z, Stock P, Kang SM, Feng S, Posselt A, Gardner J, Syed S, Hirose, R, Freise C, Ascher N, Roberts J, Roll G. Advantages and limitations of clinical scores for donation after circulatory death liver transplantation. Frontiers in Surgery 2022 Jan 5.
Nguyen C, Fontaine M, Meier R, Jakhete N. Passenger Lymphocyte Syndrome: A rare case of post liver transplant anemia. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation. 2022 Jan 14.
Bégin MJ, Audet MC, Chevalley T, Portela M, Padlina I, Hannouche D, Ing Lorenzini K, Meier R, Peter R, Uebelhart B, Rizzoli R, Ferrari S, Biver E. Fracture risk following an atypical femoral fracture. The Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2021.
Balaphas B, Meyer J, Meier RPH, Liot E, Buchs N, Roche B, Toso C, Buhler L, Gonelle-Gispert C, Ris F. Cell Therapy for Anal Sphincter Incontinence: Where Do We Stand? Cells 2021, 10(8)
Meier RPH, Longchamp A, Mohiuddin M, Manuel O, Vrakas G, Maluf DG, Buhler LH, Muller YD, Pascual M. Recent progress and remaining hurdles toward clinical xenotransplantation. Xenotransplantation. 2021.
Meier R, Noguchi H, Kelly Y, Sarwal M, Conti G, Ward C, Halleluyan R, Tavakol M, Stock P, Freise C. Impact of Sarcopenia on Simultaneous Pancreas and Kidney Transplantation Outcomes: A Retrospective Observational Cohort Study. Transplantation direct. 2020.
Meier R, Meyer J, Muller Y, Szot G, Bedat B, Andres A, Masse N, Lalbanche S, Puppa G, Bosco D, Berney T. Pancreas collagen digestion during islet of Langerhans isolation. Transplant international. 2020 Aug 27. doi: 10.1111/tri.13725.
Longchamp A, Klauser A, Songeon J, Agius T, Nastasi A, Ruttiman R, Moll S, Meier R, Buhler L, Corpataux JM, Lazeyras F. Ex Vivo Analysis of Kidney Graft Viability Using 31P Magnetic Resonance Imaging Spectroscopy. Transplantation. 2020 Jul 1.
Meier R, Müller Y, Dietrich PY, Tille JC, Nikolaev S, Sartori A, Labidi-Galy I, Ernandez T, Kaur A, Hirsch H, McKee T, Toso C, Villard J, Berney T. Immunologic clearance of a BK virus-associated metastatic renal allograft carcinoma. Transplantation 2020.
Müller Y, Meier R. Targeting laminin 511, a new pathway to promote organ tolerance? Transplantation 2019 Apr 25.
Longchamp A*, Meier R*, Colucci N, Balaphas A, Orci L, Nastasi A, Longchamp G, Moll S, Klauser A, Lazeyras F, Pascual M, Corpataux JM, Bühler L (*co-first authors). Impact of an intra-abdominal cooling device during open kidney transplantation in pigs. Swiss Medical Weekly 2019 Dec 23;149:w20143.
Meier R, Syed S, Roberts JP. Re: Biliary Bicarbonate, pH and Glucose Are Suitable Biomarkers of Biliary Viability During Ex Situ Normothermic Machine Perfusion of Human Donor Livers. Transplantation. Jan 2019.
Ostermann S, Morel P, Chale JJ, Bucher P, Konrad B, Meier R, Ris F, Schiffer ERC. Randomized Controlled Trial of Enhanced Recovery Program Dedicated to Elderly Patients After Colorectal Surgery. Dis Colon Rectum. 2019 Jul 12.
Meier R, Meyer J, Montanari E, Lacotte S, Balaphas A, Muller Y, Clément S, Negro F, Toso C, Morel P, Buhler L. Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist modulates liver inflammation and fibrosis in mice in a model-dependent manner. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019.
Meier R, Andrey D, Sun P, Niclauss N, Bédat B, Demuylder-Mischler S, Borot S, Benhamou PY, Wojtusciszyn A, Buron F, Pernin N, Muller Y, Bosco D, van Delden C, Berney T. Pancreas preservation fluid microbial contamination is associated with poor islet isolation outcomes. Transplant international. 2018; 31(8):917-929.
Montanari E, Pimenta J, Szabó L, Noverraz F, Passemard S, Meier RPH, Meyer J, Sidibe J, Thomas A, Schuurman HJ, Gerber-Lemaire S, Gonelle-Gispert C, Buhler LH. Beneficial Effects of Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells on Porcine Hepatocyte Viability and Albumin Secretion. Journal of Immunology Research. 2018 Jan 11;
Meier R, Muller YD, Balaphas A, Morel P, Pascual M, Seebach J, Bühler LH. Xenotransplantation: Back to the future? Transplant international. 2018; 31(5):465-477.
Meier R, Piller V, Hagen ME, Joliat C, Buchs JB, Nastasi A, Ruttimann R, Buchs NC, Moll S, Vallée JP, Lazeyras F, Morel P, Bühler L. Intra-abdominal cooling system limits ischemia-reperfusion injury during robot-assisted renal transplantation. American journal of transplantation. 2018; 18(1):53-62.
Schuetz C, Anazawa T, Cross SE, Labriola L, Meier RPH, Redfield RR 3rd, Scholz H, Stock PG, Zammit NW; IPITA YIC Young Investigator Committee. ß cell replacement therapy: the next 10 years. Transplantation 2018; 102(2):215-229.
Montanari E, Meier R, Mahou R, Seebach JD, Wandrey C, Gerber-Lemaire S, Buhler LH, Gonelle-Gispert C. Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells enhance insulin secretion from human islets via N-cadherin interaction and prolong function of transplanted encapsulated islets in mice. Stem Cell Research & Therapy. 2017 Sep 29;8(1):199. doi: 10.1186/s13287-017-0646-7.
Meier R, Montanari E, Morel P, Pimenta J, Schuurman HJ, Wandrey C, Gerber-Lemaire S, Mahou R, Bühler L. Microencapsulation of Hepatocytes and Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Therapeutic Applications. P. Stock and Christ B. (eds.), Methods in Molecular Biology, Hepatocyte Transplantation (2017).
Meier R, Fournier I, Toso C, Berney T, Bednarkiewicz M. Surgical repair of a living-donor kidney graft artery kink by a post anastomotic external iliac artery rotation and re-anastomosis. Annals of Vascular Surgery. 2017 May 4.
Oldani G, Peloso A, Lacotte S, Meier R, Toso C. Xenogeneic chimera—Generated by blastocyst complementation—As a potential unlimited source of recipient-tailored organs. Xenotransplantation 2017; 24(4).
Lavallard V, Armanet M, Parnaud G, Meyer J, Barbieux C, Montanari E, Meier R, Morel P, Berney T, Bosco D. Cell rearrangement in transplanted human islets. FASEB J. 2016 Feb;30(2):748-60.
Niclauss N, Meier R, Bédat B, Berishvili E, Berney T. Beta-Cell Replacement: Pancreas and Islet Cell Transplantation. Stettler C, Christ E, Diem P (eds): Novelties in Diabetes. Endocr Dev. Basel, Karger 2016, vol 31, pp 146–162.
Meier R, Toso C, Terraz S, Breguet R, Berney T, Andres A, Jannot AS, Rubbia-Brandt L, Morel P, Mentha G, Majno P. Improved liver function after portal vein embolization and elective right hepatectomy. HPB (Oxford). 2015 Nov;17(11):1009-18.
Meier R, Navarro-Alvarez N, Morel P, Schuurman HJ, Strom S, Bühler LH. Current status of hepatocyte xenotransplantation. Int J Surg. 2015 Sep 9.
Lejmi E, Perriraz N, Clément S, Morel P, Baertschiger R, Christofilopoulos P, Meier R, Bosco D, Bühler L, Gonelle-Gispert C. Inflammatory chemokines MIP-1delta and MIP-3alpha are involved in the migration of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells induced by hepatoma cells. Stem Cells and Development. 2015 May 15;
Meier R, Mahou R, Meyer, J, Montanari, E, Morel P, Muller Y, Christofilopoulos P, Wandrey C, Gonelle-Gispert C, Bühler L. Microencapsulated human mesenchymal stem cells decrease liver fibrosis in mice. Journal of Hepatology. 2015 Mar;62(3):634-41.
Giovannoni L, Muller Y, Lacotte S, Parnaud G, Borot S, Meier R, Lavallard V, Bédat B, Toso C, Daubeuf B, Elson G, Shang L, Morel P, Kosco-Vilbois M, Bosco D, Berney T. Enhancement of islet engraftment and achievement of long-term islet allograft survival by toll-like receptor 4 blockade. Transplantation 2015 Jan;99(1):29-35.
Meier R, Oulhaci-de Saussure W, Orci LA, Gutzwiller E, Morel P, Ris F, Schwenter F. Clinical Outcome in Acute Small Bowel Obstruction after Surgical or Conservative Management. World J Surg. 2014 Dec;38(12):3082-8.
Meier R, Sert I, Morel P, Muller YD, Borot S, Badet L, Toso C, Bosco D, Berney T. Islet of Langerhans isolation from pediatric and juvenile donor pancreases. Transpl Int. 2014 May 29.
Meier R, Seebach JD, Morel P, Mahou R, Borot S, Giovannoni L, Parnaud G, Montanari E, Bosco D, Wandrey C, Berney T, Bühler LH, Muller YD. Survival of free and encapsulated human and rat islet xenografts transplanted into the mouse bone marrow. PLoS One. 2014 Mar 13;9(3):e91268. eCollection 2014.
Mahou R, Meier R, Bühler L, Wandrey C. Alginate-Poly(ethylene glycol) Hybrid Microspheres for Primary Cell Microencapsulation. Materials 2014, 7(1), 275-286.
Orci LA, Meier R, Morel P, Staszewicz W, Toso C. Systematic review and meta-analysis of percutaneous subclavian vein puncture versus surgical venous cutdown for the insertion of a totally implantable venous access device. Br J Surg. 2013 Nov 26.
Borot S, Crowe LA, Parnaud G, Ris F, Meier R, Giovannoni L, Müller YD, Lacotte S, Morel P, Toso C, Bosco D, Vallee JP, Berney T. Quantification of Islet Loss and Graft Functionality During Immune Rejection by 3-Tesla MRI in a Rat Model. Transplantation 2013 Jul 30.
Meier R, Muller YD, Morel P, Gonelle-Gispert C, Bühler LH. Transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of liver diseases, is there enough evidence? Stem Cell Research, 2013 Nov;11(3):1348-64.
Mahou R, Kollarikova G, Gonelle-Gispert C, Meier R, Schmitt F, Tran N, Dufresne M, Lacik I, Bühler L, Juillerat-Jeanneret L, Legallais C, Christine Wandrey C. Combined Electrostatic and Covalent Polymer Networks for Cell Microencapsulation. Macromolecular Symposia July 2013;
Muller YD, Meier R, Bromberg JS, Bühler LH. Literature Watch: implications for transplantation; Blastocyst Complementation for Chimeras for Xenotransplantation. Am J Transplant. 2013 Jun;13(6):1377.
Meier R, Rizzoli R, Peter RE. Are bisphosphonates associated with an increased risk of atypical femoral fractures as a class?-Reply. JAMA Intern Med. 2013 Jan 14;173(1):80.
Meier R, Lorenzini KI, Uebelhart B, Stern R, Peter RE, Rizzoli R. Atypical femoral fracture following bisphosphonate treatment in a woman with osteogenesis imperfecta-a case report. Acta Orthop. 2012 Sep 24.
Meier R, Perneger TV, Stern R, Rizzoli R, Peter RE. Increasing Occurrence of Atypical Femoral Fractures Associated With Bisphosphonate Use. Arch Intern Med. 2012 Jun 25;172(12):930-6.
Parnaud G, Gonelle-Gispert C, Morel P, Giovannoni L, Muller YD, Meier R, Borot S, Berney T, Bosco D. Cadherin Engagement Protects Human beta-Cells from Apoptosis. Endocrinology 2011 Oct 11.
Lorenzo PI, Jimenez Moreno CM, Delgado I, Cobo-Vuilleumier N, Meier R, Gomez-Izquierdo L, Berney T, Garcia-Carbonero R, Rojas A, Gauthier BR. Immunohistochemical assessment of Pax8 expression during pancreatic islet development and in human neuroendocrine tumors. Histochem Cell Biol. 2011 Sep 20.
Borot S, Niclauss N, Wojtusciszyn A, Brault C, Demuylder-Mischler S, Müller Y, Giovannoni L, Parnaud G, Meier R, Badet L, Bayle F, Frimat L, Kessler L, Morelon E, Penfornis A, Thivolet C, Toso C, Morel P, Bosco D, Colin C, Benhamou PY, Berney T; on behalf of the GRAGIL Network. Impact of the Number of Infusions on 2-Year Results of Islet-After-Kidney Transplantation in the GRAGIL Network. Transplantation 2011 Sep 16.
Muller YD, Golshayan D, Ehirchiou D, Wyss JC, Giovannoni L, Meier R, Serre-Beinier V, Puga Yung G, Morel P, Bühler LH, Seebach JD. Immunosuppressive effects of streptozotocin-induced diabetes result in absolute lymphopenia and a relative increase of T regulatory cells. Diabetes 2011 Sep;60(9):2331-40.
Ris F, Niclauss N, Morel P, Demuylder-Mischler S, Muller Y, Meier R, Genevay M, Bosco D, Berney T. Islet autotransplantation after extended pancreatectomy for focal benign disease of the pancreas. Transplantation 2011 Apr 27;91(8):895-901.
Niclauss N, Bosco D, Morel P, Demuylder-Mischler S, Brault C, Milliat-Guittard L, Colin C, Parnaud G, Muller YD, Giovannoni L, Meier R, Toso C, Badet L, Benhamou PY, Berney T. Influence of donor age on islet isolation and transplantation outcome. Transplantation 2011 Feb 15;91(3):360-6.
Meier R, Toso C, Volonte F, Mentha G. Splenic rupture after a colonoscopy. Am J Emerg Med. 2011 Feb;29(2):241.e1-2.
Awards and Affiliations
2021: ATC Young Investigator Award 2021
2018: Swiss Association for Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Surgery; Zollikofer Award
2015: International Pancreas and Islet Transplant Association (IPITA); Derek Gray Distinguished Traveling Scholarship Award
2015: University Hospital of Geneva; Gilles Mentha Award, Basic Sciences
2015: University Hospital of Geneva; Marc-Claude Marti Award
2014: Geneva University and Medical School; Geneva University best MD-PHD thesis award (Arditi award)
Since 2023: International Xenotransplantation Association (IXA) young investigator committee - Committee chair (2023-present)
Since 2020: American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS)
Since 2020: International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (IHPBA)
Since 2018: International Liver Transplantation Society (ILTS)
Since 2017: Swiss Society for Surgery (SSC- SGC)
Since 2015: Swiss Society for Visceral Surgery (SSVC) - Junior committee member (2015-2021)
Since 2015: Association for Research in Surgery (ARS-SGC) - Treasurer (2015-2021) - Board member (2021-present)
Since 2014: International Pancreas and Islet Transplant Association (IPITA) - Young investigator committee member (2015-2021)
Since 2011: European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT)
Since 2011: The Transplant Society (TTS)
Since 2011: Swiss MD-PhD Association (SMPA)
Grants and Contracts
Meier R (PI), « Enhancing mesenchymal stem cell’s intrinsic expression of IL-10 and MMP-9 to augment their anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic capacities for the treatment of liver diseases». MSCRF. From 10/01/2022 to present.
Meier R (PI), « Genetically Engineered Mesenchymal Stem Cells as a Bridge to Liver Transplantation in End-Stage Liver Diseases». 2021 Lisa Dean Moseley Foundation. From 09/30/2021 to present.
Meier R (PI), « The anti-inflammatory role of mesenchymal stem cells in fatty liver diseases». 2020 RoosterBio Inc. hMSC Development Grants. RoosterBio Inc.
Meier R (PI), « Genetic determinants of glucose homeostasis in pancreas donors». Diabetes Research Connection Grant.
Meier R (PI), «Mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of steatohepatitis-induced liver failure». Bridge to academic career, Swiss Association for Research in Surgery. BRIDGE-2017. From 06/01/2017 to 02/28/2020.
Meier R (PI), Sophie Clément. « Human mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of alcoholic hepatitis ». Private Foundation of the Geneva University Hospitals and the University of Geneva's Faculty of Medicine. STARTER-RS1-18. From 05/10/2016 to 05/10/2019.
Meier R (PI), Berney T. « Genetic determinants of metabolic syndrome components in pancreas donors for islet transplantation ». Geneva University Hospitals. PRD 22-2013-I. From 05/07/2013 to 02/28/2020.
Meier R (PI), Rizzoli R. « Risk factors for atypical femur fracture during bisphosphonate therapy ». Geneva University Hospitals. PRD 9-I-2012 -EC 12-084. From 05/03/2012 to 12/15/2017.