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Rozalina G. McCoy, MD, MS

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:


Secondary Appointment(s):

Epidemiology & Public Health

Administrative Title:

Director, Precision Medicine and Population Health Program for the University of Maryland Institute for Health Computing (UM-IHC)

Additional Title:

Associate Division Chief for Clinical Research, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Nutrition


Baltimore, MD

Phone (Primary):


Education and Training

2000-2004       B.A., Biochemical Sciences, Harvard University (Summa Cum Laude) with language citation in Modern Hebrew

2004-2009       M.D., Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

2009-2010       Internship, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

2010-2012       Residency, Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

2012-2015       Fellowship, Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

2013-2015       M.S., Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, clinical and translational science


Dr. Rozalina McCoy is an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine’s Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Nutrition, where she also serves as the Associate Division Chief for Clinical Research, and the Director of the Precision Medicine and Population Health Program within the University of Maryland Institute for Health Computing.

Dr. McCoy is a physician scientist who - through clinical care, research, and advocacy - is dedicated to improving the quality, accessibility, and sustainability of diabetes care. She is particularly interested in understanding and addressing the structural factors that lead to suboptimal care and poor health with the goal of developing precision medicine tools and patient-centered care delivery models that improve health and wellbeing, while supporting the sustainability of the healthcare system. Dr. McCoy’s methodologic expertise is in the use of real-world data, including secondary analyses of administrative claims and electronic health record data; pragmatic point-of-care clinical trials; and population health research. She has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, and the American Diabetes Association, and has authored over 160 peer-reviewed manuscripts.

Dr. McCoy is passionate about caring for patients and serving her community, training the next generation of clinicians and applied researchers, and driving practice transformation to achieve better health outcomes with greater efficiency and lower cost. During her time at Mayo Clinic (2015-2023), she led multiple efforts to improve care delivery through team-based primary care and community paramedicine. Dr. McCoy joined the University of Maryland family in August 2023 and is excited to work with faculty, students, and staff across the University of Maryland Baltimore, University of Maryland College Park (where she has an adjunct faculty position in the Department of Health Policy and Management of the University of Maryland School of Public Health), University of Maryland Baltimore County, University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS), and communities across Maryland to improve health through research, practice transformation, service, and education.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, obesity, comparative effectiveness and safety, patient-centered outcomes research, target trial emulation, community paramedicine, health equity, cost of care, population health, health policy, shared decision making

Highlighted Publications

Understanding, Predicting, and Preventing Diabetes Complications

McCoy RG, Van Houten HK, Ziegenfuss JY, Shah ND, Wermers RA, Smith SA.  Increased mortality of patients with diabetes reporting severe hypoglycemia. Diabetes Care. 2012 Sep; 35 (9):1897-901 

McCoy RG, Van Houten HK, Ziegenfuss JY, Shah ND, Wermers RA, Smith SA.  Self-report of hypoglycemia and health-related quality of life in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Endocr Pract. 2013 Sep-Oct; 19 (5):792-9 

McCoy RG, Van Houten HK, Ross JS, Montori VM, Shah ND.  HbA1c overtesting and overtreatment among US adults with controlled type 2 diabetes, 2001-13: observational population based study. BMJ. 2015 Dec 8; 351:h6138 

McCoy RG, Lipska KJ, Yao X, Ross JS, Montori VM, Shah ND.  Intensive Treatment and Severe Hypoglycemia Among Adults With Type 2 Diabetes. JAMA Intern Med. 2016 Jul 1; 176 (7):969-78 

McCoy RG, Lipska KJ, Herrin J, Jeffery MM, Krumholz HM, Shah ND.  Hospital Readmissions among Commercially Insured and Medicare Advantage Beneficiaries with Diabetes and the Impact of Severe Hypoglycemic and Hyperglycemic Events. J Gen Intern Med. 2017 Oct; 32 (10):1097-1105

McCoy RG, Ngufor C, Van Houten HK, Caffo B, Shah ND.  Trajectories of Glycemic Change in a National Cohort of Adults With Previously Controlled Type 2 Diabetes. Med Care. 2017 Nov; 55 (11):956-964 

Silbert R, Salcido-Montenegro A, Rodriguez-Gutierrez R, Katabi A, McCoy RG. Hypoglycemia Among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Prevention Strategies. Curr Diab Rep. 2018 Jun 21; 18 (8):53 

Rodriguez-Gutierrez R, Gonzalez-Gonzalez JG, Zuniga-Hernandez JA, McCoy RG.  Benefits and harms of intensive glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes. BMJ. 2019 Nov 5; 367:l5887 

McCoy RG, Lipska KJ, Van Houten HK, Shah ND.  Association of Cumulative Multimorbidity, Glycemic Control, and Medication Use With Hypoglycemia-Related Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations Among Adults With Diabetes. JAMA Netw Open. 2020 Jan 3; 3 (1):e1919099 

McCoy RG, Galindo RJ, Swarna KS, Van Houten HK, O'Connor PJ, Umpierrez GE, Shah ND.  Sociodemographic, Clinical, and Treatment-Related Factors Associated With Hyperglycemic Crises Among Adults With Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes in the US From 2014 to 2020. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Sep 1; 4 (9):e2123471 

Rodriguez-Gutierrez R, Millan-Alanis JM, Barrera FJ, McCoy RG.  Value of Patient-Centered Glycemic Control in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Curr Diab Rep. 2021 Dec 13; 21 (12):63 

Galindo RJ, Ali MK, Funni SA, Dodge AB, Kurani SS, Shah ND, Umpierrez GE, McCoy RG.  Hypoglycemic and Hyperglycemic Crises Among U.S. Adults With Diabetes and End-stage Kidney Disease: Population-Based Study, 2013-2017. Diabetes Care. 2022 Jan 1; 45 (1):100-107 

McCoy RG, Mullan AF, Jeffery MM, Bucks CM, Clements CM, Campbell RL.  Excess All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality Among People with Diabetes During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Minnesota: Population-Based Study. J Gen Intern Med 2022 Sep; 37(12):3228-3231.

Myers LA, Swanson KM, Glasgow AE, McCoy RG.  Management and Outcomes of Severe Hypoglycemia Treated by Emergency Medical Services in the U.S. Upper Midwest. Diabetes Care. 2022 Aug 1; 45 (8):1788-1798

McCoy RG, Herrin J, Galindo RJ, Swarna KS, Umpierrez GE, Golden SH, O'Connor PJ. Rates of Hypoglycemic and Hyperglycemic Emergencies Among U.S. Adults With Diabetes, 2011-2020. Diabetes Care. 2023 Feb 1;46(2):e69-e71


Pharmacoepidemiology and Comparative Effectiveness/Safety

Zhang Y, McCoy RG, Mason JE, Smith SA, Shah ND, Denton BT.  Second-line agents for glycemic control for type 2 diabetes: Are newer agents better? Diabetes Care. 2014; 37(5):1338-45

Allen AM, Van Houten HK, Sangaralingham LR, Talwalkar JA, McCoy RG.  Healthcare Cost and Utilization in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Real-World Data From a Large U.S. Claims Database. Hepatology. 2018 Dec; 68 (6):2230-2238 

McCoy RG, Lipska KJ, Van Houten HK, Shah ND.  Paradox of glycemic management: multimorbidity, glycemic control, and high-risk medication use among adults with diabetes. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2020 Feb; 8 (1):e001007

Fan J, Jeffery MM, Hooten WM, Shah ND, McCoy RG.  Trends in Pain Medication Initiation Among Patients With Newly Diagnosed Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy, 2014-2018. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Jan 4; 4 (1):e2035632 

McCoy RG, Van Houten HK, Deng Y, Mandic PK, Ross JS, Montori VM, Shah ND.  Comparison of Diabetes Medications Used by Adults With Commercial Insurance vs Medicare Advantage, 2016 to 2019. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Feb 1; 4 (2):e2035792 

McCoy RG, Van Houten HK, Karaca-Mandic P, Ross JS, Montori VM, Shah ND.  Second-Line Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes Management: The Treatment/Benefit Paradox of Cardiovascular and Kidney Comorbidities. Diabetes Care. 2021 Aug 4; 44(10):2302-2311

Deng Y, Polley EC, Wallach JD, Dhruva SS, Herrin J, Quinto K, Gandotra C, Crown W, Noseworthy P, Yao X, Lyon TD, Shah ND, Ross JS, McCoy RG.  Emulating the GRADE trial using real world data: retrospective comparative effectiveness study. BMJ. 2022 Oct 3; 379:e070717

Herges JR, Galindo RJ, Neumiller JJ, Heien HC, Umpierrez GE, McCoy RG.  Glucagon Prescribing and Costs Among U.S. Adults With Diabetes, 2011-2021. Diabetes Care. 2023 Mar 1; 46 (3):620-627

Herges JR, Haag JD, Kosloski-Tarpenning KA, Mara KC, McCoy RG. Gaps in Glucagon Fills among Commercially Insured Patients Receiving a Glucagon Prescription. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2023 Jun;200:110720

Herges JR, Haag JD, Kosloski-Tarpenning KA, Mara KC, McCoy RG. Glucagon prescribing and prevention of hospitalization for hypoglycemia in a large health system. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2023 Jul 13;202:110832

Deng Y, Polley EC, Wallach JD, Herrin J, Ross JS, McCoy RG. Comparative effectiveness of second line glucose lowering drug treatments using real world data: emulation of a target trial. BMJ Med. 2023 Aug 9;2(1):e000419

Wallach JD, Deng Y, Polley EC, Dhruva SS, Herrin J, Quinto K, Gandotra C, Crown W, Noseworthy P, Yao X, Jeffery MM, Lyon TD, Ross JS, McCoy RG.  Assessing the use of observational methods and real-world data to emulate ongoing randomized controlled trials. Clin Trials. 2023 Aug 17:17407745231193137


Community Paramedicine

Stickler ZR, Carlson PN, Myers L, Schultz JR, Swenson T, Darling C, Liedl C, McCoy RG.  Community Paramedic Mobile COVID-19 Unit Serving People Experiencing Homelessness. Ann Fam Med. 2021 Nov-Dec; 19 (6):562 

Ridgeway JL, Wissler Gerdes EO, Zhu X, Finnie DM, Wiepert LM, Glasgow AE, Torres AJ, Smith OA, Juntunen MB, Liedl CP, McCoy RG. A Community Paramedic Clinic at a Day Center for Adults Experiencing Homelessness. NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery 2023; 04(4)


Social Determinants of Diabetes-Related Health Outcomes

Rodriguez-Gutierrez R, Herrin J, Lipska KJ, Montori VM, Shah ND, McCoy RG.  Racial and Ethnic Differences in 30-Day Hospital Readmissions Among US Adults With Diabetes. JAMA Netw Open. 2019 Oct 2; 2 (10):e1913249 

Kurani SS, Lampman MA, Funni SA, Giblon RE, Inselman JW, Shah ND, Allen S, Rushlow D, McCoy RG.  Association Between Area-Level Socioeconomic Deprivation and Diabetes Care Quality in US Primary Care Practices. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Dec 1; 4 (12):e2138438 

Kurani SS, Heien HC, Sangaralingham LR, Inselman JW, Shah ND, Golden SH, McCoy RG.  Association of Area-Level Socioeconomic Deprivation With Hypoglycemic and Hyperglycemic Crises in US Adults With Diabetes. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Jan 4; 5 (1):e2143597

Jiang DH, Herrin J, Van Houten HK, McCoy RG. Evaluation of High-Deductible Health Plans and Acute Glycemic Complications Among Adults With Diabetes. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Jan 3;6(1):e2250602


Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Health Care

Ngufor C, Van Houten H, Caffo BS, Shah ND, McCoy RG.  Mixed effect machine learning: A framework for predicting longitudinal change in hemoglobin A1c. J Biomed Inform. 2019 Jan; 89:56-67 

Yao X, Rushlow DR, Inselman JW, McCoy RG, Thacher TD, Behnken EM, Bernard ME, Rosas SL, Akfaly A, Misra A, Molling PE, Krien JS, Foss RM, Barry BA, Siontis KC, Kapa S, Pellikka PA, Lopez-Jimenez F, Attia ZI, Shah ND, Friedman PA, Noseworthy PA.  Artificial intelligence-enabled electrocardiograms for identification of patients with low ejection fraction: a pragmatic, randomized clinical trial. Nat Med. 2021 May; 27 (5):815-819 


Care Delivery Models to Support High Quality Diabetes Care

Rodriguez-Gutierrez R, McCoy RG.  Measuring What Matters in Diabetes. JAMA. 2019 May 21; 321 (19):1865-1866 

Jiang DH, O'Connor PJ, Huguet N, Golden SH, McCoy RG.  Modernizing Diabetes Care Quality Measures. Health Aff (Millwood). 2022 Jul; 41 (7):955-962 Epub 2022 June 27

Herges JR, Matulis JC 3rd, Kessler ME, Ruehmann LL, Mara KC, McCoy RG. Evaluation of an Enhanced Primary Care Team Model to Improve Diabetes Care. Ann Fam Med. 2022 Nov-Dec;20(6):505-511

Additional Publication Citations

Research Interests

Awards and Affiliations

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Professional Activity
