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Donald R. Matteson, PhD

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:

Pharmacology & Physiology

Administrative Title:

Assistant Dean for Student Research Education & Dual Degree Programs

Additional Title:

Director of Student Research Education and Dual Degree Programs


BRB, Room M-019B

Phone (Primary):

(410) 706-1809


(410) 706-0094

Education and Training

  • B.S., M.I.T., Cambridge, MA
  • Ph.D., S.U.N.Y. Syracuse, Syracuse, NY
  • Postdoctoral training, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Highlighted Publications

Matteson, D.R. 1994. Ionic Channels in Excitable Cells, in Myology, second edition, eds. Engel, A.G. and C. Franzini-Armstrong, McGraw-Hill.

Matteson, D.R. and M.P. Blaustein. 1997. Scorpion toxin block of the early K+ current (IKf) in rat dorsal root ganglion neuronesJournal of Physiology, 503:285-301.  PMCID: PMC1159863

Tenenholz, T.C., Klenk, K.C., Matteson, D.R., Blaustein, M.P. and Weber, D.J. 2000. Structural determinants of scorpion toxin affinity: the charybdotoxin (alpha-KTX) family of K(+)-channel blocking peptides. Rev Physiol Biochem Pharmacol, 140:135-85.

Klenk, K.C., Tenenholz, T.C., Matteson, D.R., Rogowski, R.S., Blaustein, M.P. and Weber, D.J. 2000. Structural and functional differences of two toxins from the scorpion Pandinus imperatorProteins, 38:441-449.

Berra-Romani, R, Blaustein M.P. and Matteson D.R. 2005. TTX-Sensitive Voltage-Gated Na+ Channels Are Expressed in Mesenteric Artery Smooth Muscle CellsAm. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol., 289:H137-H145.

Zhang, J., Lee M.Y., Cavalli M., Chen L., Berra-Romani R., Balke C.W., Bianchi G., Ferrari P., Hamlyn J.P., Iwamoto T., Lingrel J.B.,Matteson D.R., Wier W.G. and Blaustein M.P. 2005. Sodium pump ¿2 subunits control myogenic tone and blood pressure in miceJ. Physiol, 569:243-256.  PMCID: PMC1464198

Zhang, J., Berra-Romani R.., Sinnegger-Brauns M.J., Striessnig J., Blaustein M.P. and Matteson D.R. 2007. Role of Cav1.2 L-type Ca2+ channels in vascular tone: effects of nifedipine and Mg2+ Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol., 292:H415-425.

Zhang, J, Ren C., Chen L., Navedo M.F., Antos L.K., Kinsey S.P., Iwamoto T., Philipson K.D., Kotlikoff M.I., Santana L.F, Wier W.G.,Matteson D.R., Blaustein M.P. 2010. Knockout of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger in smooth muscle attenuates vasoconstriction and L-type Ca2+ channel current and lowers blood pressureAm. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol., 298:H1472-1482.  PMCID: PMC2867439

Ren, C., Zhang J., Philipson K.D., Kotlikoff M.I., Blaustein M.P., Matteson D.R. 2010. Activation of L-type Ca2+ channels by protein kinase C is reduced in smooth muscle-specific Na+/Ca2+ exchanger knockout miceAm. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol., 298:H1484-1491.  PMCID: PMC2867443

Teaching and Administration
