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Jacek A. Mamczarz, PhD

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor (Non-Adjunct Faculty)

Primary Appointment:

Epidemiology & Public Health


BRB 4-002


Dr. Mamczarz received his M.Sc. from Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland in biology, and PhD from Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Science, Krakow, Poland. Before joining Dr. Albuquerque’s group at the University of Maryland he received postdoctoral training in various areas of behavioral neuroscience at Georgetown University, the National Institute on Aging, and the University of Maryland.

Dr. Mamczarz’s recent research interests are focused on neurodevelopmental effects of different types of neurotoxicants including organophosphorus compounds such as nerve agents and pesticides. He is particularly interested how they affect cognitive behavior. Most of his research is conducted on guinea pigs, which are more appropriate translational model than mice or rats for this kind of studies to due to sharing many physiological and developmental properties with humans. He adapted common behavioral tests used for mice and rats such as Morris water maze, open field, light-dark box, and passive avoidance for testing of guinea pigs.

Highlighted Publications

Mamczarz J, Pescrille JD, Gavrushenko L, Burke RD, Fawcett WP, DeTolla LJ, Chen H, Pereira EF, Albuquerque EX. Spatial learning impairment in prepubertal guinea pigs prenatally exposed to the organophosphorus pesticide chlorpyrifos: Toxicological implications. Neurotoxicology. 2016 Sep;56:17-28.

Mullins RJ, Xu S, Pereira EF, Pescrille JD, Todd SW, Mamczarz J, Albuquerque EX, Gullapalli RP. Prenatal exposure of guinea pigs to the organophosphorus pesticide chlorpyrifos disrupts the structural and functional integrity of the brain. Neurotoxicology. 2015 May;48:9-20.

Mullins RJ, Xu S, Pereira EF, Mamczarz J, Albuquerque EX, Gullapalli RP. Delayed hippocampal effects from a single exposure of prepubertal guinea pigs to sub-lethal dose of chlorpyrifos: a magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy study. Neurotoxicology. 2013 May;36:42-8.

Mamczarz J, Kulkarni GS, Pereira EF, Albuquerque EX. Galantamine counteracts development of learning impairment in guinea pigs exposed to the organophosphorus poison soman: clinical significance. Neurotoxicology. 2011 Dec;32(6):785-98.

Mamczarz J, Pereira EF, Aracava Y, Adler M, Albuquerque EX. An acute exposure to a sub-lethal dose of soman triggers anxiety-related behavior in guinea pigs: interactions with acute restraint. Neurotoxicology. 2010 Jan;31(1):77-84.