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Jiayuh Lin, PhD

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Additional Title:



Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 329

Phone (Primary):


Education and Training

  • Ph.D., Genetics and Molecular Biology, University of Delaware, Thesis Advisor - Dr. Daniel T. Simmons
  • Post-doctoral research fellow, Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, Mentor - Dr. Arnold J. Levine


  • 1997-1998 - Faculty member at the Department of Dermatology, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, MI.
  • 1998-2004 - Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) at the Division of Gynecologic Oncology, University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ann Arbor, MI.
  • 1998-2004 - Member, University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center and Member, Connective Tissue Oncology at the University of Michigan. Comprehensive Cancer Center.
  • 2000-2004 - Graduate faculty member in Program in Biomedical Sciences, Cellular and Molecular Biology Graduate Program and Cancer Biology Training Program at the University of Michigan.
  • 2005-2015 - Associate Professor with Tenure, Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
  • 2005-2016 - Full Member, The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Graduate Faculty, Integrated Biomedical Science, Graduate Program, Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology Graduate Program, and Ohio State Biochemistry Graduate Program, The Ohio State University.
  • 2016 - Professor with tenure, Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, The Ohio State University.
  • 2016-Present - Professor with tenure, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, School of Medicine, University of Maryland in Baltimore.
  • 2016-Present – Full member, University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center.
  • 2016-Present - Graduate Faculty, Cancer Biology Track, Molecular Medicine Graduate Program, School of Medicine, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD.

Research/Clinical Keywords

IL-6, GP130, STAT3, PARP, CDK4/6

Highlighted Publications

  1. Lin L., Hutzen B, Ball S., Zuo M., Deangelis S., Foust E., Pandit B, Ihnat MA, Shenoy S., Kulp S., Li P-K., Li C., Fuchs J., and Lin J. Novel STAT3 phosphorylation inhibitors exhibit potent growth suppressive activity in breast and pancreatic cancer cells. Cancer Research 70:2445-2454 (2010).
  2. Liu Y., Li P-K., Li C., and Lin J. Inhibition of IL-6/STAT3 Signaling in Human Liver Cancer Cells Blocks the Anti-Apoptotic Activity of IL-6. J. Biol. Chem. 285:27429-27439 (2010).
  3. Liu, Y., Liu, A., Li, H., Li, C., and Lin, J.Celecoxib Inhibits Constitutive and Interleukin 6-Induced STAT3 Phosphorylation in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell. Cancer Prevention Research 4: 1296-1305 (2011).
  4. Lin L., Liu A., Peng Z., Lin H., Li C., Li P-K., and Lin J.STAT3 is necessary for proliferation and survival in colon cancer-initiating cells. Cancer Research 71:7226-7237 (2011)
  5. Lin L., Hutzen B, Lee, H-F, Peng Z., Lin H., Sun, D., Li P-K., Li C., Korkaya, H., Wicha M., and Lin J. Evaluation of STAT3 Signaling in ALDH+ and ALDH+/CD44+/CD24- Subpopulations of Breast Cancer Cells. PloS ONE 8(12):e82821 (2013).

Additional Publication Citations

Research Interests

Awards and Affiliations

Grants and Contracts

Community Service

Professional Activity
