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Andrea R. Levine, MD, MS

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:


Administrative Title:

Champion of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion for the Department of Medicine

Additional Title:

Program Director, Critical Care Medicine Fellowship


110 South Paca Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201

Education and Training

  • University of Maryland College Park, BS, 2007
  • University of Maryland School of Medicine, MD, 2012
  • University of Maryland School of Medicine, Internal Medicine Residency 2015
  • University of Pittsburgh, Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Fellowship 2018
  • University of Pittsburgh, MS, Epidemiology, 2021


Dr. Levine is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the division of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. She is the Program Director of the Critical Care Medicine Fellowship. Her clinical efforts are focused on care of patients in the medical intensive care unit (MICU) including patients with COVID-19. In addition, she completed her Masters in Science with a focus on epidemiology. She is currently involved in ICU based clinical trials focusing on patients with ARDS and has served as a co-investigator on COVID-19 drug trials. 

Dr. Levine also runs the University of Maryland Critical Illness Recovery Clinic. Here she cares for patients who required prolonged hospitalizations in the ICU, ECMO, or were hospitalized or have ongoing symptoms due to COVID-19. Dr. Levine hopes to better understand the post-ICU syndrome and assist her patients in their path towards complete recovery.

Dr. Levine's current research interests include ARDS phenotypes, designing and running ICU based clinical trials, ICU and critical illness outcomes, and post-ECMO outcomes. 





Research/Clinical Keywords

ARDS, COVID-19, Post-COViD Conditions, Post-ICU Syndrome (PICS), ECMO

Highlighted Publications


  • Beigel JH, Tomashek KM, Dodd LE, Mehta AK, Zingman BS, Kalil AC, Hohmann E, Chu HY, Leutkemer A, Kline S, Lopez de Castilla D, Finberg RW, Dierberg K, TApson V, Hsieh L, Patterson TF, Paredes R, Sweeney DA, Short WR, Touloumi G, Lye DC, Ohmagari N, Oh M, Ruiz-Palacios GM, Benfield T, Fatkenheuer G, Kortepeter MG, Atmar RL, Creech B, Lundgren J, Babiker AG, Pett S, Neaton JD, Burgess TH, Bonnett T, Green M, Makawski M, Osinusi A, Nayak S, Lane HC, ACTT-1 Study Group Members [including Levine AR]. Remdesivir for the Treatment of COVID-19- Final Report. N Engl J Med. 2020 Nov 5; 383:1813-1826.
  • ACTIV-3/TICO LY-CoV555 Study Group [including Levine AR]. A Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody for Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19. N Engl J Med. 2021 Mar 11;384(10):905-914.
  • Chow JH, Khanna AK, Kethireddy S, Yamane D, Levine AR, Jackson AM, McCurdy MT, Tabatabai A, Kumar G, Park P, Benjenk I, Menaker J, Ahmed N, Glidewell E, Presutto E, Cain S, Haridasa N, Field W, Fowler JG, Trinh D, Johnson KN, Kaur A, Lee A, Sebastian K, Ulrich A, Pena S, Carpenter R, Sudhakar S, Uppal P, Fedeles BT, Sachs A, Dahbour L, Teeter W, Tanaka K, Galvagno SM, Herr DL, Scalea TM, Mazzeffi MA. Aspirin Use is Associated with Decreased Mechanical Ventilation, ICU Admission, and In-Hospital Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19. Anesth Analg. 2021 Apr 1; 132(4): 930-941.
  • Ritter LA, Britton N, Heil EL, Teeter WA, Murthi SB, Chow JH, Ricotta E, Chertow DS, Grazioli A, Levine AR. The Impact of Corticosteroids on Secondary Infection and Mortality in Critically Ill Covid-19 Patients. J Intensive Care Med. 2021 Oct; 36(10):1201-1208.
  • Goodman KE, Magder LS, Baghdadi JD, Pineles L, Levine AR, Perencevich EN, Harris AD. Impact of Sex and Metabolic Comorbidities on COVID-19 Mortality Risk Across Age Groups: 66,646 Inpatients Across 613 U.S. Hospitals. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Dec 6;73(11)e4113-34123.
  • Jeyaraju M, McCurdy MT, Levine AR, Devarajan P, Mazeffi MA, Mullins KE, Reif M, Yim DN, Parinno C, Lankford AS, Chow JH. Renin Kinetics are Superior to Lactate Kinetics for Predicting In-Hospital Morality in Hypotensive Critically Ill Patients. Crit Care Med. 2022 Jan 1;50(1): 50-60.
  • Levine AR, Shanholtz CB. I, DOCTOR: The Role of Machine Learning in Phenotyping ARDS. EBioMedicine. 2021 Dec 15; 75:103770.
  • Levine AR, Shanholtz CB. A Syndrome By Any Other Name: Playing the Long-Term Outcome CARDS. Thorax. 2022 Jan 7.



Clinical Specialty Details

Awards and Affiliations
