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Giovanni M. Lasio, PhD

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:

Radiation Oncology

Additional Title:

Radiation Oncology, Radiation Safety Officer


University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Medical Center

Phone (Primary):




Education and Training

Dr. Giovanni Lasio received his Laurea degree in Physics from the University of Torino, Italy. He received his PhD from the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of California at Irvine with an elementary particle physics thesis. Dr. Lasio completed his postdoctoral research at the Department of Radiation Oncology, at Virginia Commonwealth University, in Richmond. Dr. Lasio joined the University of Maryland School of Medicine in 2006 as an Assistant Professor.


Since joining University of Maryland Dr Lasio centered his research focus on two main topics: imaging in radiotherapy and dosimetry of radiobiological experiments. Many of the opportunities for improvement of clinical radiotherapy depend on imaging data and analysis, so there is a very important place for imaging research in radiation oncology. Imaging can be used to visualize the correct placement of radiation sources, or beams, with respect to the patient anatomy, to define treatment targets, and to evaluate therapeutic response.  Dr Lasio focused his research on imaging techniques and image quality improvement of x-ray imaging modalities. Another field of research for Dr Lasio has been dosimetry applied to radiobiological research, both in-vivo and in-vitro. The methods needed to achieve the required accuracy in dose determination in radiobiological experiments depend on the expected experimental result. Given the highly specialized equipment and techniques needed for accurate dosimetry with the wide range of irradiation methodologies in use in radiobiology, it is crucial that experiments be designed and executed by a close collaboration between physicist and biologist.

Research/Clinical Keywords

CT reconstruction algorithms Metal artifact reduction techniques in CT Image quality in fan-beam and cone-beam CT images CT sinogram processing X-ray based maging in radiation therapy Small animal irradiation dosimetry

Highlighted Publications

Selected recent publications:

  1. M Ranjbar, P Sabouri, S Mossahebi, A Sawant, P Mohindra, G Lasio, LD Topoleski, Validation of a CT-based motion model with in-situ fluoroscopy for lung surface deformation estimation, Phys Med Biol. 4 (2021): 045035.
  2. J Zhou, D Yang, G Lasio, B Zhang, B Yi, S Chen, Y Zhang, T Macvittie, D Metaxas, Automated pulmonary fibrosis segmentation using a 3D multi-scale convolutional encoder-decoder approach in thoracic CT for the Rhesus Macaque with radiation-induced lung damage, accepted for publication Oct 5 2020, Journal of Signal Processing Systems
  3. Neha P Amin, S M Kim, G Lasio, L Romar, K Shipman, J Zhou, K Dukes, Nivee P Amin, Incidental Coronary Artery Calcium on Radiation Simulation Scans Identifies Patients for Preventive Therapy, American Journal of Clinical Oncology, September 11, 2020, Volume Publish Ahead of Print
  4. M Ranjbar, P Sabouri S Mossahebi, D Leiser, M Foote, J Zhang, G Lasio, S Joshi, A Sawant Development and prospective in-patient proof of concept of a surface photogrammetry CT-based volumetric motion model for lung radiotherapy. M Phys. 46 (12), December 2019
  5. H Chung, S Mossahebi, A Gopal, G Lasio, H Xu, J Polf Evaluation of Computed Tomography Scanners for Feasibility of Using Averaged Hounsfield Unit–to–Stopping Power Ratio Calibration Curve. International Journal of Particle Therapy: Fall 2018, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 28-37 (2018)
  6. J Zhou, Z Yan, G Lasio, J Huang, B Zhang, N Sharma, K Prado, W D’Souza. Automated compromised right lung segmentation method using a robust atlas-based active volume model with sparse shape composition prior in CT. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. Vol. 46, p47–55 (2015)
  7. G Lasio, M Guerrero, W Goetz, F Lima, J Baulch. Effect of Dose-Per-Pulse and Pulse Repetition Frequency in X-Ray Beam Irradiation of In-Vitro Cell Cultures. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 53:671-676 (2014).
  8. A M Kazi, T J MacVittie, G Lasio, W Lu, K L Prado. Response to Zeman. Health Physics, 107(4):356-358 (2014).
  9. Garofalo, Michael; Bennett, Alexander; Farese, Ann M.; Ward, Amanda; Taylor-Howell, Cheryl; Cui, Wanchang; Gibbs, Allison; Lasio, Giovanni; Jackson, William III; MacVittie, Thomas J. Less. The Delayed Pulmonary Syndrome Following Acute High-dose Irradiation: A Rhesus Macaque Model. Health Physics. 106(1):56-72 (2014).
  10. A M Kazi, T J MacVittie, G Lasio, W Lu, K L Prado. The MCART RPC: the quest for radiation dosimetry standardization. Health Physics, 106(1) 97-105 (2014).
  11. E. M. Nichols, S. J. Feigenberg, K. Marter, G. Lasio, S. B. Cheston, K. Tkaczuk, R. Buras, N. Hanna, W. F. Regine. Pre-operative Radiation Therapy Significantly Increases Patient Eligibility for Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation using 3-D Conformal Radiotherapy,  Am J Clin Oncol , 36(3):232-238 (2013)
  12. J. Zhang, G. Lasio, B. Yi, C. Yu. Tomographic image via background subtraction using an x-ray projection image and a priori computed tomography.Med. Phys. 36, 4433 (2009).
  13. G. Lasio, B. Whiting, J. F. Williamson. Statistical Reconstruction for X-Ray Computed Tomography Using Energy-Integrating Detectors Phys. Med. Biol. 52 2247-2266 (2007).
  14. Andreotti, S. Bagnasco, W. Baldini, D. Bettoni, G. Borreani, A. Buzzo , R. Calabrese, R. Cester, G. Cibinetto, P. Dalpiaz, G. Garzoglio, K.E. Gollwitzer, M. Graham, M. Hu,D. Joffe, J. Kasper, G. Lasio, M. Lo Vetere, E. Luppi, M. Macrì, M. Mandelkern,F. Marchetto, M. Marinelli, E. Menichetti, Z. Metreveli, R. Mussa, M. Negrini,M.M. Obertino, M. Pallavicini, N. Pastrone, C. Patrignani, S. Pordes, E. Robutti,W. Roethel, J. Rosen, P. Rumerio, R.W. Rusack, A. Santroni, J. Schultz, S.H. Seo,K.K. Seth, G. Stancari, M. Stancari, A. Tomaradze, I. Uman, T. Vidnovic,S. Werkema, P. Zweber. Precision measurements of the total and partial widths of the ψ(2S) charmonium meson with a new complementary-scan technique in proton-antiproton annihilations. Phys. Lett. B 654:74-79 (2007).
  15. J. Murphy, S. Yan, J. O’Sullivan, D. Snyder, B. Whiting, D. Politte, G. Lasio, J. F. Williamson. Pose estimation of known objects during transmission tomographic image reconstruction. IEEE Trans Med Imaging (2006) Oct; 25(10) 1392-404.