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Joshua David King, MD

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:


Administrative Title:

Associate Program Director, Nephrology Fellowship Program

Additional Title:

Assistant Professor of Medicine and Pharmacy & Medical Director, Maryland Poison Control

Phone (Primary):


Education and Training

B.S., Biochemistry                                              University of Maryland, College Park (Summa Cum Laude)      

 M.D.                      .                                          Pennsylvania State University, College of Medicine

 Internal Medicine Residency                                 University of Virginia

 Chief Residency, Internal Medicine                        University of Virginia 

 Nephrology Fellowship                                        Johns Hopkins University

Medical Toxicology Fellowship                                University of Virginia



Dr. King received his medical education from Penn State College of Medicine, and completed Internal Medicine residency and chief residency at the University of Virginia. He completed Nephrology fellowship at Johns Hopkins Hospital, and after returning to the University of Virginia as a nephrologist, completed a medical toxicology fellowship there.

Dr. King is a clinician-educator nephrologist and medical toxicologist with clinical interests in extracorporeal treatment of poisonings, extracorporeal removal of therapeutic drugs, ICU nephrology, and medical education. As a clinician, He sees hospitalized patients at the University of Maryland Medical Center on our nephrology consultation service as well as our medical toxicology consult service. He is  involved in education primarily at the graduate medical education level, and to a lesser extent undergraduate medical education.

Dr. King is also the medical director of the Maryland Poison Center, which provides poisoning information and treatment recommendations benefitting thousands of Marylanders each year. Dr. King carries out medical oversight of recommendations for poisonings, envenomations, and overdoses to the public and health care providers; provides education to a variety of students (pharmacy and medical) and physicians (residents and fellows) who rotate with the center; He is involved in a variety of other activities aimed at treatment and prevention of poisoning.

Dr. King's research interests are largely focused where nephrology and toxicology meet – extracorporeal removal (via dialysis, apheresis, and other modalities).

Highlighted Publications

Peer-Reviewed journal articles


  1. King and M. H. Rosner. Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome. American Journal of The Medical Sciences, Vol. 339 (6), pp.561-567, June 2010.
  2. J. Vernon, C.J. Sperati, J. D. King, et al. A detailed analysis of methylmalonic acid kinetics during hemodialysis and after combined liver/kidney transplantation in a patient with mut (0) methylmalonic acidemia. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, Vol. 37 (6), pp.899-907, November 2014.
  3. P. Vakkalanka, J.D. King, C.P. Holstege. Abuse, misuse, and suicidal substance use by children on school property. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2015 Nov;53(9):901-7.
  4. Rizer, K. Brill, N. Charlton, J. King. Acute hypersensitivity reaction to Crotalidae polyvalent immune Fab (CroFab) as initial presentation of galactose-α-1,3-galactose (α-gal) allergy. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2017 Aug;55(7):668-669.
  5. Rizer, J. King, N. Charlton. In response to "Are changes necessary in the medical management of a patient with snakebite regarding the incidence of hypersensitivity reaction to antivenom polyvalent immune Fab?" Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2018 Apr;56(4):312.


Book Chapters


               All chapters invited

  1. H. Rosner, M. Bissram, and J. King. Nephrology. Chapter in Advanced Medicine Recall, ed. J. Bergin, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, March 2008.
  2. H. Rosner, M. Bissram, and J. King. Nephrology. Chapter in Medicine Recall, ed. J. Bergin, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, August 2007.
  3. H. Rosner, J. King, and P. Monteleone. Therapeutic Drug Development for Kidney Diseases. Chapter in Development of Therapeutic Agents Handbook, Ed. S.C. Gad, John Wiley and Sons, December 2011.
  4. King. Toxin-Induced Renal Injury. Chapter in Critical Care Toxicology, 2nd edition, ed. J. Brent, K. Burkhart, P. Dargan, B. Hatten, B. Megarbane, R. Palmer, J. White, Springer, 2017.
  5. King and M. Rosner. Risk Factors and Risk Assessment in Acute Kidney Injury. Critical Care Nephrology, 3rd edition, ed. C. Ronco, R. Bellomo, J. Kellum, Z. Ricci, Elsevier, 2017.


Abstracts and/or Proceedings


  1. *J. King. Acute Kidney Injury Due To Massive Renal Leukemic Infiltrates.  American College of Physicians Associates’ Program – Virginia Chapter, Charlottesville, Virginia, January 2009.
  2. Schafer, C. Cauthen, J. Bleeker, A. Helms, L. Bartelt, J. King, D. Rottkamp, A. Zivony, G. Donowitz. Resident Education For Diverse Learning Styles.  Academy of Medical Educators poster session, University of Virginia School of Medicine, February 2010.
  3. *J. King. Effect of lead chelation on patients with chronic kidney disease and high-normal or high body lead burden. The Johns Hopkins Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, Baltimore, Maryland, July 2011.
  4. C. Simmons, W.F. Rushton, J.D. King, N.P. Charlton. Ability of Senior Medical Students to Identify Common Serotonergic Agents When Treating Serotonin Syndrome. American College of Medical Toxicology Annual Scientific Meeting, March 2014.
  5. King, J. Gordon-Cappelli, L. Santhanam, A. Shoukas, D. Fine. Cyclohexanone is present in peritoneal dialysate and continuous renal replacement therapy systems. National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meetings, April 2014.
  6. D. King, S.F. Khan, N.P. Charlton. Methandrostenolone abuse associated with cholestatic liver injury and acute kidney injury treated with plasma exchange. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology, October 2014.
  7. King, H.P. Cathro, A. Bali, R. Arora, J.S. Cain, N.P. Charlton. Thrombotic microangiopathy due to intravenous oxymorphone ER abuse with variable findings on kidney biopsy. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology, October 2014.
  8. P. Vakkalanka, J.D. King, C.P. Holstege. Hemodialysis is Likely Underutilized in Severe Aspirin Poisoning.  American College of Medical Toxicology, March 2015
  1. *J.P. Vakkalanka, J.L. Parker Cote, R. Schwartz, J.D. King, N.P. Charlton, C.P. Holstege. Chemical and biological terrorist attacks identified through the Global Terrorism Database. European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists, May 2015.
  2. *H.L. Frischtak, J.D. King, J.P. Vakkalanka, C.P. Holstege. Clinical characteristics of fatal salicylate poisonings. European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists, May 2015.
  1. D. King, J.P. Vakkalanka, D.M. Robinson, C.P. Holstege. Nationwide Use of Hemodialysis and Other Extracorporeal Therapies in Poisoned Patients, 2006-2013. American Society of Nephrology, November 2015.
  2. A. Borek, N.P. Charlton, J.D. King, C.P. Holstege. The Antifreeze didn’t work! Two cases of hypothermia due to ethylene glycol poisoning. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology, September 2016.
  1. J.D. King, S.V. Rege, C. Murphy, B. Hatten, A. Haynes on behalf of the ToxIC Extracorporeal Therapies Study Group. ToxIC Extracorporeal Therapies SubRegistry: Update 2017. American College of Medical Toxicology, April 2018.
  2. S.W. Strickland, L.A.L. Bazydlo, J.D. King. Severe Vitamin D Toxicity Resulting in Prolonged Hypercalcemia, AKI, and Renal Phosphate Wasting. American College of Medical Toxicology, April 2018.
  3. J.D. King, J.M. Rizer, H.A. Borek, N.P. Charlton. Non-Fatal Ingestion of a Potassium Dichromate Solution. American College of Medical Toxicology, April 2018.


* Abstract Presented Orally (myself as speaker)

Research Interests

Awards and Affiliations
