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Sarah Hussain Khan, MBBS

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:


Additional Title:

Assistant Professor

Phone (Primary):


Education and Training

1980-1982       High School Certificate – St. Joseph’s College for Women, Karachi, Pakistan

1983-1989       M.B.,B.S. -  Aga Khan Medical School, Karachi, Pakistan


Postgraduate Education and Training:

1988 - 1989     Internship – Medicine and Surgery

                        Aga Khan University Medical School, Karachi, Pakistan.


1989 - 1991     Research Assistant - Department of Surgery

                        Aga Khan University Medical School, Karachi, Pakistan.


1991 - 1992     Senior Resident – Department of Internal Medicine

                        Aga Khan University Medical School, Karachi, Pakistan.


1993 - 1996        Internship / Residency in Internal Medicine

                         West Virginia University Hospital, West Virginia, Morgantown, USA


1996 - 1998        Fellowship – General Nephrology including Renal Transplantation

                          University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.


1998 - 2000       Fellowship – Critical Care Medicine – Department of Critical Care

                        University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.



Highlighted Publications


  1. Gennari, J., Khan-Hussain, S., Segal, A., An Unusual Case of Metabolic Alkalosis - A window in the pathophysiology and diagnosis of this common acid base disturbance. June 2010 Volume 55 No. 6 (Department of Medicine, University of Vermont, USA)
  2. Hussain, S., Pirano, B., Bernadini J. The risk of hernia with large exchange volumes. J. Adv. Perit. Dial 1998; 14:105-7
  3. Hussain, S., Paraino, B. Peritonitis associated with massive pneumoperitoneum with failure to flush.  Peritoneal Dialysis International 1998; 18 [1]: 80-2.
  4. Hussain, S. Extra-corporeal shockwave lithotripsy for gallstones: An AKU [Aga Khan University] Experience Pakistan Journal of Surgery. 1990; 6{4}: 108-10


Invited Lectures / Presentation

  1. Post-operative wound infections in Pediatric patients. National Congress of the Association of Pediatric Surgeons of Pakistan.  September, 1980
  2. Extra-corporeal shock wave lithotripsy of gallstones. Joint Conference of the Royal College of Surgeons England & Edinburgh, and College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan, and Karachi, Pakistan. October, 1991
  3. A 77 year old female with choreoathetoid movement disorder and acquired hepatocellular degeneration. American College of Physicians West Virginia chapter meeting, West Virginia University Morgantown, USA January, 1994
  4. Liddle's syndrome. A family with secondary hypertension in Vermont. University of Vermont School of Medicine, Burlington, Vermont, USA.  May, 2005
  5. Hypertensive Nephrosclerosis. Presentation and discussion. University of Vermont School of Medicine, Burlington, Vermont, USA. October, 2006 
  6. Nephrogenic Aspects of Neurogenic Bladder .1st. International Conference on Neurogenic Disorders In Adolescents and Children. Cleveland Clinic Foundation - Sheikh Khalifa Medical City, Abu Dhabi, UAE.March, 2009
  7. Living Related Kidney Donation in the UAE. Cleveland Clinic Foundation - Sheikh Khalifa Medical City, Abu Dhabi, UAE. October, 2009
  8. Fertility Post Kidney Transplant. Cleveland Clinic Foundation – Sheikh Khalifa Medical City, Abu Dhabi, UAE.   November, 2010   
  9. Kidney Transplantation in UAE, Work Up of Living Kidney Donor. Cleveland Clinic Foundation – Sheikh Khalifa Medical City, Abu Dhabi, UAE. November, 2010   
  10. John Hopkins Hospital – Al Rahba Hospital, Abu Dhabi, UAE. National Women’s Health Conference Pregnancy and Transplantation December, 2010       

Clinical Specialty Details
