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Mariam M. Khambaty, MD

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:


Phone (Primary):

(410) 225-8369



Education and Training

1986-1990                   University of California, Berkeley

                                    Berkeley, CA

                                    BA, Development Studies


1988-1989                   University of Nairobi

                                    Nairobi, Kenya

                                    One year exchange program thru UC Berkeley


1990-1991                   University of Oxford

                                    Oxford, England, United Kingdom

                                    Masters levels studies in Agricultural Economics


1994-1998                   Cebu Institute of Medicine

                                    CebuCity, the Philippines

                                    Doctor of Medicine 1998


Post Graduate Education and Training

1999-2000                   University of Connecticut

                                    Farmington, CT

                                    Internship in Primary Care Internal Medicine


2000-2002                   University of Maryland Medical System

                                    Baltimore, MD

                                    Residency in Internal Medicine


2002-2004                   University of Maryland Medial System Baltimore, MD

                                    Fellowship in Infectious Diseases

Highlighted Publications

Bartlett BL, Khambaty M, Mendoza N, Tremaine AM, Gewirtzman A, Tyring SK. Dermatological Management of HIV. Skin Therapy Letter. Vol 12, No. 8. October 2007.


Khambaty M, Hsu S. Dermatology of the Patient with HIV. In Torres M and Chin R (eds): Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America. Philadelphia: Saunders-Elsevier, 2010; 28(2), pp355-368. Book chapter.


Hynicka Lauren, Khambaty, M. Angioedema Secondary to Sofosbuvir/Ledipasvir. Annals of Pharmacotherapy, Letter to the Editor, 2016


Babiker A, Jeudy J, Kligerman S, Khambaty M, Shah, A, Bagchi S, Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Due to Chronic Hepatitis C Infection: A Review. Jnl of Translational Hepatology 2017, vol 5, 1-20.


Khambaty M, Hsu S, et al. Assessing Differences in HIV Knowledge and Perceptions in Rural Malawi Among the General Community, Trained Village Volunteers and Antenatal Clinic Participants. Abstract and poster presentation, XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok

Grants and Contracts
