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Michy P. Kelly, PhD

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:



685 W. Baltimore Street, HSFI 280I

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Education and Training


  • Towson State University, BS (Double Major: Theatre and Psychology), Summa Cum Laude, 1992
  • Wake Forest University, PhD (Neuroscience), 2002
  • University of Pennsylvania, Postdoctoral Fellowship (Neuroscience), 2002-2006


A keen interest in the molecular mechanisms of learning and memory is what originally drove me to become a neuroscientist, and a desire to identify novel therapeutic targets for age-related disorders and neuropsychiatric diseases is what keeps me invested. My lab takes an integrative approach. We first identify genetic, molecular or biochemical changes that are associated with aging or disease in humans and then use animal models to explore how those perturbations affect brain biochemistry and behavior. We also use in vitro approaches to identify intramolecular signals that control the catalytic activity or the subcellular compartmentalization of an enzyme. In so doing, we are able to identify novel mechanisms by which we can therapeutically manipulate enzyme function.

More specifically, we explore how cyclic nucleotide signaling controls the formation of social memories and social interactions.  In particular, my lab focuses on the superfamily of enzymes that degrade cyclic nucleotides known as phosphodiesterases (PDEs), and I am considered a leading world expert in this field. Studies in animals are conducted during development, early adulthood, and late adulthood in order to understand factors that modulate resiliency of the brain as well as those that trigger the manifestation of neurocognitive deficits later in life. Our ultimate hope is that an improved understanding of how PDEs regulate social memory formation and social interactions will lead to the development of novel therapeutics for diseases where these social behaviors are compromised. Our integrative approach has led us to therapeutically target the enzyme PDE11A using both small molecules and biologics, both of which we are now testing in preclinical models of age-related cognitive decline.


Follow us on Twitter: @KickassKe11yLab

Highlighted Publications

Pilarzyk K, Capell WR, Porcher L, Rips-Goodwin A, Kelly MP* (2023) Biologic that disrupts PDE11A4 homodimerization in hippocampus CA1 reverses age-related cognitive decline of social memories in mice. Neurobiology of Aging. 131:39-51. [previously: bioRxiv]

Pilarzyk K, Porcher L, Capell WR, Burbano S, Fisher JL, Gorny N, Petrolle S, Kelly MP* (2022) Conserved age-related increases in hippocampal PDE11A4 cause unexpected proteinopathies and cognitive decline of associative social memories. Aging Cell. 12(10):e13687. (previously: bioRxiv. doi: PMID: 36073342; PMCID: PMC9577960. [Featured on University of Maryland School of Medicine landing page and Maryland Medicine Front Line News, the Quantum Photonics Podcast, and 28+web outlets from more than 11 countries (Indonesia, France, Turkey, Australia, UK, India, Italy, US, Russia, Canada, Venezuela and more) including Cosmos Magazine,, ALZFORUM,, VerveTimes Mirage News, Scienmag, Science,,,,,,,, Technology Networks, LENTA.RU, Nachrichten Welt, MedIndia etc.]

Smith A, Farmer R, Pilarzyk K, Porcher L, Kelly MP* (2021). A genetic basis for friendship? Homophily for membrane-associated PDE11A-cAMP-CREB signaling in CA1 of hippocampus dictates mutual social preference in male and female mice. Molecular Psychiatry. 26:7107-7117. Epub ahead of print. DOI: 10.1038/s41380-021-01237-4. [Featured on the University of Maryland School of Medicine landing page, Maryland Medicine Front Line News, Dean Reece’s State of the School Address as well as in the following: New York Post, LabRoots, Laboratory Equipment, Science Connected Magazine, NBC Washington WRC-TV and 6 other local TV stations across the country, WTOP-DC radio and 7 other local radio stations across the country, as well 24 web outlets in 6 different countries (e.g., (UK), ScienceDaily, Technology Networks (UK), Neuroscience News Online,, (India), Times of News (India), NewsCaf (Canada),, Science Newsnet, Medical Xpress, Newswise, Mirage News Australia, Mirage News Australia, (Poland),, etc.]

Porcher L, Bruckmeier S, Burbano SD, Finnell JE, Gorny N, Klett J, Wood SK, Kelly MP* (2021) Aging triggers an upregulation of a multitude of cytokines in the male and especially the female rodent hippocampus but more discrete changes in other brain regions. Journal of Neuroinflammation.

Farmer R, Burbano SD, Patel NS, Sarmiento A, Smith AJ, and Kelly MP* (2020) Phosphodiesterases PDE2A and PDE10A both change mRNA expression in the human brain with age, but only PDE2A changes in a region-specific manner with psychiatric disease Cellular Signalling. 70: article 109592.

Baillie G, Tejeda G, and Kelly MP* (2019) Therapeutic targeting of 3’,5’-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases: Inhibition and beyond. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery. 18(10):770-796. DOI : 10.1038/s41573-019-0033-4 [Peer-reviewed Invited Review]

Pilarzyk K, Klett J, Pena E, Porcher L, Smith AJ, Kelly MP* (2019) Loss of function of phosphodiesterase 11A shows recent and remote long-term memory can be uncoupled. Current Biology. 29:2307-2321.

Patel NS, Klett J, Pilarzyk K, Lee D, Kass D, Menniti F, Kelly MP* (2018) Identification of new phosphodiesterase 9A (PDE9A) isoforms and how their expression and subcellular compartmentalization in brain changes across the lifespan. Neurobiology of Aging. 65:217-234.

Pathak G, Agostino MJ, Bishara K, Capell WR, Fisher JL, Hegde S, Ibrahim BA, Pilarzyk K, Sabin C, Tuczkewycz T, Wilson S, and Kelly MP* (2017) PDE11A Negatively Regulates Lithium Responsivity. Molecular Psychiatry. 22(12):1714-1724.

Hegde S, Capell WR, Ibrahim BA, Klett J, Patel NS, Sougiannis AT, and Kelly MP* (2016) Phosphodiesterase 11A (PDE11A), Enriched in Ventral Hippocampus Neurons, is Required for Consolidation of Social but not Nonsocial Memories in Mice.  Neuropsychopharmacology. 41(12):2920-2931.

Hegde S, Hao J, Oliver D, Patel NS, Poupore N, Shtutman M, Kelly MP* (2016) PDE11A regulates social behaviors and is a key mechanism by which social experience sculpts the brain. Neuroscience. 335:151-169.

Pathak G, Ibrahim BA, McCarthy SM, Baker K, and Kelly MP* (2015) Amphetamine sensitization in mice is sufficient to produce both manic- and depressive-related behaviors as well as changes in the functional connectivity of corticolimbic structures. Neuropharmacology. 95:434-447.

Awards and Affiliations

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