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Sarah M. Kattakuzhy, MD

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:


Secondary Appointment(s):


Administrative Title:

Associate Director of the Kahlert Institute for Addiction Medicine.

Additional Title:

Co-Director, Research Initiative on Infectious Disease and Substance Use Disorder


725 West Lombard St Baltimore, MD 21201

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Education and Training

2000-2004                  BS, Biology and BS, Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University

2005-2009                  MD, Eastern Virginia Medical School

2010-2012                  Residency, Internal Medicine, George Washington University 

2012-2013                  Chief Resident, Internal Medicine, George Washington University

2018-2022                  Master of Public Health, Epidemiology, University of Maryland SOM


I am an academic clinician investigator, with expertise in hepatitis C (HCV) and opioid use disorder (OUD). In 2013, I served as a clinician within the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, Laboratory of Immunoregulation clinic, gaining experience in advanced HIV treatment and the use of directly-acting antiviral therapy for HCV. In 2014, I transitioned to the Institute of Human Virology, where I now serve as Assistant Professor in the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and simultaneously lead the Partnership for HIV/AIDS Progress' (PFAP) Research Initiative in Infectious Disease and Substance Use (RIIS) as Baltimore Site Director.

In these positions, I provide both research-related and clinical care in community-based settings, serving an urban cohort representative of the HCV and OUD epidemics. I served as the lead investigator of the SYNERGY (G,H,F) study, evaluating the limits of short duration combination DAA therapy and predictors of successful treatment, and the ASCEND study, which explored the impact of provider type on HCV treatment outcomes in community-based settings.

My current research focus is on implementation-based improvements in the care of individuals with HCV and OUD. I serve as senior investigator of ANCHOR, a unique study designed to evaluate integrated HCV treatment, OUD treatment, and harm reduction in a high-risk population of persons with OUD, HCV, and active drug use. 

Research/Clinical Keywords

Hepatitis C, Opioid Use Disorder, Implementation Science

Highlighted Publications


  1. Rosenthal ES, Silk R, Mathur P, Gross C, Eyasu R, Nussdorf L, Hill K, Brokus C, D'Amore A, Sidique N, Bijole P, Jones M, Kier R, McCullough D, Sternberg D, Stafford K, Sun J, Masur H, Kottilil S, Kattakuzhy S. Concurrent Initiation of Hepatitis C and Opioid Use Disorder Treatment in People Who Inject Drugs. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Feb 3;PubMed PMID: 32009165.
  2. Schwetz TA, Calder T, Rosenthal E, Kattakuzhy S, Fauci AS. Opioids and Infectious Diseases: A Converging Public Health Crisis. J Infect Dis. 2019 Jul 2;220(3):346-349. PubMed PMID: 30941402; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6941614.
  3. Kattakuzhy S, Gross C, Emmanuel B, Teferi G, Jenkins V, Silk R, Akoth E, Thomas A, Ahmed C, Espinosa M, Price A, Rosenthal E, Tang L, Wilson E, Bentzen S, Masur H, Kottilil S. Expansion of Treatment for Hepatitis C Virus Infection by Task Shifting to Community-Based Nonspecialist Providers: A Nonrandomized Clinical Trial. Ann Intern Med. 2017 Sep 5;167(5):311-318. PubMed PMID: 28785771; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5736381.
  4. Kattakuzhy S, Wilson E, Sidharthan S, Sims Z, McLaughlin M, Price A, Silk R, Gross C, Akoth E, McManus M, Emmanuel B, Shrivastava S, Tang L, Nelson A, Teferi G, Chavez J, Lam B, Mo H, Osinusi A, Polis MA, Masur H, Kohli A, Kottilil S. Moderate Sustained Virologic Response Rates With 6-Week Combination Directly Acting Anti-Hepatitis C Virus Therapy in Patients With Advanced Liver Disease. Clin Infect Dis. 2016 Feb 15;62(4):440-447. PubMed PMID: 26503379; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4725378.

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